A sore throat on the tongue and teeth: why it occurs and how to get rid of it

What is sore throat

The word "on edge" means "an astringent sensation in the mouth." The phrase “to set one’s teeth on edge” is often used in everyday life. When they use it, they mean something unpleasant and boring, something that irritates everyone. In general, the concept comes from the outdated word “skomit”, which means “whining”, “to hurt”, “to pinch”.

The condition may occur when eating acidic foods

A sore throat on the tongue or on the teeth is an unpleasant sensation, pain and discomfort that occurs when interacting with irritants, which most often include sour foods and drinks. It’s not for nothing that there is such an old saying: “If you love currants, you can set your teeth on edge.”

Excessive consumption of acidic foods leads to the leaching of calcium from the hard tissues of the teeth, making them more porous and susceptible to any external influence.

This phenomenon quickly passes after eating. It can appear in completely healthy people, but most often indicates the presence of problems in the oral cavity.

Features of treatment of stomatitis

The therapeutic regimen is selected taking into account the cause of the disease. The approach must be comprehensive. To relieve pain symptoms, you need to use medications containing lidocaine. These can be gels, tablets, rinsing solutions.

If it turns out that the pathology is caused by herpes, you need to use antiviral drugs, including oxolin and acyclovir. In case of severe inflammation, medications with the addition of solcoseryl, vitamins, and oils help. If the culprit of the pathology is bacteria, the use of dental ointments based on chlorhexidine, miramistin, furatsilin, metronidazole, chlorophyllipt is indicated.

When a disease is of a fungal nature, antifungal compounds come to the rescue. Their active substances are nystatin, clotrimazole, miconazole. Rinsing your mouth with a weak soda solution helps with fungus.

If during the examination it is determined that the tongue is damaged as a result of the progression of an allergic reaction, general-spectrum antihistamines are prescribed. In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of the stomach and intestines is first of all normalized. Usually, after eliminating the underlying disease, cases of stomatitis also disappear.

In order for positive dynamics to emerge as quickly as possible, the patient must follow all medical prescriptions and not stop treatment ahead of time. Then the ulcers will heal within three to seven days, the pain will be a thing of the past.

The most common causes of the problem

Doctors believe that the reason for the appearance of a sore throat on the tongue or teeth is most often associated with increased sensitivity, or scientifically called hyperesthesia, of hard and soft tissues. Why does sensitivity occur? There are certain prerequisites for this:

  • caries,
  • bruxism,
  • malocclusion,
  • glossitis, cracks, ulcers and erosions on the tongue,
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane and periodontal tissue1 (generalized gingivitis and periodontitis),
  • thin enamel that has cracks and chips,
  • exposure of the necks of the teeth,
  • non-carious pathologies: wedge-shaped defect, hypoplasia,
  • pathological abrasion of enamel,
  • bad habits: biting floss with teeth, opening bottles.

Cracks in the tongue may be the cause of the problem
“There was a period when I constantly had chips on my teeth. It was clear to me why she appeared. During pregnancy, I became addicted to salty and sour fruits. I couldn't live a day without it!!! During the examination, the dentist noticed that my teeth were all covered with small cracks and began to crumble, and prescribed enamel strengthening and vitamins (although I already took them). He also banned everything sour and prescribed Tus Mousse paste. It’s expensive, but after it the situation really improved.”

Dina1990, review from woman.ru

Often teeth set on edge occurs in people who have recently undergone orthodontic bite correction with braces, or in those who have undergone whitening. Some studies also suggest that patients with intolerance to metal dentures often complain of sore throat2.

The presence of orthodontic structures in the mouth can cause discomfort

If you are addicted to sour foods (apples, berries, sauces, tomatoes, sauerkraut and marinades, citrus fruits, fresh juices and sour wines) and consume them in large quantities, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid setting your teeth on edge. Moreover, love for these foods and drinks can result in erosion and thinning of the enamel.

Why an unpleasant sensation occurs - possible reasons

Since sore throat most often becomes a consequence of increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is first of all worth understanding the causes of this pathological condition. The following phenomena and conditions are the prerequisites for the development of hyperesthesia:

  • carious destruction,
  • inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues,
  • chips and cracks in the enamel as a result of mechanical, chemical or temperature effects,
  • intensive formation of dental plaque,
  • pathological abrasion of enamel and its thinning.

On a note! Hyperesthesia often appears when wearing braces and worsens after their removal. Upon completion of the course of orthodontic correction, it is necessary to undergo the procedure of Prof. hygiene.

Cracks in teeth can cause this symptom

As a result of aggressive exposure to chemical, temperature or mechanical factors, the enamel becomes thinner and microcracks form on its surface. Therefore, proper therapy should be aimed primarily at restoring the structure of dental tissues and saturating them with useful minerals.

To prevent the development of hyperesthesia, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day, using the correct technique and using an individually selected brush. In this regard, it is better to consult with your dentist - he will help you choose the appropriate toothpaste and bristle hardness. You should also avoid sudden temperature changes in food and drinks, and every time after acidic foods and sweets, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water or a prophylactic solution.

Often, patients with dentures and crowns notice a foreign taste in the mouth. This point is usually associated with metal components in the design of prosthetic devices. Upon contact with salivary fluid, the metal oxidizes, which leads to the appearance of a taste. In such a situation, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor - perhaps it is time to replace the crowns or dentures.

Stages of pathology development

You will be surprised, but a sore tongue or teeth that appears from sour food is not even the first stage. When the mucous membrane and hard tissues begin to react to the acidity, spiciness or sweetness of foods, doctors diagnose a moderate degree of pathology. At the very first or initial stage, the enamel and mucous membranes of the oral cavity react to the temperature of food, in particular, cold and hot (or sudden changes).

There are several stages of disease development

Doctors also identify an advanced stage, in which the sore throat and characteristic discomfort do not go away immediately after eating food. Pain is also added at this stage due to mechanical effects on the mucous membrane or enamel, for example, during daily oral hygiene.


It is easy to understand why stomatitis develops by its classification. So, doctors distinguish the following types of pathology:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • allergic;
  • autoimmune;
  • traumatic.

When determining how to treat a disease, the doctor must take into account the provoking factor. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get positive dynamics quickly.

Ways to combat sore throat at home

A sore throat on the tongue or teeth causes anxiety, and you want to get rid of it. To do this, doctors advise following several rules:

  1. you need to reduce the consumption of sour, salty, spicy foods: no irritant - no discomfort. And the sore throat on the tongue goes away faster, since cracks and wounds formed as a result of damage or diseases of the muscle organ heal better,
  2. to reduce discomfort and negative effects on enamel and mucous membranes, you can drink sour drinks and freshly squeezed juices through a straw,
  3. After eating sour food, you need to rinse your mouth and remove any remaining food. Alkaline compounds help to neutralize the effect of acid: a solution of soda in water (1 teaspoon of baking soda per glass of warm water), mineral water with bicarbonate. You can also use milk
  4. It is necessary to use toothpastes for sensitive teeth.

Rinsing your teeth with water after eating food will help relieve the symptom.
If sore throat occurs rarely and goes away within 30 seconds after eating food, then there is no need to worry. If the problem appears again and again, then you need to contact a dentist, who will determine the true cause of the pathology and prescribe professional treatment.


The basis of prevention is constant oral care. You can prevent this by following some recommendations:

  1. Try to eat less too acidic foods.
  2. Drink carbonated and sweet drinks through a cocktail straw.
  3. Avoid mechanical or chemical influences. Carrying out tooth whitening procedures too frequently thins out the enamel. Opening bottle caps with your mouth and cracking nuts is a guarantee that your teeth will get cracked or chipped.
  4. Brush your teeth with a medium-hard brush. Too hard bristles will damage the enamel, while soft bristles will be ineffective.
  5. Do not consume hot and cold foods and drinks at the same time.
  6. Rinse your mouth with infusions of medicinal plants, for example, oak bark. Such rinses restore healthy gums and saturate teeth with vitamins.
  7. Avoid pastes with a strong whitening effect that contain too many abrasive components. You cannot brush your teeth with this paste immediately after eating acidic foods. Acids soften the enamel, making it vulnerable.

Prevention is not difficult. The main thing is the regularity of its use.

Treatment methods that dentists can offer

Treatment of sore teeth, as a rule, comes down to eliminating their increased sensitivity by strengthening hard tissues through fluoridation and remineralization procedures. If the problem not only causes discomfort, but is also complicated by the loss of smile aesthetics, when the enamel-dentin layer begins to crumble, deteriorate and chip, then the doctor may suggest the installation of veneers and lumineers, and prosthetic crowns.

Fluoridation will help strengthen tooth enamel

As for the sore tongue, the pathology is not always associated with dietary habits; it may be a consequence of inflammation of a muscle organ or a disease such as glossitis. In this case, the patient requires specialized treatment: taking anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, rinsing with antiseptic solutions, ointments for accelerated tissue regeneration.

Read the article on the topic “10 types of glossitis with photos,” which will make everyone wary.

The doctor also treats concomitant diseases, the elimination of which allows you to get rid of the feeling of soreness for a long time, for example, caries, periodontal inflammation, bruxism.

Dental treatment can help resolve the problem

It must be emphasized that in rare cases, the sore throat is caused by cracks in the tongue, the cause of which can be not only mechanical damage and inflammatory processes, but also diseases of the internal organs (for example, the thyroid and pancreas). But in any case, with the problem, you should first contact a dentist, who will rule out pathologies in his area and after that refer you for examination to specialized specialists.

Ways to solve problems in dentistry

Experts believe that it is still better to treat sore throat not at home, but in dentistry. Because only a doctor can conduct a detailed diagnosis and establish the true cause of the problem.

How to remove the soreness on your teeth with the help of a dentist and make sure that the problem does not appear? Depending on the examination results and the clinical situation, the specialist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • professional oral hygiene: carried out if there is soft and hard bacterial plaque on the teeth, which is the cause of many dental diseases that provoke increased sensitivity of the enamel,
  • fluoridation and remotherapy: after these manipulations, the protective properties of hard tissues increase, their strength and resistance to irritating factors increases. During the procedure, the doctor seals the smallest cracks in the enamel, making its surface smooth and shiny,
  • treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontitis,
  • installation of veneers and lumineers: microprosthetics with thin overlays is justified in cases of enamel hypersensitivity and the presence of other minor defects (chips, cracks, stains, gaps between teeth, unsightly shade, slight curvature and irregular shape of some teeth),
  • prosthetics with crowns: this radical method is suitable only for those patients whose teeth are severely damaged,
  • making and wearing night guards for bruxism,
  • correction of bite pathologies with braces, trainers, aligners.

Preventive measures against sore throat

  • Avoid alternating cold and hot dishes (for example, you should not drink ice cream with coffee), and avoid eating too hot food and drinks: temperature changes contribute to the destruction of enamel, the appearance of small cracks, and often become a prerequisite for the development of teeth set on edge. Too hot food also irritates the oral mucosa, which can cause a burn and sore tongue,
  • try to eat less sour foods: if you like apples, then you can switch to non-acidic varieties; if you have tea with lemon, then it is better not to add lemon to the drink, but eat it as a bite,
  • it is important to avoid carbonated drinks, especially those containing phosphoric acid (Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola), as they literally “dissolve” the enamel,
  • do not use highly abrasive pastes and do not abuse whitening procedures,
  • use hygiene products that suit your clinical case: it will be better if the dentist recommends a brush and paste,
  • Do not open bottles with your teeth, do not bite threads, do not bite nails and pencils, do not crush seeds and nuts.

Do not open bottles with your teeth.
Among other things, treat dental diseases in a timely manner. To identify them, it is enough to undergo preventive examinations at the dentist twice a year.


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  1. Veizay I., Gvozdikova E.N. Increasing the effectiveness of conservative treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases by optimizing methods of professional oral hygiene // Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal. – 2015.
  2. Kuznetsova O.A., Gubanova E.I., Shemonaev V.I. Pathophysiology of intolerance to metal dentures // Volgograd Medical Scientific Journal. – 2013.

Consulting specialist

Orlova Elena Vladimirovna

Doctor rating: 9.5 out of 10 (2) Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 33 years

Finding out how serious it is: symptoms and stages

Dentists distinguish 3 stages of this condition: early, middle and advanced.


A feeling of soreness appears when the temperature changes, that is, aching pain occurs as a reaction to hot or cold. This is evidence of the onset of caries or enamel defect. After removing the irritant, the discomfort and pain quickly disappear.


In addition to the reaction to temperature changes, chemical irritants are added. The sore throat constantly appears from eating too sour or sweet foods. Lemons, oranges, apples, chocolate, sweets are not a complete list of foods that cause pain. Acid removes salts, thins and corrodes enamel.


As a result of the above, a sharp toothache appears. It lasts a long time and can only be stopped by using painkillers.


I really love all sorts of sour foods, I adore berries and I eat a lot of them, but I’ve never had a sore throat before... Is it necessary to rinse your mouth after such food?

Alena (04/21/2020 at 03:08) Reply to comment

    Dear Alena, not all people get set on edge, but teeth are gradually destroyed under the influence of large amounts of acid, and non-carious lesions (erosion, for example) may appear on them, so you still need to reduce your intake of sour foods. And yes, you need to rinse your mouth with water after eating such food.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04/28/2020 at 09:24) Reply to comment

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The meaning of the phrase “to set one’s teeth on edge”

Source (printed version):

Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics.
research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. — 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):
Fundamental electronic library


“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940);
(electronic version):
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set one's teeth on edge

1. decompression very tired, boring ◆ And what an unfortunate ability our smart, thinking ladies have to talk with a thoughtful look and with excitement about something that has long set their teeth on edge

even high school students.
A.P. Chekhov, “The Story of an Unknown Man,” 1893 ◆ It would seem that they have already set their teeth on edge
, are so worn out not only in life, but even in jokes and feuilletons, that they are no longer possible to utter. Arkady Inin, “Woman and Scandal”, 1996 (quote from NKRY)

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