Treatment of dental caries: stages and photos

Caries is a pathogenic process in which the enamel and hard tissues of teeth are destroyed. The appearance of caries occurs due to eating a large amount of sweet foods, as well as improper oral care. Both of these factors lead to the proliferation of bacteria that produce acids, which have a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Modern dentistry has many methods for diagnosing and treating caries. High-quality materials and high-tech equipment make it possible to restore teeth and block the process of further destruction.

Fluoridation: strengthening and protecting teeth

Since childhood, we have all been told that we need to eat less sweets and more fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products. And why all? They contain useful vitamins and minerals that support the health of the body, give energy and strength. Our teeth also need additional nutrition. When teeth are strong from the inside, they are better able to withstand external influences, which means that the risk of caries is reduced significantly. How to strengthen and restore tooth enamel? What is fluoridation and why is fluoride varnish needed?

Why should you entrust caries treatment to the specialists of the InWhite Medical clinic?

  • We treat caries using modern minimally invasive methods and technologies that have proven their effectiveness.
  • Caries therapy at the level of the carious spot is carried out without the use of a drill - using light-polymer materials of the ICON system. The hard tissue of the tooth remains intact, and the development of the carious process stops.
  • When treating caries, we care about aesthetics. To do this, we carefully select the color of the filling to match the natural shade of the teeth. If their surface is severely damaged, we make every effort to restore it through artistic restoration.
  • We strive to provide each patient with maximum psychological comfort when visiting our clinic.

If you need caries treatment in Moscow, choose a professional, modern clinic that uses all the latest advances in dentistry.

What is dental fluoridation?

This is a procedure for strengthening enamel, during which a specialist applies a preparation containing useful microelements to the teeth, the main of which are fluoride and calcium.
The special composition penetrates deep into the enamel, fills the pores, thereby restoring and strengthening its structure. A protective barrier against bacteria is formed on the teeth. Why is it important to have fluoridation done by a dentist? The fact is that the procedure is especially effective when the enamel is clean and polished. Often, strengthening teeth is the final stage of professional oral hygiene. The specialist first carries out ultrasonic and abrasive cleaning of stone and plaque, and then saturates the enamel with minerals. This way it better absorbs all the useful components.

Treatment methods for caries

There are two main methods for treating caries:

  • Conservative. Its essence is to return lost minerals to the enamel and restore it. This method does not involve the use of a drill, but it is only suitable for stages 1-2 of the disease. InWhite Medical clinic specialists use the latest microinvasive method with the ICON system. Treatment of caries in this case is painless. The price of therapy using this method is affordable for many categories of clients.
  • Treatment of caries using the classical method with removal of the affected tissues of the diseased tooth. The method involves drilling the tooth and then filling it. The preparation method is used in cases where there is medium or deep caries.

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Fluoridation of teeth for children: benefit or harm?

The child’s baby teeth are not yet strong: they have fragile enamel, followed by a thin dentin layer, and at the base there is a soft pulp chamber with nerve endings and blood vessels. Therefore, children's teeth are more easily damaged; caries often forms on them, which can quickly develop into complications. It seems like just yesterday there was a small dark spot on the enamel, and today your child is complaining of severe toothache and refuses to eat.

To reduce the risk of tooth decay, baby teeth need to be cleaned regularly and properly, and strengthened. How can you help your children maintain a beautiful smile and protect them from toothache? With the appearance of the first teeth, bring your child to the dentist for a preventive examination 2-3 times a year. The pediatric dentist will promptly identify possible problems, teach in a playful manner the correct technique for brushing teeth, and also carry out fluoridation that is beneficial for the enamel.

Cost of dental caries treatment

Preliminary prices for caries treatment in Moscow at the InWhite Medical clinic can be seen in the table posted on this page. The total cost of caries treatment will be calculated individually in each case. It will depend on how complex the treatment turned out to be, at what stage of development the disease was, whether there was a need for artistic restoration, as well as on the filling materials and anesthetics used.

Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dentist2,000 rub.
Orthopantomography (OPTG)1,900 rub.
Teleradiography (TRG)1,900 rub.
Treatment of caries using the Icon method5,300 rub.
Restoring a tooth with a filling (caries treatment)7,800 rub.
Tooth restoration with a filling, caries treatment (artistic restoration, one surface)10,800 rub.
Tooth restoration with a filling, caries treatment (artistic restoration, three surfaces)15,500 rub.
Tooth restoration with a filling, caries treatment, artistic restoration, class 4 according to Beck, MOD (A16.002.005)15,500 rub.

Simple fluoridation of teeth

The most common way to strengthen teeth. It is used to prevent caries. A special composition is applied to the enamel, which forms a thin protective film. What kind of composition is this? Fluoride varnish, fluorine-containing varnish, fluoride varnish or simply enamel restoration varnish - the strengthening agent has several names, but the result is the same. Your teeth are reliably protected, and the effect lasts up to six months.

Materials for the treatment of caries

In modern dentistry, various filling materials are presented for the treatment of caries, each of which has its own physicochemical characteristics.

Conventionally, all filling materials for dental treatment can be divided into several types:

  • Compositions for permanent fillings - with their help you can treat dental caries with a long-term effect. Fillings made from such materials provide the possibility of reliable restoration of damaged anatomy.
  • Compositions for temporary fillings - their installation is required for the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis. The purpose of such materials is to provide temporary closure of the exposed carious canal.
  • Filling pastes, which are used as a medicinal lining, on top of which a permanent filling is applied.
  • Materials for filling molars.

Deep fluoridation of teeth

This is a more effective way to strengthen enamel.
For deep fluoridation, a more saturated fluorogel is used. It acts not only on the surface of the teeth, but also penetrates into the deep layers of enamel. Useful microelements, as a building material, restore the structure of the tooth, preventing the development of initial caries. The strengthening effect lasts up to a year. Fluoridation of teeth has a positive effect in most cases.
But before carrying out the procedure, you must consult a specialist. Oversaturation of enamel with fluoride, as well as its lack, are equally harmful to health. Do you want your teeth to be strong? Take care of them. Take just one day out of your busy schedule and visit the dentist. Fluoridation will strengthen the enamel for a long time and protect teeth from caries.

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Is anesthesia necessary when treating caries?

When treating caries using microinvasive methods, anesthesia is not required, since these methods do not involve the use of a drill and are painless in themselves. If we are talking about the treatment of level 3 or 4 caries with opening of the carious cavity and filling, local anesthesia is necessary.

Modern dentistry has a variety of latest generation anesthetics. They are affordable, do not cause allergies, and are suitable for pregnant women and children. In any case, the anesthetic is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

How is caries treated with laser?

Laser treatment of caries is a modern non-contact method. The laser beam passes into the dental tissue to the depth required for treatment. It removes affected tissue, disinfects, and reduces the likelihood of bleeding. At the same time, the laser does not damage healthy tissue.

The advantages of laser treatment of dental caries are the minimal risk of complications, the ability to control the intensity and depth of the effect. With all its advantages, the laser is effective in the early stages of caries, like other non-invasive methods.

Indications for applying fluoride varnish

The range of indications for coating teeth with varnish is quite wide and includes many points. Therefore, almost everyone can use fluoride varnish. Most often, the procedure is performed in the following cases:

  • with increased tooth sensitivity,
  • for the prevention of caries,
  • if there are areas of demineralization on the enamel,
  • after ultrasonic teeth cleaning,
  • before installing crowns,
  • in case of injury.

This procedure has virtually no contraindications. These include only increased sensitivity to components and an excess of fluoride in the body. Teeth can be coated with fluoride varnish as early as 6 years of age. Allergic reactions to the composition of the varnish are extremely rare.

Oral hygiene

Individual hygiene procedures are exogenous methods of prevention. It is imperative to monitor the quality and condition of the brushes, follow the correct cleaning technique and do it regularly. It is advisable to use rinses, irrigators and dental floss as additional care methods.

Pastes for caries prevention

At home, you can use compounds that have therapeutic and preventive effects. When used daily, they compact the enamel, remove soft plaque and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.


Such pastes contain active amino fluoride. The action of this component is based on the natural mechanisms of fluoride, which is independently integrated into the enamel layer and prevents the leaching of calcium. Using these cleansers twice a day reduces the likelihood of developing the disease by 50%.

Without its content

Drinking water contains a certain amount of fluoride. If the indicators are within normal limits, then the enamel is independently saturated with this mineral. To maintain health, 1.2 mg/l is enough. In such situations, fluoride-free toothpastes are used to prevent dental caries in adults. They contain large amounts of calcium and also have an antibacterial effect. Used for everyday hygiene 2 times a day.

Dental floss

Unlike other products, it is able to remove food debris in the interdental spaces. These areas are inaccessible to brushes, so this is where problems most often arise. Fibers of synthetic or natural origin are used for manufacturing. To achieve maximum effect, the thread is impregnated with special solutions containing fluorides or antimicrobial components. It is advisable to use it after every snack or at least in the evening before brushing your teeth.

Mouth rinses

To further strengthen the protection, fluoride-based solutions are used at home, which have an anti-caries effect. They neutralize the aggressive effects of acid, which destroys enamel, and also prevent the proliferation of pathogens. Experts recommend rinsing your mouth with these products after each meal, as well as before bed.


These devices are not an effective measure. They are used as an alternative when you don't have a brush or floss to hand to get rid of food stuck between your teeth. Doctors recommend giving preference to plastic or wooden products. Toothpicks must have a smooth surface without chips or cracks. Make sure that the end is slightly rounded, otherwise you may damage your gums.

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