Why do you dream about treating teeth? Interpretation of sleep in three dream books

» Dream Interpretation » Treating teeth in a dream - the meaning of the dream



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The most disturbing and disturbing subjects in dreams include problems with teeth. Treating teeth in a dream does not always mean bad changes in life. But in order to correctly interpret what you see, it is necessary to take into account the smallest details and analyze the details. Perhaps the vision will predict pleasant changes in fate.

Treating teeth in a dream - the meaning of the dream

What does dental treatment portend in a dream?

Don't get upset in advance. A dream about visiting a dentist does not symbolize impending bad events; on the contrary, such a night vision plot is a good sign. Such a dream predicts the resolution of pressing problems, a way out of existing difficulties in all areas of life: career, profession, family, love. The dream predicts an optimistic mood, material well-being, and resolution of love difficulties.

What procedures did the doctor perform in your dream?

The interpretation of the dream plot is based directly on the manipulations performed and your feelings:

  • Painless drilling, filling - empty worries, vain expectations of a bad event;
  • Put a filling - get long-awaited help, get rid of troubles and problems;
  • Putting on a denture means the emergence of new prospects and tempting opportunities;
  • Whitening the surface of the teeth is a sign of tormenting remorse - a sign of the need to change relationships with the surrounding reality;
  • Treating gum inflammation is a quick achievement of what you want.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account its details:

  • it was painful - a temporary deterioration in health;
  • nothing hurt - vain fears;
  • spit out blood - an important official or legal matter requires a written decision;
  • If you felt discomfort, it was better to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

If in a dream a dentist puts a filling on you

Filling a tooth is a sign of successful resolution of accumulated difficulties. You can easily cope with pressing matters and problems. Such a dream foreshadows financial and love successes, finding harmony in relationships with the people around you.

A dream with teeth filling is especially favorable for businessmen: the vision prophesies an increase in profits, income, and getting rid of debts and loans.

Filling a healthy tooth means moving quickly, changing your place of residence from home to a city or country. For a family man, such a vision plot foreshadows a possible addition to the family, despite the absence of reasons for suspicion.

There is an interpretation of the plot that brings disappointment, disruption of the harmony of relationships with loved ones, and the appearance of unpleasant gossip that compromises you. To do this, the dream must be accompanied by drilling of a healthy tooth by a doctor - a dentist whom you do not know, do not trust, and are trying to interfere with.

The placement of fillings, gum and oral treatment procedures dreamed of by a young woman promise possible quarrels with colleagues, close people, and loved ones.

A seal that falls out almost immediately after installation is exposing you to dishonesty in the business sphere.

Dream: Teeth

Dreams about teeth are extremely common, as a rule, they are disturbing, but extremely rarely they occur in the form of nightmares. Such dreams rather reflect a state of health, or the proximity of changes for the dreamer himself, so it is worth paying extreme attention to this symbol.

A dream in which you looked at your teeth

- says that your enemies are not asleep, be vigilant.

Everyone was there

- you will be lucky to get back everything that was taken from you.

If your teeth are clean and white

- success awaits you.


- your spouse will cheat on you.

Sick and darkened teeth in a dream

- you will go through a conflict or risk getting sick.


- someone close will suffer.

Seeing someone have beautiful teeth

- soon you will meet someone with whom you will tie the knot.

Chew them, according to the dream book

- a hint that you should prepare for business thoroughly.

If they are suffering from an infection

- you will use foul language.


- you will be very glad and happy in reality.

To see someone without them

- enemies will not be able to harm you.

I dreamed that a new one was growing

- you will be lucky to sort out the problems.

If they cut themselves

- you will make peace with someone with whom you are in a quarrel.

Looking at teeth in the mirror

- Visit the dentist.

Turned out to be hollow

- you will avoid problems.

Dreamed that you had baby teeth

- you will have an affair with someone who is younger than you.

We saw that they were crooked

- a dark streak awaits you in life.

Gold teeth

- someone may slander you.

Wax, wood or glass

- imminent death.

Losing a tooth in a dream

- a sign that you should be alone.

We saw in a dream how he staggers

- you risk getting sick.

Pull out the tooth and put it back in your mouth

- your spouse may get hurt.

According to the dream book, take it out without pain

- imminent large profit.

Ill vomit

- the dream hints that you should not worry about unsolvable problems.

Pulling teeth at a dentist appointment

- you will push away the one who bothers you.

I dreamed that they fell out without pain

- you are exhausted, you need rest.

If the process of loss is painful

- someone close to you will die.

Looking at a tooth that has fallen out

- changes will happen soon.

As the dream book says, knock out a tooth with your tongue

- a sign that you will be very lucky.

Spit it out

— you and your relatives may get sick.

I dreamed that the front upper one fell out

- a man from your family may die.

Front lower

- a close relative will die.

I dreamed that the side fell out

- a distant relative will die. On the left - someone close will leave.

On right

- relatively old.

Lost a molar in a dream

- death of parents.


- the child will die.


- brothers or sisters are in danger.

Loss of two or three teeth

- a reflection of a lack of vitality.

I dreamed that one fell out

- the news will upset you.


- you will be in a difficult situation through your own fault.


- difficulties and troubles will be serious.

Someone else lost a tooth in your dream

- you fear for the life and health of this person on a subconscious level.

Break yours

- Exertion will harm your health.

If they cannot withstand the load and crumble

- you will be forced to push ambitions to the background.

Knocked out tooth in a dream

- failure of plans.

The baby has lost milk

- your stupidity will not lead to good.

Have you seen dental fillings?

- an expression that you are not confident in your own safety.

Clean them

- They will ask you to borrow money.

Hole in tooth

- your friends are hypocrites.

Treat the one that is healthy in a dream

- you will soon change your place of residence.

Someone cleans them in a dream

- you will work for someone and will not be able to earn normal money.

Rinse your teeth with medicine

- you will diligently fight for your happiness.

Install new ones, according to the dream book

- a sign that material security awaits you.

Get rid of tartar and plaque

- you will soon get rid of the illness that has been bothering you.

The beauty of teeth in a dream

- a hint that you will soon be happy.

Feeling with your tongue the place where the extracted tooth once was and not finding such a place

- you will predict a task that you will never start.

The dentist carefully cleans them

- don’t be gullible, you can be used.

Dreamed of dental fixes

- there will be a bad streak in your business.


- you may be mistaken about something.

Flux on the cheek

- you will be busy with a profitable business.

If you have teeth like a vampire

- reflections of distrust of one’s surroundings.

Removing what's stuck in your teeth

- you will be able to deal with problems.

Picking with a toothpick in a dream

- you will be satisfied with life.

They bare their teeth at you

- envious people are waiting for you, beware of the evil eye and damage.

I dreamed that I had to escape from someone’s teeth

- Be prepared for your friend's betrayal.

Clicking teeth

- you have to work on your mistakes.

Someone else clicked

- the news will upset you.

Inedible biting in a dream

- you will go through difficult times.

Be proud of your teeth

- contacts will not meet your expectations.

I dreamed that my teeth were falling out

- empty talk can prevent you from completing a task, do not waste your energy. Find a worthy direction for using your strengths.

Rotten teeth

- scandals between spouses, misunderstandings and discord in the family. Everyone will foam at the mouth to prove their point of view.

Teeth with blood

- great changes in life, most likely, they will affect existing relationships.

A dream in which you have to pull out a tooth

- have a frivolous affair, concentrate completely only on your emotions, live by the desires of your lover. Another interpretation is confusion of feelings, confused thoughts, inability to understand what is happening.

Teeth are crumbling

- unfavorable dream. He warns that one must be prepared for numerous misfortunes, disappointments, and losses. Your plans are not destined to come true now.

The tooth is loose

- the appearance of a new family member or deterioration in the well-being of children.

I dreamed of brushing my teeth

- you will be supported, but this will be done reluctantly. You will feel awkward.

To treat teeth

- deterioration in health will be a temporary event. You will be able to start implementing your plans and achieve excellent results in your work.

White teeth

- the situation will stabilize, relations will improve. Prosperity and success in business awaits.

A tooth broke in a dream

- an unforeseen circumstance that can cause damage. There is a high risk of injury for older people.

Child's teeth

- the efforts made will be in vain. Don't have any false illusions about the job available.

I have a toothache

- receive an invitation to a magnificent celebration organized by one of your close relatives.

Knocked out teeth, according to the interpretation of the dream book

- you will be able to significantly improve your current affairs by increasing your professional level. Competitors are working hard to get ahead, so make every effort to not give them the slightest opportunity to do this.

Dreaming of pulling out a tooth

— urgent assistance from a competent medical specialist will be needed.

See your front teeth fall out

- witness the death of a person. To be a witness in some case.

I dreamed that there was a hole in my tooth

- minor losses of information, some information. Relationships between colleagues may deteriorate significantly.

Black teeth

— take your achievements to a new level. Be known as a successful and enterprising person.

Rotten tooth fell out

- your burden is too much for you. Make it a rule to distribute the total workload among your employees, do not take on everything yourself.

Tooth, filling in a dream

- fraud is rampant among your partners, break the existing relationship between you, and start looking for worthy candidates.

Baby tooth

— the infantilism with which you approach serious tasks is unacceptable. Look at the world like an adult.

Gold teeth

- you will have to deal with unplanned expenses and endure a significantly weakened financial situation.

A dream in which you begin to insert teeth

- the risk of ending up in a hospital bed. Be extremely careful and if your health worsens, seek medical help immediately.

Sick teeth

- serious illness is at risk.

Pull out a tooth

- the immediate family is in distress; they will need your help and participation.

Dreaming of a molar

- trouble may happen, this is especially likely for older people.

Pull a tooth out

- to be the envy of ill-wishers. If you are extremely careful, everything will be as easy as water off a duck's back.

Spitting out teeth

- threat of illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Important changes will occur

A dream in which you visit a dentist is a sign of upcoming changes that are destined to happen regardless of your wishes. The nature of the changes is determined by the vision of the results of a visit to the dentist.

To dream of canceling a visit to the dentist means that in reality an influential person will help you overcome difficulties.

Successful dental treatment is a symbol of getting rid of difficult living conditions and problems with work. The experiences that exhaust the dreamer will soon become a thing of the past.

Other interpretations of night dreams

By remembering small details, a person can unravel the dream as accurately as possible. Modern dream books give the following meanings of night dreams about dentists:

  • filling a sore tooth means dramatic changes in fate;
  • tear out - say goodbye to events and people from the past;
  • entering the office and being afraid means a change of place of work;
  • female doctor - a short illness during which you will have to follow a diet;
  • modern equipment in the office - treason or petty betrayal;
  • tooth extraction without pain and blood - news of the death of a friend;
  • treat a loose molar - positive changes;
  • dental instruments are sacrifices to achieve a goal;
  • watching the doctor’s manipulations is empty hope;
  • rinse your mouth - sudden difficulties resulting from mistakes made in the past;
  • drill - doubts, feelings of helplessness, uncertainty;
  • painkiller injection - a pleasant journey;
  • being a dentist and talking to a patient means talkativeness, excessive openness;
  • coming into the office and discussing upcoming treatment means causing a quarrel;
  • sitting in a chair, waiting for the doctor to prepare everything necessary - a request for help;
  • going to the dentist with a friend - doubting the friend’s sincerity;
  • nervous doctor - money problems.

You will do business successfully

Successful dental healing promises businessmen the smooth implementation of bold undertakings, their investments promise to bring good dividends, and good luck will accompany their business.

After such a dream, planned activities are carried out successfully and income increases. A transition to the next level of the career ladder, a promotion, and the emergence of tempting prospects become likely.

Painless successful treatment of a tooth by a dentist is a symbol of the imminent onset of disturbing circumstances, the resolution of existing problematic situations. Such a dream plot will have a positive effect on your relationships with colleagues, close friends, relatives, and predicts the stabilization of your work.

A dream in which someone is being treated or your teeth are being inserted

A dream picture associated with contemplating the treatment of someone else’s teeth means that reality has in store for you a meeting of a close friend. A faithful friend will appear nearby, capable of coming to the rescue at any moment, listening, and forgiving.

Installation of a denture (crown, plate) carries with it an approaching test. A similar dream plot is interpreted as follows: realizing your dream will require a lot of effort and patience. Despite the heavy load, you can achieve what you want, of course, if you are confident and persistent enough.

If a sick person sees a night vision in which he is cured of caries, tartar, plaque, then in reality he will experience progress in treatment, healing, recovery, and improvement of affairs in other areas of life.

Health and emotional background

Black blood from a tooth in a dream is often associated with worries about real events. For a patient, a flowing black stream in a dream promises recovery.

During the period of mourning for a deceased loved one, black bloody liquid in the mouth means that the pain of loss will begin to subside.

A pure red bright drop on the gum means illness and trouble for relatives. Bleeding incisors indicate children, younger brothers and sisters, fangs - uncles and aunts, molars - older relatives.

A dream in which your teeth are covered with plaque or you are trying to treat your teeth yourself

A vision showing the appearance of plaque is a harbinger of a vile game that is being played against you in reality. The instigators may be your surrounding acquaintances; your loved ones have dishonest intentions.

Self-treatment is explained as follows: You are worried about losing the support of loved ones; perhaps a difficult situation is approaching, which you will have to overcome alone, without the help of loved ones.

According to Miller, such a dream plot - independent treatment - symbolizes the independence, independence of the dreamer in various areas of activity.

Whiten teeth in a dream

A vision associated with teeth whitening contains information about remorse that torments you due to unfair treatment of others. The dentist performs whitening - there is a need to change relationships with close friends, your life views, and other aspects of life.

According to Vanga’s dream book, bleaching symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of the burden of past mistakes, as well as the emergence of new friends, valuable acquaintances, personal improvement, and the acquisition of significant personality traits.

Dream Interpretations of Longo and Freud

A trip to the dentist portends a man having strong concerns about some situation that concerns him personally. If a woman had such a dream, in the near future she will want to devote all her time to her home, children and husband. When your spouse doesn’t mind, you should listen to your desire and leave work at least for a while, at least if it doesn’t give you pleasure. This is how Yuri Longo interprets night dreams about a dentist.

Sigmund Freud's transcripts have sexual overtones . So, a man who dreams about the need to remove several teeth, in reality worries about potency. The meaning for the woman depends on what the doctor did. If he pulled out loose teeth, in real life the lady does not get satisfaction with her partner.

If a person sees himself as a dentist, skillfully removing the teeth of his loved ones, in reality he should think about his behavior. Rash actions and evil words cause pain to friends and relatives, but the dreamer either does not notice this or enjoys the suffering of others. You need to learn to be more tolerant of others. By causing trouble to others, the dreamer risks receiving a response from the Universe that is stronger than the evil committed.

A dentist in a dream: what does it portend?

Treatment at the dentist is always a favorable omen of future changes in all areas of your life. You will be able to put your affairs, thoughts, and feelings in order, although many things in the present seem confusing.

A dentist visiting your dream portends profit, increased income, well-being, and career growth. Work will bring not only income, but also pleasure, positive emotions, and the opportunity for self-realization.

However, traces of blood appearing on the hands or dentist’s coat are a symbol of exacerbation of chronic diseases and impending health problems. The dreamer is recommended to undergo additional consultation with a family doctor after a similar night vision plot.

Doctor's actions

What a dentist dreams about depends on what he did in the dream. If you remember a dental examination, you need to remember what mood the dentist was in and what he said. A smile, an optimistic appearance and words of encouragement are a harbinger of profit. If the doctor was gloomy, upset or dissatisfied, the dreamer will suffer losses. It won’t come to the point of falling into a financial hole, but the belt will have to be tightened. There is still time to take action, and you should try to do everything possible to prepare for the lack of money.

A dream with a screaming dentist predicts a showdown with neighbors, employees of budgetary organizations or superiors. If the doctor says that the teeth are in poor condition and may fall out, in reality you should prepare for family quarrels based on infidelity. It is possible that the matter is heading towards divorce. If the sleeper wants to save his family, he should make a lot of effort and show wisdom.

Did you dream that the dentist cured gumboil? In real life, you will receive a generous gift from fate. Luck will smile on the sleeper, he just needs to not miss the chance. Night dreams in which the doctor drilled an unhealthy tooth to put a filling indicate the dreamer’s excessive gullibility. He probably opens his soul to unfamiliar people without a doubt, and soon this will turn into trouble. The dream warns that you need to be careful.

Often people dream that the doctor is drilling the wrong tooth. This plot should be interpreted as a prediction of an event after which the dreamer’s life will literally be divided into 2 parts. Something significant will happen, such as:

  • wedding;
  • birth of a child;
  • divorce of parents or your own;
  • moving to another country;
  • loss of a good job.

Seeing blood on the doctor’s hands or on the floor of the office is a sign of illness. It will not be severe, but it is better to go to the doctor now and make sure that the symptoms you are experiencing do not pose a serious threat to your health. Another meaning of this dream is the arrival of distant relatives with whom there has been no close communication for a long time.

Those who dream about brushing their teeth should be careful. So, if the sleeper watched the procedure in the mirror or simply felt that the dentist was removing plaque, in reality his friends take advantage of his kindness. The dreamer should learn to be tougher, otherwise he will have to feel the bitterness of betrayal.

Other meanings

Many dream books interpret a dentist and the process of dental treatment seen during sleep as a good omen: the sick person will soon be healed, the disease will be overcome, and will not be as difficult as previously imagined.

Installation of a denture foreshadows a profitable deal, a valuable purchase, or the acquisition of a benefit. Perhaps soon you will be able to buy a long-awaited element of household appliances, a modern smartphone.

Many dream books agree: installing a filling, treatment, unnecessarily drilling - an upcoming move, a change in residence permit, for a family person - a prediction of an upcoming addition to the family.

Transcripts of Velez and Miss Hasse

Miss Hasse interpreted dreams about the dentist as reflecting a physical and mental state. According to her dream book, dreams of a dentist or a trip to him occur when a person needs rest. Continuing to work all the way, you can bring the body to exhaustion. When the memories of a dream are vague, but the pain is remembered, in reality you need to urgently consult a doctor and check those organs that the person knows are not in order.

A dream that someone you know or the sleeper himself has retrained as a dentist portends good luck . If you remember a white robe, a vacancy that the dreamer has been looking for for a long time will soon appear. You need to not get lost and do everything possible to get your dream job.

The Small Velesov Dream Book claims that night dreams about a dentist foreshadow a change not only in work, but also in the field of activity. If you felt severe pain in a dream, in reality you will have to face difficulties that seem insoluble. But everything is surmountable, although to solve some life problems you will have to use intelligence, perseverance and wisdom.

Anyone who dreamed of dental treatment using the most modern materials should relax: life has not prepared anything bad for you. Everything will happen calmly and measuredly.

What is better - to rely on the interpretations of dream books or to continue to live, guided by intuition and life experience, the dreamer chooses himself. Both options are good, but it never hurts to listen to the voice of the subconscious, which is dreams. The main thing is to be able to draw the right conclusions.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous clairvoyant Vanga interpreted the treatment procedures seen in a dream for patients with caries and rotten teeth as a reason to pay more attention to health. Indeed, oral health predicts overall health.

It was Vanga who said: the loss or removal of a tooth seen in a dream is a sign of impending loss, perhaps someone close will soon die. This is the Bulgarian clairvoyant’s interpretation of such pictures of night visions.

There is an extreme level of the plot about loss, if the dentist removed all your teeth, then you smile at yourself in the mirror - a lonely old age, solitude awaits you.

What Vanga says

If you dream of treating teeth that are rotten and spoiled by caries, pay attention to your own health, as such a dream indicates an internal illness. If you tear your teeth, this is a bad omen, indicating the death of one of your loved ones.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to such a detail - whether you lose teeth with or without blood. The thing is that if you lose your tooth with blood and pain, then this indicates a painful loss of a blood relative. But if you lose them without blood and pain, the losses will be insignificant, it is quite possible that they will bring you news of the death of a distant relative or acquaintance.

Toothache - possibly mental pain

And if the doctor pulled out all your teeth and you see your toothless smile, this is an indication of a lonely old age. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your own attitude towards relatives and friends, so that they do not leave you alone in your old age.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: why do you dream about treating teeth in a dream?

The most famous predictor of the past, Nostradamus, said that visions showing the process of visiting the dentist are an omen of life events that require a large supply of energy, concentration of strength, which will be required to overcome impending problems.

A case of prolapse after treatment predicts that you will experience the loss of a close friend, someone dear.

According to Nostradamus, self-treatment or assistance in treating another - reality prepares for the rapid establishment of romantic relationships, the restoration of understanding with the other half.

The oral cavity, tongue, gums, teeth are “signs of vital energy.” Therefore, a healthy mouth in a dream becomes a favorable symbol. Painful sensations during treatment or removal are a sign of the emergence of unexpected problems - a symbol of impending difficulties, difficult situations in real life.

How is the treatment carried out?

First of all, doctors prepare the baby - they get to know him, tell him about teeth beaming in a playful way, turn on the baby’s favorite cartoons so that he can relax and stop being afraid. Next, the baby is allowed to breathe oxygen - they put on a mask so that he gets used to it and understands that there is nothing to worry about. After a couple of minutes, Sevoran gas is supplied. Since the gas is highly concentrated, the immersion in anesthesia occurs very quickly - literally in the first few breaths.

After putting the little patient under anesthesia, the doctor begins treatment. Throughout the entire treatment period, the assistant monitors vital signs using special equipment - temperature, pulse, blood pressure, heart function. After treatment is completed, the little patient is gently brought out of anesthesia. After recovery from anesthesia, breathing is restored immediately, the baby wakes up, and within 15-30 minutes leaves the clinic in a good mood and feeling well.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream interpreter according to Miller explains the pictures of night visions with the processes of treating the oral cavity as follows:

  • Dreaming about the removal process is an unfavorable symbol. Problems with your own health and the health of your loved ones and relatives may arise. The loss of a loved one is possible. However, a favorable completion of the treatment process, contemplation of a healthy smile has the opposite meaning - quick success, making a profit, career growth, establishing love relationships, order in thoughts and feelings.
  • A young girl who dreamed that her teeth were again affected and blackened, in reality will face the spread of gossip behind her back, the presence of a two-faced person surrounded by her.
  • Well-treated, healthy, whitened teeth are a sign of positive changes, pleasant time in the company of friends, mutual understanding.

List of used literature:

  • Bolshakov I.V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in Ancient Egypt (historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. — 2005
  • Nechaenko D. A. History of literary dreams of the 19th-20th centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. - M.: University Book, 2011.

Other interpretations

In the process of interpreting this night vision, it is worth taking into account other details and nuances.

  1. You see how the tooth enamel is covered with a yellowish or dark coating - this is an indication of betrayal on the part of your family and friends. And this will surprise you because you trusted them completely.
  2. To treat them yourself, so to speak, in the old fashioned way, with old-fashioned methods - in reality, you should rely only on yourself. You are not sure that your family will not support you in difficult times.
  3. Whitening your teeth at home is an indication that you are satisfied with your decisions and actions, but whitening them in a clinic means worrying about a very unseemly act. But for the most part, such a vision speaks of internal cleansing from past sins and sorrows.

As you can see, dreams about teeth carry a variety of meanings, and the details will help lift the veil of the future.

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