5 useful tips for those who swallowed a tooth crown

Home methods for removing baby teeth are not always safe

The most common way to forcibly pull out loose baby teeth at home is with a thread tied to the tooth and wound around the door handle. Some “lucky” readers probably went through this procedure in childhood and remember how unpleasant it was. Home methods for pulling teeth are not always safe. Such removal can provoke the development of infection or inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth, which requires serious treatment. Find out what to do if the hole becomes rotten after tooth extraction.

Using improvised means, you can remove a baby tooth at home only if it is literally “hanging by a thread.” But in order not to cause psychological trauma to the child, this procedure must be made into a game.

Tip #3: Visit the Emergency Room and Get an X-Ray

If a problem arises with a living tooth in which the crown has fallen off or broken off, then most people think first of all to visit the dentist. Although in reality, you first need to go to a place where you can get an X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract. In dentistry, you will not get examinations of those organs that are located below the head, but, for example, in the emergency room there are devices installed that will help you quickly take pictures of the desired area and study the situation. After the photographs have been taken, you can additionally consult a surgeon or gastroenterologist.

It is advisable to undergo an X-ray examination of the stomach

If crowns or elements of braces (the problem is also quite common) get into the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine, doctors resort to surgical intervention only in the most extreme cases. Basically, experts choose a wait-and-see approach, prescribing laxatives and enemas to remove foreign materials from the body, washing the stomach and intestines.

“Two years ago there was a situation where I swallowed a crown from a tooth, or rather not a complete crown, but a part of it that broke off. I immediately got scared and went to the doctor, they took an x-ray. The pictures showed where she was stuck, the doctor prescribed all sorts of pills. But nothing helped, it seemed to have grown into me. After a while, I began to notice tingling sensations on the right side and felt pain, so they scheduled surgery under anesthesia. It’s unpleasant, of course, that it all ended like this, but at least she remained alive. And I heard in the hospital that there can also be deaths from this, especially if the patient did not seek help in time...”

Karina, review from the dental portal gidpozubam.ru

Little Mouse VS Tooth Fairy

Loss of baby teeth in children is associated with rituals in different countries. In Russia, back in ancient times (since the 18th century), there was a belief that a lost tooth should be put in the hole of a mouse and in return ask it for a permanent one, which will be healthy and durable.

In the West, instead of a mouse, the Tooth Fairy is popular, which exchanges a baby tooth placed under the pillow for money. This is precisely the reason why children in Russia nowadays prefer to “cooperate” with her.

Tip #2: Assess the situation and be prepared for complications

If you swallowed a tooth crown, what should you do? First of all, try to be near the mirror and assess the situation. Consider the magnitude of the “loss.” Did the crown break off partially or was it completely swallowed? In the first case, you should be wary and closely monitor your condition, and it is also advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible, because the piece could have sharp edges that could injure the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus.

Our gastrointestinal tract is designed in such a way that other objects that are no larger than a tablet in size can freely pass through it along with food. But sometimes troubles still happen. Let's look at what other complications this situation is fraught with:

  • internal bleeding,
  • perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines,
  • intestinal obstruction.

If you have alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
So, if the crown is intact, smooth and round, then it will not cause harm, and in this case, doctors advise sticking to a wait-and-see approach in the first few days. Most likely, either a natural or an artificial tooth will leave the body in the most natural way - depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this can take up to 4 days.

But if you believe that the edges of the swallowed fragment could be sharp and want to protect yourself, then it’s time to see a doctor. You should also be alerted to the alarming symptoms accompanying complications if you monitor your condition for several days rather than immediately go to a specialist: nausea or vomiting with blood, feces with blood, wheezing or wheezing, shortness of breath, signs of general intoxication of the body.

In the future, people will not have wisdom teeth

It is now recognized that wisdom teeth are vestigial. This is the most problematic group of teeth, with many painful moments associated with it. When they erupt, a person may experience severe pain, inflammation, fever, and when all wisdom teeth appear, crowding of the dentition may begin. At the same time, they play almost no role in the process of experiencing food. Evolutionary changes lead to the fact that in modern times, wisdom teeth are increasingly not erupting in adults. It can be assumed that in the future they will disappear altogether.

Tip #4: Adjust your diet

In order for the body to cleanse itself by accelerating intestinal motility, and for the crown to have a greater chance of coming out naturally, you can eat corn, whole grains, solid vegetables and fruits, and it is recommended to drink a lot of water. For example, the same corn passes through the intestines practically unchanged, which means that the crown has exactly the same chances.

If you swallow a crown, do not under any circumstances try to induce vomiting to get it out. This is fraught with the fact that in this case it can get into the respiratory tract and lungs, injuring the intestines, which is truly life-threatening.

Inducing vomiting

Inducing vomiting is a very bad idea. If a tooth is stuck in the esophagus, this may not help, and getting it out of the stomach at the cost of dehydration and possible digestive upset is too costly in terms of the resources of the human body. It should be remembered that vomiting is an emergency defense mechanism, and not a normal state of the body. To cause it yourself means to consciously undermine your health.

Even if the tooth really got stuck on the way from the esophagus to the stomach, a sharp influx of semi-digested food from below will push it with enough force for the sharp edges to leave a scratch on the mucous membrane.

How exactly does a crown fall out and what to do in each specific case?

When a prosthesis falls out, many people are at a loss, not knowing what to do. Especially if you can’t visit the dentist in the near future. No special tragedy happened, so the crown needs to be found and disinfected in an alcohol solution. It is advisable to preserve its integrity.

Carefully inspect the fallen prosthesis for any damage. If they exist, then to what degree of severity.

It is quite possible that an intact crown can be installed in its original place. Therefore, there is a possibility of doing without unnecessary financial expenses.

The restoration of the crown will depend on the reason for which it fell out. Let's consider possible options for providing assistance in various situations.

After the prosthesis fell out, a tooth remained

Most of the population may encounter such unpleasant situations in their lives as loss of dentures. Situations like this are very frustrating. Especially if the fallen crown was only recently installed.

The positive thing here is that the tooth remains in place. It is desirable that its natural color is preserved and there is no unnecessary damage. In this case, the dentist will be able to put the crown in its original place.

The crown can be restored easily if the dental stump is not damaged

The fallen prosthesis is carefully examined to see if there are any visible damage or breakages. If integrity is completely preserved, then the following actions must be performed:

  • Disinfect the dental crown and dry thoroughly. Also treat the oral cavity with a rinse
  • Carefully apply a layer of adhesive inside the prosthesis
  • Precisely attach the crown to its original place and support it with your fingers for a while to secure it. If the dental stump is intact, then the prosthesis can stick firmly and thoroughly

The prosthesis with the pin falls out

In a situation where the prosthesis falls out along with the dental stump, the main reason may be the individual characteristics of the root system. For example, a person’s roots are too fragile due to a lack of calcium in the body.

Let's consider what other reasons such a situation may arise.

  • In the process of preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics, the dental canal was not sufficiently cleaned, the installation of the pin wedge was shallow, for this reason there was no adequate support for the teeth
  • The pin insert weakened due to poor quality of the cement mortar, resulting in loss
  • The dentist ignored the presence of periodontal disease in the patient, or the patient’s root walls were excessively thinned

When visiting a dental clinic, the doctor will x-ray examine the oral cavity, including the jaws and teeth. Basically the work comes down to installing a new pin fastener. After which a new impression is taken and a prosthesis is made based on it. In some cases, the doctor recommends implantation.

The denture falls out along with the tooth

Sometimes the tooth root can become affected by the inflammatory process. In this case, the crown usually falls out along with the tooth stump. What causes inflammation? Most often, a person does not observe basic oral hygiene. In second place is a poorly conducted preparatory treatment process before prosthetics.

After contacting the clinic, before installing the prosthesis, the doctor conducts an X-ray examination. This makes it possible to thoroughly study the situation with the roots and surrounding tissues.

If the choice is to install a solid-cast or metal-ceramic prosthesis, the dentist carries out endodontic therapy. The process includes:

  • High-quality canal filling
  • Depulpation with removal of the nerve ending and filling of the root canal
  • Removing rotten roots

If the crown falls out along with the tooth, pins are used to restore it

The crown falls out along with the tooth stump if inflammation occurs in the root area. Before installing the pin insert and covering the tooth stump with a prosthesis, the doctor is obliged to assess the overall condition of the dental system.

If at some stage of the treatment process the dentist makes a mistake, then the patient may subsequently receive an unpleasant surprise in the form of the prosthesis falling out.

As soon as the root of the tooth begins to crumble under the crown, the inflammatory process will spread to its apex and surrounding tissues. In this case, granulomas and cysts may form. A putrid, unpleasant odor appears from under the prosthesis, and the stump beneath it darkens. Soreness may occur. Gradually the tooth becomes loose and the denture falls out along with it.


I have a crown on a post. If I suddenly accidentally swallow it along with the pin, how dangerous will it be?

Alexey (03/09/2019 at 21:40) Reply to comment

    Dear Alexey. Swallowing a pin is a very rare and dangerous situation. This can only happen if the dentist did a poor job installing it. If such a situation does occur, then it will be necessary to take an x-ray and get an emergency consultation with a gastroenterologist, because the consequences can be tragic - damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines, internal bleeding. Most often, to remove the pin, doctors resort to surgery, i.e. perform a surgical operation.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (03/11/2019 at 09:11) Reply to comment

My son had a temporary filling with arsenic placed on Friday, and he swallowed it on Saturday. We won't be able to see the doctor until Monday. What to do and why is it dangerous?

Victoria Kalinina (03/17/2019 at 11:47 am) Reply to comment

    Dear Victoria. Modern arsenic pastes contain small amounts of toxins and are quite safe, and their dosage is too minimal to cause significant harm to the body. But in some cases, arsenic can cause poisoning and intoxication of the body, nausea and vomiting, and allergic reactions in a child. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the stomach, give the child sorbents and antihistamines, and carefully monitor his condition. If necessary, call an ambulance or consult a pediatrician on Monday.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (03/24/2019 at 09:18) Reply to comment

Does it make a difference what you swallowed: a piece of a natural tooth or an artificial crown?

Vlasov Yu.V. (04/12/2019 at 16:13) Reply to comment

    There is practically no difference, the consequences can be similar. But some experts believe that a swallowed piece of a natural tooth will not cause any complications in 100% of cases, but artificial material may be incompatible with the body and its swallowing is often fraught with unpleasant consequences.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04/15/2019 at 08:57) Reply to comment

My child swallowed a baby tooth two days ago and feels great, but for some reason nothing comes out naturally. When is it time to start worrying?

Alina (04/28/2019 at 15:04) Reply to comment

    Dear Alina, let your child eat more solid vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and drink warm water and milk more often. If the problem is not resolved within 4-7 days, then to completely remove the issue and calm down, contact your pediatrician.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (05/04/2019 at 11:02) Reply to comment

I, 10/22/20, swallowed a dental bridge of 7 teeth along with food. A painful state, now everything is behind them. 02.11.20 they left.

Natalya (11/02/2020 at 12:40 pm) Reply to comment

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Why does a tooth under a crown hurt for a long time?

If several days have passed since the crown was installed, and the pain has not subsided or even intensified, does not allow you to put pressure on the tooth, or prevents you from biting, it’s time to be wary. The problem situation may be different: at first everything went according to plan, and the tooth covered with a crown did not cause any inconvenience, but after some time, perhaps even more than one year, discomfort, pain when pressed, swelling or gumboil suddenly appeared in it .

The most common causes of inflammation under the crown:

  • poor quality of channel preparation;
  • low quality filling materials;
  • violation of the integrity of the gums;
  • errors in crown fixation;
  • destruction of cement;
  • crown deformation: cracks, chips, exceeding the permissible service life.

The stage of preparation for prosthetics determines the entire future fate of the tooth. A crown can both prolong its existence for many years, and accelerate its destruction if a source of infection is hidden under it. Moreover, inflammation can progress asymptomatically for some time, and then result in an acute pain syndrome, making it impossible to thoroughly chew food and restful sleep.

The work of a dentist-therapist at this stage can be complicated by the atypical structure of the patient’s dental canals. Due to their curvature, the microscopic tip of the expander can break and, remaining in the canal under the filling, cause pain when biting. But such cases are rare; the outcome of treatment mainly depends on the skill of the doctor, his responsibility in choosing methods, tools and materials, as well as on monitoring the results of the work.

Treatment defects and their consequences

Poor quality root canal treatment is the most common cause of problems arising during prosthetics. The risk of inflammation of the tooth root under the crown in the future depends on the doctor’s experience and responsible approach at this stage. A fragment of an instrument, for example, may remain under a filling not only due to the atypical anatomy of the canal, but also due to improper rotation of the cleaning and expansion devices or their repeated use.

Treatment of tooth canals

An incorrect choice of the diameter of the tool for expanding the canal or the rotation speed of the bur can cause damage to the integrity of the canal wall. The same defect sometimes occurs during preparation for the insertion of a pin or at the time of its insertion

It is important that perforation of the root apex is more difficult to notice than a hole in the wall, and subsequently this can lead to severe forms of inflammation, including periodontitis or the formation of a hilar cyst

It is not good when there is too much filling material in the canal. Due to the part of the filling protruding beyond the apex of the root, the tooth under the crown begins to hurt when pressed.

In the photo there is a foreign body in the canal

In order to notice defects in the endodontic process in a timely manner, it is necessary to conduct x-ray monitoring of all the main stages of preparing the tooth for prosthetics. At the very least, the quality of canal filling should be clearly recorded in the image. Many modern clinics offer to treat dental patients under a microscope. This is an increased guarantee of timely detection of both natural anomalies and the dentist’s shortcomings.

Crown defects

Here we are talking about a violation of both the crown manufacturing technology and its installation. The crown is not made correctly if:

  • Its subgingival part is more than 0.3 mm. This causes constant tissue injury with swelling and redness, pain and bleeding, especially when pressed, bitten and chewed.
  • Its shape does not sufficiently match the shape of the tooth, which also injures the gum area and can cause secondary caries of the covered tooth.
  • If it does not tightly cover the neck of the tooth, it creates a pocket for the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, which predetermines periodontitis, gumboil and other serious consequences.

During the process of fixing the crown or bridge, the structure may not have been placed tightly. There is also low quality cement - then after some time the prosthesis becomes loose and injures the gums, opening access to the inside of the tooth for caries pathogens.

Poor-quality tooth preparation results in the destruction of the marginal gum tissues, followed by the development of an inflammatory process and the likelihood that food particles will get under the crown. In all of these cases, the help of a qualified orthopedist is required.



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Tip #5: Make an appointment with your dentist

The dentist will help you restore the damage and restore the beauty and functionality of your tooth. But here it is important to take into account that if the artificial crown has been swallowed completely or a large part of it is missing, then it will have to be completely replaced, because In this case, it will be simply impossible to restore the structure. If the top layer has chipped, for example, the crown was made of metal-ceramics or ceramics, and a small piece of ceramic has fallen off, then the doctor will carry out the restoration right at the appointment.

A chip in the upper can be corrected by restoration without removing the crown.

Similarly, a crown will have to be installed on a decayed natural tooth, or, depending on the scale of the destruction, it will be possible to get away with either a composite build-up, or the tooth will have to be built up first using a pin or stump tab.

In general, be sure to visit the dentist every six months. After all, then a specialist will be able to identify the problem in time during a preventive examination and eliminate it before an unpleasant situation associated with swallowing a crown occurs to you. If you ignore going to the doctor, then you simply may not notice, for example, that a tooth has become loose or needs restoration, or that an artificial crown has already expired or needs to be replaced.


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Rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that the operation of implanting a pin is an ordinary procedure, after the manipulations the patient must follow some rules.

  • After the pinning operation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and, if necessary, other drugs. All instructions must be followed according to the scheme, otherwise the risk of developing an inflammatory process will increase, which will lead to rejection of the structure.
  • For daily oral hygiene procedures, it is recommended to purchase a brush with soft bristles, so as not to unnecessarily injure the jaw area with the pin. Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day.
  • The menu is designed to include soft food dishes. To do this, during cooking, it is better to grind the food with a grater or blender.
  • You should forget about toothpicks, at least for a while until the wound heals. Any mechanical loads can provoke rejection of the pin from the soft tissues.
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