Chlorhexidine is a solution antiseptic that should always be in your home medicine cabinet. Chlorhexidine helps
Osteomyelitis of the jaw is an inflammatory and infectious process with purulent contents that covers the structural elements
At this stage of development of dental science, specialists are increasingly choosing atraumatic
Modern dental prosthetics can completely restore the aesthetics of the dentition and its chewing functions. WITH
Nimesil and Ketorol are medications that help get rid of inflammatory processes and intense pain. Both
07/20/2018 The author of the article is Dakhno L.A. Candidate of Medical Sciences, dental surgeon, radiologist. Post-traumatic neuropathy
What is flux and its types? Flux is an inflammatory process of soft periodontal tissues.
Removal or extraction of a diseased tooth is a surgical procedure, after which it is necessary to carefully
From this article you will learn: how much you should not eat after tooth extraction, what antibiotics to use
For many years, dental treatment was accompanied by pain or discomfort. All this contributed to the development of a large