Causes and duration of pain Mechanism of pain Localization Stages of healing Possible complications When to
From this article you will learn: Temperature after tooth extraction Why does the temperature rise after extraction
Bleeding gums after tooth extraction is a natural process that usually does not require medical intervention.
Teeth are destroyed not only under the influence of acid-producing bacteria, but also due to traumatic external influences.
Tooth depulpation is the removal of the pulp (popularly the removal of a nerve). Pulp is
From this article you will learn: how much you should not eat after tooth extraction, what antibiotics to use
August 18, 2017 Tooth extraction is an unpleasant, painful and even frightening procedure. But
Symptoms Causes Consequences Alveolitis Diagnosis and treatment Features of wisdom teeth Treatment at home Prevention Removal
Tooth extraction is a very complex process that is carried out under conditions of good sterility and
A dystopic tooth, or dystopia for short, is a tooth that has grown in the wrong place. IN