“Schiplet”, “schipet” or “pinches”: how do you spell the word?

For many, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the body is a reason to start worrying. Many of us, feeling discomfort, immediately begin to look for the cause of the disease in medical literature and articles on the Internet. The imagination immediately draws terrible pictures of rare or neglected diseases. Fortunately, in most cases, everything turns out to be not as scary as it seemed at first. At a doctor’s appointment, it turns out that the disease is treatable, and the main thing is to start therapy on time. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, when the first unpleasant symptoms of the disease occur.

And yet, in order not to panic, you need to know about some unpleasant symptoms of diseases. For example, why has tearing increased and it stings the eye? Let us immediately note that there are many reasons for the appearance of these symptoms. Let's tell you more about each of them.

What is the correct spelling: “pinches”, “pinches” or “pinches”?

According to the spelling norm, writing and pronouncing correctly is “pinching.”

You can make sure that the use of the form with “l” is correct using any dictionary. This will also become clear if we remember that in verbs whose root morpheme ends with the consonants v, f, b, m, p in the form of the 3rd person and singular, there is an alternation in the cognate lexemes p/pl, b/bl, m/ml , v/vl, f/fl (surprise - surprise , pour - pours ) .

A similar phenomenon is not uncommon in the Russian language. However, difficulties often arise with the verb being analyzed.

Use of household chemicals and cosmetics

Most often, eye irritation occurs due to household chemicals or cosmetics getting into them. The feeling of discomfort occurs due to a specific reaction of the mucous membranes. The first manifestation is intense lacrimation. The eyes begin to sting, and there is a desire to wash off the harmful substance. The best solution is to help the body get rid of the irritant. Rinse your eyes with plenty of warm water and then pat dry with a clean tissue. Some substances can cause prolonged redness of the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is worth having special eye drops in your medicine cabinet. They will quickly relieve irritation if regular washing does not help.

Usually, discomfort in the eyes disappears 4-5 hours after using the drops. If a severe allergic reaction to a chemical irritant occurs, an allergic reaction may occur. We will tell you what to do in this situation a little later.

Cosmetics are an everyday companion for most women. Everyone wants to create a memorable and stylish image, to look attractive and impressive. If you use cosmetics, try to choose them with special attention. This will save you from problems in the future. Eye cosmetics can cause allergies. The eyes will sting, they will become red and begin to water. This means that all your efforts to create a unique image will come to nothing.

It’s easy to protect yourself when choosing cosmetics. Choose bio-series with natural ingredients or lines of products for sensitive skin. Try not to use testers in cosmetics stores. This is especially true for test copies of mascara. The tester carries the risk of infection with demodex mites. This is fraught with severe itching and burning in the eyelash area. This suffering is not worth the free makeup!

Example sentences

Let's look at examples of sentences with the verb pinches” to quickly remember its spelling:

  1. Sister Dasha's cheeks are stung by frost, but she continues to sled.
  2. Brother Oleg always bites bread when returning from the store.
  3. This large and stately goose nibbles the legs of all passers-by.
  4. The acrid smell of kerosene stings the eyes of builders.
  5. A classmate pinches my arm painfully during class.
  6. The smoke is already stinging everyone's eyes, but no one is moving away from the fire.
  7. She plucks a currant straight from the bush, puts it in her mouth and winces.
  8. The pungent smell of cologne makes Smirnov’s nose sting and his eyes water.
  9. It’s as if someone is pinching Mom’s heart when she hears disturbing news.
  10. A goat is nibbling fresh flowers in a meadow, and a bull is drinking greedily from a lake.
  11. Aunt Zina usually plucks chicken and cooks borscht before her son arrives.

Eye diseases

Another cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane, itching and discomfort is eye disease. If you experience excessive tearing and burning in your eyes, contact your ophthalmologist. All these symptoms can be the cause of various diseases. As a rule, burning and lacrimation are symptoms of the initial stage of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by infection. There are many other diseases with similar symptoms. Only an ophthalmologist can tell you exactly what is the cause of your discomfort and how to get rid of it without harm to your health.

Blepharitis or stye can also be causes of eye discomfort. Typical symptoms are itching in the eyelid area. Treatment of ophthalmological diseases is always individual. Much depends on the nature of the infection affecting the organs of vision. What is effective in treating one type of infection will not be beneficial in the fight against another. So, for a viral infection (for example, herpes or influenza), antiviral drugs are prescribed. The most effective antiviral agent is interferon. This substance is produced by the human body to suppress the activity of viruses. However, the same herpes, once entering the body, continues to exist in it in a latent form. The human immune system does not identify herpes as a virus, which requires the production of interferon to fight. Therefore, the immune response to herpes may be delayed. Help for the body can be provided with the help of medications prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Most bacterial infections are caused by streptococci and staphylococci. To combat them, a set of measures is required, including antibiotic therapy. The human body cannot independently produce enough substances to completely destroy bacteria. It is only capable of neutralizing infectious agents. Therefore, the use of antibiotics is extremely important for bacterial infections. Another way to fight bacteria is to strengthen your immune system. A strong body is able to neutralize bacteria over a long period of time. The most beneficial vitamins for the immune system are C, retinol and B vitamins.

In what cases is it possible to use the words “pinches” and “pinches”?

In addition to the codified form “pinches”, the variants “schipet” and “pinches” are actively used in everyday speech. Most dictionaries of the modern Russian language give the mark “colloquial.” or "simple." Fewer sources classify such words as normative. This means that the use of this option is acceptable, but the style of the text will be considered reduced.

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Let us note that often in everyday communication there is a stratification of lexical meaning. For example, in the meaning of “it hurts to squeeze, squeeze the skin of the body,” they say “pinches.” If we are talking about “a burning sensation and pain,” the verb “pinches” is used.

Sometimes, along with the word “nibbles”, the form “pinches” is used in the sense of “pinching, tearing off or tearing off” (a duck nibbles grass; he nibbles sorrel).

General recommendations for eliminating violations

If there is no reason to believe that the cause of tingling in the eyes lies in ophthalmological diseases, the following measures can be taken to eliminate this symptom:

  • blot your eyes with a dry napkin or clean dry cloth (if there is accompanying lacrimation);
  • rinse eyes with warm water;
  • go out for 15-20 minutes into fresh air ;
  • drip drops of the “artificial tear” group (moisturizing drops that relieve irritation and have a weak anesthetic effect).

If the burning sensation is accompanied by redness, swelling and the release of mucus and pus, you must contact an ophthalmologist who will prescribe eye drops in accordance with the identified disease.

Example sentences

Here are several contexts when it is appropriate to use the verbs pinches” and “pinches” in colloquial speech:

  1. I got a sunburn yesterday that really stings.
  2. The alcohol bandage stings the patient's wound.
  3. Vlada’s wound stings when his mother treats her knee with green paint.
  4. Kolya pinches Yulia’s hand so that she would quickly pay attention to him.
  5. Grandma Tanya always pinches the cheeks of small children.
  6. My cousin pinches my stomach to keep me awake.
  7. The bluish liquid first stings the hand and then leaves a small burn.
  8. On a green lawn, a cow is nibbling lush grass.
  9. A sheep is nibbling on a neighbor's bush that Uncle Senya planted.

Symptom prevention

Remember! If the cause of tingling lies in eye disease, it is necessary to begin treatment in time and use eye drops for symptomatic treatment.

If there is a burning sensation due to overwork and tired eyes, you should ensure when reading and working at the computer , take breaks periodically and, if necessary, spend time at the computer throughout the working day, perform eye exercises once every one and a half to two hours.

Sometimes tingling is caused by a lack of potassium and vitamins B and C in the body, which contribute to the formation of the tear film.

You can replenish the reserves of these elements by including citrus fruits, fermented milk products, potatoes, tomatoes, green peas, and cabbage in your diet.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

pinch pinch, tongs pl., Ukrainian. pinch, blr. pinch “pinch”, Bulgarian pinching “pinching” (Mladenov 697), Serbo-Croatian. shtipati, shtipam, shtipiem, slovenian. ščípati, -ram, -pljem, Czech. štípati, slvts. štíраt᾽, Polish. szсzurać, v.-luzh. šćipać, n.-luzh. šćipaś. Dr. level of vowel alternation: *ščьр-, cf. pinch (see). Wed. ltsh. šk̨ipsna “strand, bundle; pinch, pinch”, šk̨ipsta – the same, šk̨ipuôsts – the same, šk̨īpstin̨š – the same, lit. skurata “small piece, crumb”; see M. – E. 4, 42 et seq.; Zubaty, AfslPh 16, 415. The latter tries to connect, further, with the flail (see). Wed. also shchik.

In Dahl's dictionary

pinch, pinch something, tug, tug, tear, grabbing directly with fingers, teeth, beak, or some other tool, pinch and tear off; | - someone to pinch, squeeze, squeeze painfully with your fingers. Goat and goose nibble grass. Pinch hemp, tow, pull out, fluff. She just pinched the glass and took a sip. One pinched the other under the table, by agreement so that this one would not lie. She pinches her lips all the time. She plucks her gray hair. If you don't catch it, you pinch. Pinch the goose so that it does not scream. They don’t pick mushrooms, but take them or pinch them. | *Offend, oppress all around; take bribes and extortions; beat. Everyone pinches him. | Burn, tear, prick, cause a feeling of pain or burning. The frost stings, the frost stings your fingers. Mustard stings on the tongue or stings caviar. It's a plucked goose! seasoned, experienced, been in trouble. A plucked feather, a fluff torn from the butt for pillows. | Lower walk quietly, measuredly, primly; | slink. See how the girl pinches! -sya, pinch. Why are you pinching! However, the frost bites! | *Nowadays milk plucks, bites, is rare and expensive. | The wool is pinched or beaten with a bow. | The schoolchildren found something fun: they plucked! each other. The diligent orderly plucked the gray awn from the beaver, having become accustomed to plucking it from the head of his general. I pinched myself to the point of bruising. Pinch the pie. The fly was pinched. The fur is all worn out. She pinched her cheeks. They pinched the pods. The gingerbread is pinched and broken. He was plucked and robbed in the cartage. Pinch off the dough. They pinched his sharpie quite a bit! The mustard plaster tingles. The dove's wings are pinched. Pluck all the wool and pluck it again. Pinch the edges. They pinched for a long time. The turkeys tore the snake into pieces. Pinch from the candle. The goose pinched me. Pluck feathers. Pinching avg. pinching once pinch m. pinch w. action according to verb. Not with a snatch, but with a pinch. | Pinch, pinch. Pinch m. pinching, once. valid The women brought the first plucked mushrooms, first-chosen, early ones. Pinch and pinch and pinch. Your pinch caused the bruise to shrink! The dress is pinched, tight, so you can’t pinch (or pinch?). Play the violin with plucking, plucking, pizzicato, without a bow. You'll snatch a little with a pinch. Not with a haircut, but with a pinch. You can't get the skin by pinching it, but it's all a tuft of wool. | A pinch of something, as much as you can pinch at once. Well, it's a wedding! There was not a pinch (not a pinch) of meat, we were satisfied with just the fish! arch. | A pinch, two squeezing boards together, in which pictures are carried for sale. Plucked, plucked, related to plucking, plucking. Shchipar, plural shchipari, shchipariki, tver. wits, perch, small perch. Pincher, -nitsa, pinching something. Pinching, -nya, pinching, pinching about. whoever pinches pinches others. A plucking machine, a plucker, a shaft with hooks that plucks, tears wool or rags onto paper, etc. A plier is a roof ridge, a cooler, a joint of sheets. | The upper edge of two wall slopes. Flagstone tong. Roofing with gables, on two slopes, in two balls; on four slopes, with a wit and a tent. | Arch. one of four piles under the trestle fences. | Greyhound, canine, horta, snout tong. Pincer, related to the pincer. Shchipovka hard scoured apples, picked from the tree by hand, opposite sex. stewed. | Novoros. Chikun fish, Cobitis taenia. Forceps m. pl. in general, a compressible, two-half tool with which they take, grab, hold, pinch, pull, cut off anything; candle tongs, removal. - curling, baking, for hair cleaning. - fireplace, kitchen, with which they take coal, take tiles out of the fire, etc. The Turks have tongs in their pistol cleaning rods for lighting their pipes. Tongs, hand tweezers, used for taking small things, in different skills, esp. from watchmakers. Carpenter's and plumber's pliers, various types: pliers, round-nose pliers, needle-nose pliers, etc. Blacksmith's and carpenter's pliers, pliers. False wire pliers, a type of flake. Obstetric forceps. Nippers or scissors for catching moths, two bast shoes covered with sickle and connected like scissors. Pincer, related to tongs. Tweezers or scolding, a type of cake. Pinch perm. pain, tingling, aches, bone gnawing. Schepti pl. Kaluga fingers, hand fingers. Pinch pinch, -point, two or three first fingers folded to grasp something; | how much powder can be grabbed by these fingers. Take a pinch of salt. A pinch of tobacco. Pinch Wed. Same. The bad - even with a shovel, and God forbid - with a pinch! Not every potion is a handful: some is a pinch. Judas took salt with a pinch, therefore it is a sin to be baptized with a pinch. A pinch all over your mouth. Pinch and -nitsa, an abusive nickname given by schismatics to the Orthodox, because they pray with trembling, with a pinch. Cherdyntsy are woodchip eaters and dry miners.

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