Drug allergy to local anesthetics: different diagnostic strategies
Introduction Drug allergies represent an extraordinary challenge for doctors of any specialty, due to both
Facial neuritis - symptoms and treatment
Causes of pain in the face and head Headache that radiates to the face,
Anesthesia in pediatric dentistry. Part 2. Local anesthesia
Almost every adult whose childhood occurred at the end of the twentieth century was left with painful
Folk signs about lost teeth of adults and children - meaning, explanations
For many centuries, people have observed the events that manifest themselves after some extraordinary event. This
Single-stage (basal) dental implantation: features of implementation and preparation
A basal implant (root-shaped) is narrower in shape than a classic implant. Installed in deep
Is it possible to have teeth cleaned and whitened during pregnancy?
About the procedure Is it possible to brush your teeth during pregnancy Stages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning
Features of the choice of antipyretic drugs in children with allergic diseases
The topic of anesthesia in dentistry is one of the most discussed, since its use allows
Service installation of veneers on front teeth in Kemerovo
What problems do veneers solve? Darkening and discoloration of enamel. The procedure is relevant in cases where
Why does my throat hurt and there is a white coating on my tongue? Causes and treatment
Treatment Note! In certain cases, treatment may differ radically (depending on
Choosing dental materials: what to look for?
Materials in dentistry Therapeutic materials Surgical materials Orthopedic materials Types of materials for restorations Metals
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