Dental crowns - Dentistry Line Smiles
Which is better: veneers or crowns? The right choice for indications and aesthetics
Do you dream of a flawless Hollywood smile? Do you want your teeth to be perfectly straight and white?
installation of rubber dam
Rubber dam or rubber dam in dentistry: the influence of latex protection on the quality of dental treatment
Rubberdam (cofferdam) is a protective dental screen (gasket) made of latex: with its help, the doctor isolates
Teething cough
The main causes of cough and snot during teething
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna Physician-therapist Articles written 578 About the author For
Patient comfort is the most important factor
Design of dental unit and equipment
All equipment used in dentistry can be divided into several types. Convenient to use
Is it possible to cure a complex case or is it better to remove the diseased tooth?
What causes dental caries? Caries is a progressive disease that destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. IN
Plaque on the tongue due to gastrointestinal diseases
Diseases of the oral mucosa: diagnosis and treatment
Causes of diseases of the oral mucosa Diseases of the oral mucosa occur during
Service installation of composite veneers in Vladivostok
According to, the uniqueness of the text as of October 16, 2018 is 99.8%. Key words, tags: lumineers,
child eats cracker
Spoon pushing reflex: why does a child spit out solid food?
Modern man has a big problem - we don’t know how to eat. In adults
Modern methods and instruments of local anesthesia in outpatient dentistry
10/31/2021 Many people associate going to the dentist with something unpleasant, painful and terrible. That's why
Bracket system
Tooth loosens after braces are removed: causes and solutions to the problem
Sometimes, after installing braces, a person notices that his teeth have become too mobile. Many people start
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