root canal filling using a combination of silver plating and resorcinol-formalin method
Impregnation methods for treating root canal contents
Resorcinol-formalin method of root canal filling This method involves the transformation of the pulp or its disintegration
How to whiten dentures
Teeth whitening zoom before aesthetic restoration
The original color of orthopedic structures cannot be changed. Therefore, when applying prosthetics, the dentist immediately selects the shade of the new ones.
Therapeutic periodontal bandage
Features of the use of periodontal dressings in clinical practice
Surgical and therapeutic dentistry currently widely use gingival dressings for therapeutic purposes.
Unsealing canals (re-treatment of dental canals)
Canal unsealing is a dental procedure that is aimed at removing a previously installed filling. Another
What causes the symptom of a loose throat in children and how to avoid harmful consequences
For every parent, there is nothing worse than a child’s illness. I would like to help in any way possible.
children's toothpastes reviews
Children's toothpastes: reviews from dentists and buyers
It's no secret that toothpaste is a very important element of everyday
When does a baby's first teeth erupt?
Teeth in children from 3 to 6 years old. Features and timing of eruption.
Features of the period. During this period, the formation and further development of the roots of baby teeth occurs: their strengthening
wedge-shaped defect
Dental defects and their classification according to different authors
Symptoms In patients with a violation of the continuity of the series, certain groups of masticatory organs are overloaded, chewing
Reviews on the use of whitening tooth powder
What is the whitening effect of tooth powder based on: composition, advantages, reviews
3240 Several decades ago, the main means of dental hygiene was not toothpaste, but tooth powder.
Airborne transmission
How to get rid of herpes - 5+ ways to deal with fever on the lips
Viruses are around us. Some of them suddenly appear and paralyze the normal life of the entire planet,
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