Does it hurt to chew? Make an appointment with the best dentist from the rating and get rid of this problem!
Is white plaque on the socket after tooth extraction normal or pathological?
After tooth extraction, patients closely monitor the healing process of the hole. And usually everything goes away
pulpitis in pregnant women
Pulpitis in pregnant women: features of the course and therapy
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Baby teeth
Holes in a child’s teeth: causes, treatment, prevention
The enamel of baby teeth is thin and delicate. Therefore, the first teeth are susceptible to caries. Often tooth decay
How to help a woman who has ovarian cysts?
The structure of formations, their sizes and type of contents vary, depending on the location and age
Vitamins and minerals for teeth
Vitamins and microelements to strengthen gums and teeth
Long gone are the days when everyone took calcium gluconate for strong teeth. The science
Timing of dental prosthetics
About the timing and stages of manufacturing dentures
In modern dentistry, many different methods are used to restore the dentition with partial or complete
Burning sensation in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades - treatment methods, causes
Symptoms of itching and burning Causes of dryness and burning in the nose What complications can
Dental prosthetics for military pensioners
Preferential dental prosthetics for military pensioners
Russian legislation provides various types of benefits to defenders of the Motherland. The list of the latter includes dental prosthetics
What to do if a child bites through his tongue, how to stop the bleeding?
Traumatic stomatitis of the oral cavity - the result of soft tissue injury
What to do if a child or adult has bitten their tongue, cheek, or lip. First aid and treatment.
What you need to know about the roots of baby teeth and their extraction
Primary teeth are necessary so that, under the influence of occlusal load, a sufficient number and
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