Ointments and drops for gums during teething in children
Many people know what toothache is. Sometimes its intensity increases to such an extent that
A wedge-shaped tooth defect is a non-carious lesion, which is characterized by the formation of a wedge-shaped defect in
Innervation of the eye
Trigeminal nerve: anatomy, nuclei, location, exit points, branches, topography, functions and innervation
The nerves of the eye are usually divided into three groups: motor, secretory and sensory. Sensory nerves respond
Mouth ulcers: causes and treatment (Well, you and the ulcer! Where do sores in the mouth come from and how to get rid of them)
Ulcers caused by trauma The main reason for the appearance of ulcers due to trauma to the mucous membrane is infection in the
Instructions for use of Rokotan
Rotokan for gargling: instructions for use
Composition of the drug and release form Rotokan is produced from several medicinal herbs in the form of a dark brown
The material shows up well on X-ray
Gutta-percha is.. The meaning of the word “gutta-percha”
Probably every person has heard such a phrase as “guta-percha boy”, but not everyone understands
Flux and abscess: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods
Flux on the gums is an extremely unpleasant, but quite common phenomenon, which is an inflammatory
How much do clear aligners cost?
Correction of bite with mouth guards: features, types of mouth guards, treatment time
Bite defects are not as rare a problem as it might seem. Medical statistics indicate
3D dental tomography
3D computed tomography before dental implantation
About the method Indications Contraindications Diagnostic stages Advantages and disadvantages Which is better - MSCT or
Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia in pictures
Damage to the mandibular nerve during tooth implantation
According to statistics, the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) suffers quite often during implantation. Nerve,
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