Comparative study of solcoseryl, mundizal and peridonton in the treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa
From this article you will learn: composition analysis, detailed instructions for use, Solcoseryl gel -
Doctor administering local anesthesia to patient in dentistry
Articaine with adrenaline
Prices for anesthesia Specialists Modern anesthesia in dentistry guarantees complete anesthesia for the entire duration
White plaque in the mouth after brushing teeth
White plaque in the mouth after brushing teeth
11/22/2019 White plaque in the mouth is one of the signs of candidal stomatitis. This pathology is provoked
What to do if the seal on the water meter is broken. Unmetered water consumption
Specialists in modern dentistry sometimes carry out such a procedure as replacing a filling. The reasons may be different,
Pros and cons of WIN braces
Win braces - designs with high aesthetic results
1154 Braces are the most common method of teeth straightening, which is used for both children and
Instructions for wearing a diagnostic and treatment splint - SPLINT
Osteosynthesis is a surgical treatment for a jaw fracture, which involves the use of special, most often metal,
Polyps in the throat
What are polyps in the mouth: causes and diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods
Polyps in the throat have many manifestations; the most commonly diagnosed are benign neoplasms located on the tonsils
Invisible braces
All the secrets of bite correction with lingual braces
Like other systems for correcting occlusion and dental problems, lingual braces perform similar
Photo of lower wisdom tooth
Rotten teeth - all about the causes and treatment options
Date of publication: 01/25/2021 Every person’s teeth are designed to serve him for many years. They have
Stages of caries
Removing a nerve in a tooth as carried out using modern methods
01/04/2020 The operation to remove the nerve of a tooth is familiar to almost everyone who treated teeth in the Soviet
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