How to fix a child's front teeth sticking out forward?
How to fix a child's front teeth sticking out forward
11/25/2019 “Bite” refers to the type of closure of teeth. Normally, the upper teeth should overlap slightly
options for restoring a damaged tooth
What happens if you don’t treat your teeth: what complications does this threaten?
Imagine a mouth with rotten teeth and the smell that comes from them, it’s not difficult to guess how
Why do you dream about a rotten tooth falling out: what does it portend, the meaning of the dream
August 21, 2018 Medicine Natali Mikhaelis At night you witnessed an unpleasant plot, and now
Inflamed ulcer and cross-sectional diagram of the gastric mucosa
Changes in the oral mucosa in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Gastric ulcer, its types and stages Gastric ulcer (hereinafter referred to as PUD) is a disease
Correction of bite in children. Methods used to correct malocclusion in children.
Correcting an adult's bite is a long and complex process, because you don't just need to change
Photos of teeth ground for veneers
How are teeth ground for crowns? Does it hurt? Why is this done? How is the procedure performed?
Restoration with crowns is one of the options for restoring lost teeth. Installing a crown allows the same
X-ray examination for congenital and acquired deformities of the maxillofacial area
01/20/2017 Upper micrognathia or underdevelopment of the upper jaw is a rather rare type of deformation of the upper jaw.
How caries is treated in dentistry: all modern methods
Varieties of caries localizations Caries (lat. caries rotting) is a slow process occurring in the hard tissues of the tooth.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ): symptoms and treatment
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Chief physician of the clinic, candidate of medical sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
Photo of teeth at the treatment stage
How to make a dental impression three times faster?
What is a targeted dental photograph? The procedure is also called targeted intraoral contact radiography - this is
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