Liquid oral hygiene product INNOVA Suspension. Liquid enamel - reviews

It is not easy to damage enamel - it mainly occurs as a result of carious processes or mechanical stress (for example, when choosing a toothbrush with hard bristles or abusing whitening procedures at home), with a lack of vitamins or the wrong food, with immune or endocrine disorders of the body. There is also the concept of “hypoplasia” - this is a congenital anomaly in which there is the presence of very thin enamel or its complete absence.

Strengthening teeth is possible both at home and in a dental office. However, there is one condition - only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Specialists at the Smile-at-Once center conduct a thorough diagnosis of the condition of the patient’s tooth enamel, identify the causes of the problem, and then draw up a treatment plan - as a rule, it includes procedures that are carried out in the clinic, as well as measures that the patient himself must carry out during treatment. at home.

More details about the new product

Experts say that filling is not a treatment, but a camouflage of the tooth. In essence, this is how it is. This technique was first used in German dental centers. The liquid composition acts as a kind of high-strength sealant; it fills every microcrack in the unit, thus making it impossible for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate. If you perform this procedure at an early stage of the disease, you can completely and irreversibly get rid of caries. If we were talking about an advanced case, most likely, sooner or later the carious cavities will make themselves felt again.

This development acts as an alternative to drills and other methods of caries treatment that require anesthesia. This filling is unique because its installation does not even require local anesthesia. The effectiveness has been proven in numerous tests, but in the case of large carious cavities this technology is not used.

About the manufacturer

The SPLAT company itself, which produces the INNOVA series, has been known in the oral care products market for more than 15 years. During this time, it has strengthened its position and gained fame all over the world, thanks to the introduction of nanotechnology and the use of environmental components.

Increasing its momentum, the manufacturer is launching new brand lines, which are undergoing clinical trials in many countries in Europe and Asia and meet all international quality requirements .

This inspires confidence among buyers and makes INNOVA products in demand. The production of all products is carried out by our own domestic factory SPLAT - a modern environmentally responsible production facility , which is located in a healthy climate zone in the Valdai region.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main purpose of such a filling is to treat caries, or rather, to disguise it. Patients who have already tried the new product mention the following advantages:

  • There is no need for drilling, the entire process is absolutely painless and discomfort-free.
  • The ability to make your smile attractive in just one session.
  • It is possible to install fillings even on the front teeth. It does not differ at all from the dentition, since the shade is selected based on the remaining units.
  • Suitable for use even in hard to reach places.
  • The procedure lasts no more than half an hour.
  • The manipulation does not require pain relief, so this technology is suitable even for allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate local anesthesia.

Some patients name the following disadvantages:

  • It is very important that dental treatment is carried out by a competent dentist with many years of experience. If during the manipulation the stages of filling are violated, then the result may be negative; pathogenic microorganisms will continue to grow under the artificial material.
  • The color of the treated tooth will not change. On the one hand, this is a plus, and on the other, a minus. If you decide to whiten your teeth, the filling will not change shade and will still remain yellowish. Or vice versa - if over time your natural teeth darken, the filling will remain light.
  • It is impossible to install a liquid filling if we are talking about advanced caries.

How to use Tooth Mousee gel?

The gel is very easy to use and application will not be difficult for anyone. It is recommended to apply the gel 2 times a day - morning and evening, preferably after brushing your teeth. It is best to apply it with a special mouth guard or toothbrush. If this is not possible, smear the gel over the oral cavity with your finger, leaving it there for 3-5 minutes.

How long does the effect of Tooth Mousse last after treatment? This depends on many factors, in particular on the quality of subsequent dental care, on the capabilities of saliva (the content of calcium and phosphorus ions in it) and the acidity level of dental plaque.

Dentists recommend that after treatment, register with a specialist and visit a doctor with some regularity (once a year), who will assess the situation, check the condition of saliva, the tendency of plaque formation and acidity. This will help you cope with a problem that is just beginning and keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible.

Installation process

Let's look at how dentists install a liquid filling:

  • First you need to thoroughly treat the affected unit with a special disinfectant acid. This measure is necessary in order to completely destroy pathogenic microflora from the tooth. Next, you need to wait about 3 minutes for the enamel to dry.
  • The tooth is coated with an alcohol-containing substance, this allows the remaining acid to be completely removed.
  • Using a special syringe, a liquid filling is “poured” onto the tooth. Its composition penetrates into the deep layers of the tooth, thereby protecting the unit from further proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. This must be done quickly so that the substance does not begin to harden from exposure to ordinary light.
  • The filling is dried under a blue lamp; it is also sensitive to ordinary light. It is for this reason that it is stored exclusively in dark containers.
  • At the end of the procedure, the unit is subjected to surface grinding and polishing.

The service life of a kind of dental sealant is from 5 years. If you want to install such a filling, please contact private medical centers.

Composition and action

The innovative product in its composition is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. All its components are selected so that, while cleaning and restoring dental tissue, they act gently without damaging weakened and sensitive enamel.

The unique symbiosis allows nanoparticles and active ingredients to:

  • Instantly distribute throughout the entire oral cavity.
  • It is easy to penetrate into lesions.
  • Fill vulnerable areas of damaged enamel.
  • Get deep into the inner part of the tooth (dentinal tubules).
  • Therapeutically influence the causes of hyperesthesia.

As a result, the enamel thickens and becomes strong, while the nerve endings are blocked, relieving the increased painful sensitivity of the teeth. The revolutionary composition of the rinse is based on the formula: restoration + protection + strengthening + whitening. It included:

Calcium hydroxyapatite

The main mineral in tooth enamel and dentin. In active amorphous form:

  • Binds to bacteria and plaque and makes it easier to wash them out of the mouth.
  • Makes the enamel smooth, shiny, filling all the pits and fissures.
  • Reduces the threshold of susceptibility to aggressive influences.
  • Replenishes the loss of minerals, returns translucency and original density to the enamel;
  • used in the form of nano-sized amorphous particles (exclusive right of use in the Russian Federation).

Tannase enzyme

A catalyst that accelerates the destruction of tannins, coloring tannins, delicately brightens and whitens the enamel.

Red grape seed extract

Contains a complex of bioflavonoids. Effective fighters against cariogenic microbes, they inhibit the pathological processes of tooth softening and prevent the occurrence of caries.

Vitamin E and polyphenols Eucalyptol, Thymol, Anethole

Natural antioxidants resist the proliferation of pathogenic microbes in the gum mucosa.

Strengthening tooth enamel at home

It is possible to strengthen the enamel through the process of remineralization. Currently, there are many products on the market that are popularly called liquid enamel or artificial enamel. Thanks to them, a strengthening procedure is possible. Treatment should be performed before irreversible tissue loss occurs in the tooth.

The most popular pastes for strengthening enamel are fluoride-based preparations. Fluoride ions replace dissolved hydroxide ions in the enamel and form fluorapatite, which is more resistant to caries. In addition, fluoride inhibits bacterial activity. Strengthening of enamel also occurs as a result of the use of drugs with a complex of casein phosphopeptide and amorphous calcium phosphate.

Enamel remineralizing toothpaste is an ideal complement to standard fluoride toothpaste. As preparations that restore mineral balance in the oral cavity, they are well suited for people with caries problems and are recommended after professional teeth cleaning and tartar removal. Thanks to their pleasant scents, they are easy to use even for children. Once again, it is worth saying that there is no toothpaste that restores enamel defects.

Regular preventative visits with professional remineralization are the best way to strengthen tooth enamel.

Expected effect

The use of the suspension improves the condition of the oral cavity, strengthens the hard tissues of the teeth, and reduces their sensitivity.

For the procedure to bring maximum effect, you cannot:

  • Additionally, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Eat and drink within half an hour.

Already after the first time you can feel the therapeutic effect of the composition, and after a month of continuous use you can consolidate the result. The effectiveness is confirmed by research and impressive numbers:

  • Cleansing 29.1%
  • Desensitizing effect 57.9%
  • Remineralization 50%
  • Relieving inflammation 35.3%
  • Anticaries 50%
  • Hemostatic effect 37.9%


© Robert Przybysz/Fotolia

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Function of tooth enamel

Enamel (lat. Enamelum) protects dentin on the entire surface of the tooth crown from damaging factors. The thickness of the enamel layer varies within the crown. The thickest layer covers dentin on the cusps of the occlusal surfaces, the thinnest on the cutting edges.

The thickness of the enamel decreases towards the neck of the tooth until it connects with the cementum of the root. The surface of the tooth enamel is smooth, but sometimes has smaller or larger depressions.

Enamel consists of inorganic substances: calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatites, which is 96.5%, and organic substances: protein, water in a ratio of 3.5%.

The enamel of temporary teeth is less mineralized than that of permanent teeth. Its layer is half as thin and less transparent. This results in baby teeth being whiter and more susceptible to tooth decay.

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