toothache and cold treatment
Odontogenic sinusitis or sinusitis from problem teeth
What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It usually develops as
What are the dangers of premature removal of baby teeth?
Treatment of caries and pulpitis in primary teeth Treatment of caries and pulpitis in children and adolescents up to
Darkening of a child’s tooth: why it happens and what to do
Any problems with the baby's health cause concern among parents. But, if it concerns dairy
What is the human pharynx and oropharynx: structure, functions
Speech is a complex motor skill implemented by a large number of anatomical structures. The structure of the human vocal apparatus
Indications for installing Mini Diamond braces
Features of bite correction using Mini Diamond braces
5341 Braces are the most common bite correction device used in orthodontic treatment.
Oda Ferrul. When is it not worth saving your natural teeth?
Home / Articles / What to do after tooth extraction A tooth has been removed: what to do now?
How to care for children's teeth: infants, toddlers, schoolchildren
From the moment children's first teeth appear, they need care. Dentists recommend teaching
Features and timing of complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones
In children from the age of 5, temporary milk teeth begin to fall out and are gradually replaced
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Various types of anesthesia in children using xenon
Types of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry Modern dental technologies are very diverse. As an anesthetic for
The healing power of plants against sore throat, chronic tonsillitis and reduced immunity.
Tonsillitis in children and adults is quite common. A person can suffer from chronic tonsillitis
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