Orthodontics - bite correction


from 26,000 rub.


One of the common problems with which patients come to the dental clinic is malocclusion.
With such a defect, the teeth look uneven, and in the absence of timely treatment, you can encounter rapid destruction of enamel and bone tissue. Correcting your bite allows you to get rid of such risks and make your teeth straight and beautiful. Today, the most popular treatment for pathology in adults is the installation of braces. How much does orthodontic treatment cost in our clinic?

Consultationfrom 750 - 1900 rub.
Activation of the bracket system2500 - 4500 rub.
Course of treatment with aligners (transparent aligners Invisalign)270,000 - 420,000 rub.
Braces system for one row of teeth (bite correction)26000 - 115000 rub.

Types of bracket systems

Designs for correcting malocclusion can be of several types. Which one to use is determined by the doctor in accordance with the identified problem. In general, all braces are classified according to a number of criteria.

By location:

  • lingual (installed on the inner side of the dentition);
  • vestibular (installed on the outside of the teeth).

According to the material of manufacture:

  • metal;
  • polymer;
  • sapphire;
  • plastic combined (from several types of material).

According to the method of connecting the arc and plates:

  • classic;
  • non-ligated.

What types of braces are there?

Our clinic uses several types of braces, which are selected individually: ligature, non-ligature and lingual.

Ligature and non-ligature braces differ in the method of attaching the arch:

  • Ligatures. The metal arc is attached to the grooves of the locks using metal or silicone ligatures. With their help, the pressure force of the arc and the speed of alignment of the dentition are controlled. The presence of a ligature system makes the structure more noticeable; the patient has to visit the doctor quite often to replace the ligatures, but it is easier for the doctor to control the movement of the teeth and correct even complex occlusion pathologies, in addition, this is the most budgetary of all braces systems.
  • Unligated. The arch is held in place by reliable spring latches or clips, which are already included in each bracket. This system is more expensive, but has greater aesthetics and allows you to visit the orthodontist much less frequently, since the teeth move gradually, with the same force applied.

Bracket systems also differ in the location of fixation:

  • Vestibular. The classic method of attachment to the front side of the tooth. The design is noticeable when talking or smiling.
  • Lingual. Fixation is made from the side of the tongue to the inner surface of the teeth. It is not noticeable at all, but at first it can affect diction.

There are metal and aesthetic (ceramic, sapphire, etc.) braces. Aesthetic dental braces justify the higher price with their beautiful appearance and are convenient for daily care. Our specialists will recommend installing exactly those braces that are best suited specifically for your case.

How to install braces

  • Installation of a mouth opener. With its help, all teeth become clearly visible, even to the most distant and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Polishing the enamel and applying a restorative composition to it.
  • System installation. Braces are attached to the teeth using a special glue that is applied to the enamel. Orthodontic cement is applied to each lock, which hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

How does teeth straightening happen?

How are braces installed? This happens in several stages:

  • 1. Our dentists carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem, conduct the necessary X-ray examinations, take impressions, make diagnostic models of the jaws, take the necessary measurements and photographs.
  • 2. After agreeing on the treatment plan, the patient is invited to install braces to fix the product. If diseases of the teeth or gums are detected, additional treatment may be required from a dentist.

To get the desired result, you must regularly visit the orthodontist and follow all his recommendations. The specialist corrects the pressure on the teeth, checks the reliability of the fixation, and monitors compliance with the necessary oral hygiene.

Many patients are interested in: how much does it cost to install braces in Tula and? The price of an orthodontist’s work depends on the material chosen and the complexity of the bite defect. But our clients pay in installments, only for the procedures performed, which helps them save money and not deny themselves dental care.

How to choose the right braces

When choosing certain braces, the patient himself should pay attention to the following parameters.


. In general, the cost depends on the material from which the system is made. Metal braces are considered the cheapest; they also need to be worn on the teeth for a minimum amount of time, but their appearance does not differ in aesthetics. Polymer and ceramic products are the most expensive.

Duration of treatment

. If, when correcting your bite, it is important to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, it is recommended to install metal braces.


. Sapphire vestibular or metal lingual braces are considered the most inconspicuous, but they are more expensive than similar solutions.

If you want to get a qualified consultation in Tula, Moscow or Odintsovo and install a system to correct your bite, contact Smile Spa dentistry. You can find out approximately how much treatment will cost in the “Prices” section.

All works

What are braces and how do they work?

Straightening teeth with braces is not a new, but quite effective method. This is a complex system of locks/brackets on the teeth, which moves them in the desired direction and places them in the correct position relative to their neighbors. The price of braces in Tula depends on the complexity of the maxillofacial anomaly.

It can be:

+ Anomalies in the shape and location of teeth (rotation along the axis, displacement in some direction);

+ Anomalies of the dentition (absence of teeth and their rudiments, formation of supernumerary teeth, violation of the distance between teeth, underdevelopment or excessive growth of the alveolar process, narrowing or expansion of the dentition);

+ Anomalies in the relationship of the dentition (underdevelopment or overdevelopment of the jaws, open bite, when the teeth do not close in the anterior section, deep traumatic, when the gum mucosa in the anterior section suffers, etc.).

Maxillofacial anomalies can be congenital or acquired: as a result of bad habits (for example, thumb sucking), previous diseases, injuries, early tooth extraction. That is why it is important to see an orthodontist in time to stop the formation of pathology.

The ability to move teeth continues throughout a person’s life. The optimal age for eliminating dental defects with braces is adolescence, but our doctors show excellent results when treating patients even after 30–35 years. The average period of wearing braces and the price depend on many factors and range from 8 months to 3 years.

Braces for the upper or lower jaw are non-removable orthodontic structures. Miniature clasps are attached to the teeth with a special dental material (composite) and connected into a single system using a metal arch-bracket. It does the main “work” of moving teeth by creating a certain pressure, turning them due to stretching of the ligaments.

How are aligners installed?

At the first visit, the dentists of our clinic carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, identify problem areas and determine the presence or absence of contraindications to treatment with aligners. In the absence of contraindications, doctors take high-precision impressions and cast plaster models of the jaws, which become the basis for future aligners. Diagnostic models are sent to the laboratory, where a computer simulation of a given clinical case is carried out and a 3D computer forecast of the upcoming treatment is carried out; using a special program, the required number of aligners to correct the bite and the final result of the treatment are calculated, which the doctor will then show you on the computer screen. The number of replacement aligners needed to correct the bite determines the price of treatment. After the 3D prognosis is approved with the patient, an individual set of transparent aligners is manufactured in the laboratory. In Tula, we work with the Star-Smile company, which allows us to produce structures of excellent quality in a modern laboratory using advanced technologies. .

At the next visit, the dentist arranges special composite activator points on several teeth, through which the aligners transmit their pressure, carefully puts the aligner on the teeth, and checks the tightness of the fit and the effect on the patient’s jaw. Activators are not visible on the teeth, and after treatment the doctor simply removes them. The patient learns how to put on and take off the mouthguard independently. The procedure for installing aligners in Tula takes no more than an hour, does not require the use of anesthesia, the frequency of further examinations is determined by the doctor individually (as a rule, no more than once a month).

Despite the relatively high price, this method of correcting a bite is comfortable for a person and shows excellent results after just a few months of active use of the mouthguard.

good braces)) appointment costs 220 rubles. I came, she asked what I didn’t like, and then I saw it myself (let me explain, my fangs protrude forward relative to my other teeth, not terrible, but not great... well, there are other minor problems)) a bunch of times I opened and closed my mouth, she she looked, touched the jaw bone, looked again... She said that this could be fixed, but that she needed braces. And that regardless of whether I put them on, I need to trim the frenulum of the tongue, she told me what the dangers of such a position are, how it’s done, where, etc…. About braces, she said that with any braces the result will be the same and the wearing time will be the same. It should be placed on the upper jaw. in a month and a half to the lower one. I started with lingual ones. I was going to talk about them, I don’t want to say lingual ones)) she - well, thank God))) She took a thing like a desk calendar and was going to show me and tell me about the types of braces and their cost, but I decided not to waste her or my time)) ) She said that they were interested in Damon Claire, she - I see you are well informed!))) She told me about their differences from others and about the advantages, about the prices... well, then I also asked the price of ceramics and metal... ceramics 22500 seems to be for one jaw, if not more... the ones I want are like 29,500 (these are braces + the cost of the doctor's work)... but there is also a difference there, if only on the top there are 10 sapphires on NZ metal, the price is 5 thousand less than if on the top there are 10 on the bottom there are 6 light ones... here... this amount is paid immediately upon installation, but you can agree with the administration on an installment plan. Then at scheduled appointments there will still be expenses of 200-2000, this is the replacement of arches, etc., even when they are removed there are many different procedures, that’s another 16 thousand... in total, she said my braces will cost me approximately 75 thousand. Well, plus preliminary preparation, everyone has their own, but in general this is: 3D image 2000, professional cleaning about 3500 - everyone needs this, + heal teeth if necessary, + removal if necessary, and in my case, frenuloplasty 3500... Removal - for whom how... should I remove the four from above because one was already removed a long time ago, I need symmetry and space... and on the lower jaw she said there should be enough space, but it will be known for sure after I come with the picture, if there is not enough bone tissue, both lower fours will have to be to remove, but it’s unlikely... well, the wisdom teeth will be visible in the picture if they grow incorrectly, resting on the 7th tooth - remove them anyway, regardless of braces... By the way, I later found her on VKontakte, it was inconvenient but there was nothing to do - I asked questions that I forgot to ask , she answered them for me))) in short, my advice to you (I think it’s time for you already) is to take a picture right away, because they will only say for sure when they see the picture - whether the teeth need to be removed, whether there is a recurrence of caries under the fillings and whether they are necessary change well, etc... You can come to a photo at a revolution or a Marat, with a passport (and money) without an appointment, it takes about 10 minutes, and it is given to you on a CD...

By the way, in these clinics fillings, tooth extractions, etc. are expensive... so perhaps I will do these manipulations somewhere cheaper... although I don’t know yet, on the other hand, I got a cheaper filling several years ago and now I have a relapse of caries, I need to change... but it can be considered as a saving option)) By the way, do you know that there is a 13% tax deduction for braces? money spent... only if cleaning is part of a cosmetic procedure - it will not be returned. what is included in the treatment procedures is subject to deduction... from 70 thousand that’s almost 10 thousand back)))

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