Oral pathologies in four-legged friends are more common than other diseases. This is due to negligence
Traumatologist-orthopedist Alexander Sergeevich Shelepov Experience 13 years Doctor Make an appointment A small bulge that has appeared
Causes of facial allergies Atypical reaction of the immune system to foods, chemicals and biological substances
Causes of occurrence Etymologically, odontoma is associated with anomalies in the development of hard dental tissues. It affects the bone
If a person has a history of a diagnosis of “chronic tonsillitis,” then such a patient is no stranger to
Symptoms of this disease will be: hyperemia, swelling, burning and hemorrhages from the gums; hypersensitivity to cold,
It is a malignant neoplasm formed from stratified squamous epithelium located in the red border area
Epulis or central giant cell granuloma is a neoplasm in the oral cavity that appears on
Types of chancre Chancre is an ulceration that occurs after 3-90 (average 21) days
The surgeons and anesthesiologists of the Center have extensive experience in performing such operations and guarantee complete