Removing a cyst without removing a tooth - surgical methods

Inflammatory processes that form around the root are very dangerous, because they not only destroy the cement of the root and the adjacent bone tissue of the jaw, but also affect the gums. If a dentist discovers a cyst, then soon a trip to the surgeon will be necessary, but this does not mean that the patient will lose a tooth. At the Implantmaster clinic, cyst removal is performed without tooth extraction. Our specialists use the latest surgical techniques and equipment.

Removal of a dental cyst is a serious operation in dental surgery. Two decades ago, the presence of a purulent formation on the root led to the removal of a possibly healthy tooth. Modern treatment options for cysts are more varied. There are many therapeutic (conservative) and surgical methods to combat tumors. If doctors have the necessary knowledge and professional skills, patients can count on receiving quality treatment.

In the innovative dental clinic "Implantmaster" in Moscow, cyst removal is carried out by specialists of the highest category, who regularly improve their skills in the best clinics in Europe. We are able to solve complex problems in the fastest possible time and satisfy the needs of even the most demanding patients, setting loyal prices for the services provided. Our doctors are constantly improving their skills, mastering new techniques for removing cysts. The latest materials are used, modern equipment is used for diagnosis and treatment.

Next we will talk about the very concept of “cyst” and methods of its treatment. You will also learn about the main stages of removing a dental cyst, and will be able to get acquainted with the indications for the surgical operation.

What is a dental cyst and how to remove it?

Radical dental cyst is a complex chronic disease. It has its own shell and is filled with purulent contents. The disease progresses on the roots and under the gum. A cyst appears when early infectious inflammation, which is based on pathogenic microflora, is not treated.

Removal of a dental cyst is performed surgically . The tumor can grow, affecting the gums and cheeks from the inside of the mouth. In some cases, sepsis may develop.

All this makes it difficult for the patient to function normally. To cure the disease, conservative methods are used:

  • at the beginning of the procedure, the doctor informs the patient about the possible consequences (it is worth making this the first point);
  • the doctor performs an opening of the dental cavity;
  • cleansing the cavity from affected tissues;
  • treatment with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics;
  • Then, within half an hour, the tooth cyst is removed without removing the tooth .

The patient will have a chance for recovery and further normal life. The main feature of this disease is its asymptomatic course. The patient may remain unaware for a long time. The consequences of this disease can lead to another complex process - sinusitis (if the cyst is located near the sinuses). It is imperative to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity and the condition of the gums, and also come to the doctor for sanitation on time.

Never do

You should never heat your gum or cheek, no warm compresses or salt or other “folk remedies”! It’s better not to do anything at all before going to the doctor. After warm compresses, pus may spread not only in the jaw, but also in the cheeks, throat, and neck. Situations arise that are dangerous not only to health, but also to life.


  • refusal to brush teeth;
  • independent opening of the abscess;
  • taking medications without the consent of a doctor (except for painkillers).

Causes of dental cysts

Ten percent of patients have indications for removal of a dental cyst. Most do not suspect anything, because the disease proceeds secretly for a long time and does not manifest itself in any way. Often, cyst formation is a hereditary disease, and sometimes it indicates poor oral hygiene. But more often the reasons are untreated diseases or the use of low-quality products and drugs, leading to the need to remove the dental cyst. If you identify this disease in time and immediately consult a doctor, it will not be difficult to cope. But if you leave a formation with pus and mucus for several months, it can grow up to 2-3 cm. In this case, proper surgical removal of the dental cyst should be entrusted to a qualified specialist.

Implantmaster employs highly qualified specialists; they have the necessary skills for comfortable and high-quality treatment. Also, to correctly diagnose the disease and determine the exact size of the cyst, the clinic has a CT scanner (the images are more accurate and the radiation is even less), it is possible to take a panoramic image of all teeth, as well as targeted radiography of a specific tooth. The diagnosis becomes more accurate.

There are several causes of cysts:

  • A complicated form of caries is severe destruction of the enamel, through which microbes penetrate inside and form purulent foci.
  • Untreated pulpitis, when part of the nerve is outside, is a good flora for the growth of bacteria.
  • The complication of periodontitis, with inflammation of the connective tissue, is the most difficult to detect.
  • Removal of a dental cyst is often necessary for children when replacing milk teeth with permanent ones; microbes can penetrate into the sockets.
  • The injured mucous membrane of the palate, cheeks, tongue, and gums can serve as an excellent route for the penetration of microorganisms.
  • Past disease of the ENT organs. Colds, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis can cause a tumor and the need to remove a dental cyst, otherwise dangerous complications cannot be avoided.

Why do you need to remove the cyst?

If a dental cyst is not removed in time, even with an asymptomatic course of the disease, the consequences can be very serious - this is a real “time bomb”.

  • The main danger of a cyst is that sooner or later it will destroy the affected tooth, and then “get” to the neighboring teeth.
  • Cysts are reborn. Slowly but surely, so in 15-20 years it may already be a malignant formation.
  • An infection is raging in the cavity of the cyst, so with a general illness, hypothermia, or a decrease in immunity as a result of simple stress, acute purulent inflammation is possible - flux, abscess, phlegmon.
  • The infection can spread to adjacent lymph nodes and cause inflammation - lymphadenitis.
  • Gradual thinning of the jaw bone in the affected area, due to purulent melting, turns into osteomyelitis. Even a spontaneous fracture of the jaw is possible.
  • The cyst enlarges and can grow into the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus.
  • Infection in the cyst can cause sepsis, a blood poisoning.

If treatment is not started on time, the tooth will have to be removed. And this is the minimum “evil”.

When is it necessary to remove a dental cyst?

Is surgical removal of a cyst on a tooth necessary? In some cases, such a radical method cannot be avoided. If the affected tissue is not eliminated, the bubble with purulent contents will increase in size and create pressure on the gum. The outcome may be tumor formation.

Indications for removal:

  • capsule diameter is more than 1 cm;
  • the presence of a pin in the root canal, which prevents refilling;
  • the canal is not completely sealed, there is no material near the very top;
  • Conservative treatment is not effective.


You should not think that if a purulent cyst on the gum spontaneously opens, then you don’t need to go to the dentist and not treat the causative tooth. The source of inflammation at the root tip will still be in place, and it will slowly increase. Over time, this can lead to the formation of a large root cyst at the apex of the tooth root, and even tooth extraction. Therefore, treatment should not be delayed. We hope that our article: Cyst is not a gum treatment - was useful to you.


1. Higher prof. the author’s education in therapeutic and surgical dentistry, 2. Based on personal experience as a dentist, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. “Outpatient surgical dentistry” (Bezrukov V.), 5. “Therapeutic dentistry: Textbook” (Borovsky E.).

Methods for removing dental cysts

Correct treatment of a dental cyst without removal depends on the causes and clinical course. The clinical picture becomes clear after examination in a chair, a targeted photograph, a panoramic photograph of all teeth, . These examination and diagnostic methods for the necessary removal of a dental cyst are available at Implantmaster in Moscow. Examinations are performed before surgery to determine the specific location of the inflammation. If possible, conservative therapy is used to prevent further increase in inflammation. It consists of using a rubber dam to isolate the working field and provide comfort during treatment. Next, the pulp chamber is opened, cleaned, treated with an antiseptic solution and the canals are sealed. Therapy involves taking antimicrobial drugs, vitamins and other medications. If conservative tactics are not effective, then various surgical techniques are used to remove the tooth cyst without removing the causative tooth.


Used for large cysts. The doctor removes parts of the formation that are not in contact with the vessels. Afterwards, an obturator is installed into the resulting cavity - a device that prevents tissue fusion. After some time, the remaining portion of the cyst joins the epithelium of the oral cavity, changes its structure and becomes safe for the body.


During the operation, the root to which the formation is attached and the adjacent coronal part are removed. The resulting space is restored using an orthopedic structure. The above method is quite traumatic, so it is considered outdated.



The Implantmaster clinic answers the question: is it possible to cure a dental cyst without removing the tooth itself? – positive. Our specialists use the most modern technique - cystectomy. The tumor is completely removed without affecting healthy tissue. The operation takes place under local anesthesia in the surgical office and involves the use of a Labomed Magna dental microscope.

At the beginning of the procedure, the specialist determines the location of the patient’s formation based on examination and x-ray images. He “opens” it, cleans out the contents with special tools, puts antiseptic inside and stitches it up. After some time, the cavity remaining after the operation heals on its own, without requiring additional replanting of bone blocks. Cystectomy surgery takes 15-40 minutes, depending on the size of the cyst and bone structure. After an hour, the patient can go home.

The best folk recipes

We bring to your attention popular effective folk recipes that allow you to get rid of pain, inflammation, swelling, thereby increasing the chances of a full recovery without surgery.

Salt water rinse

Helps get rid of pain, germs, swelling. You should rinse your mouth with warm salt water, holding it in your mouth for 1-2 minutes. You can add soda and a few drops of iodine to the solution. The procedure must be carried out 5-6 times a day.

Treatment with alcohol tinctures

They have disinfectant and anesthetic effects. You can rinse your mouth with ordinary vodka or alcoholic tinctures of medicinal herbs. Horseradish tincture is often used; it has antibacterial properties. The crushed root must be poured with medical alcohol and left for three days in a cool place. A similar result is obtained by using tinctures of calendula, ficus, and aloe.

Gargling with herbal decoctions

When treating a cyst, rinsing the mouth is a necessary procedure that allows you to eliminate the source of infection, reduce pain, and eliminate inflammation. The use of herbal decoctions and infusions can effectively complement basic therapeutic procedures.

When treating cysts, the most effective is a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula, thyme, eucalyptus, hyssop, yarrow, and horsetail. Pour two tablespoons of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, and strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product as often as possible.

Sage has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Boil one tablespoon of flowers for 20 minutes in 200 ml of water, use for rinsing. To enhance the healing effect, it is advisable to add killer whale root to sage.

You should rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs often, up to 10-12 times a day.

It is necessary to steam the herbs daily, store the finished decoction in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and warm it up slightly to a temperature of 36-37 degrees before rinsing. Rinsing with a solution that is too hot can aggravate the situation; the cyst can develop into a gumboil.

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Removal of a dental cyst by resection

Removal of a dental cyst by resection of the root apex is a tooth-saving operation, i.e., making it possible not to part with the tooth. It is carried out by excision of the root and removal of the affected fragments. Then, to avoid the spread of infection to adjacent areas of hard and soft tissue, the canal is sealed. As a result, this is a good way to cure a dental cyst at the initial stage without removing the entire unit. If a fragment of the tooth remains, it will be replaced with prosthetics in the future. Tooth-preserving methods are valued by specialists because they help preserve the integrity of the dentition. Therefore, resection of the root apex is also used in other cases:

  • Inflammation of the tooth under the crown. The obvious solution is to remove the prosthesis, remove the abscess, and install a new design. However, these manipulations are more costly and time-consuming than root resection.
  • Root canal abscess, often irregularly shaped, due to unscrupulous filling or the use of low-quality materials.
  • With osteomyelitis. There is a need to cut out the affected areas of bone tissue at the border with the roots. This helps prevent deep infection.
  • When foreign objects are detected in the channels - boron particles, files. This happens when using low-quality equipment. Our clinic uses the latest instruments based on titanium alloy.

However, such an effective operation has contraindications. Removal of a dental cyst by resection is not carried out if: diseased and healthy roots are located critically close; in the presence of extensive chips of the crown; high tooth mobility; in the stage of acute periodontitis. Not recommended for people with diabetes, mental and nervous disorders, chronic heart and vascular diseases, pathologies of the lungs and thyroid gland.

How to help a child at home with suppuration?

If suppuration and the formation of a lump on the gum appear, it is recommended to contact a dentist as soon as possible, but, unfortunately, for various reasons this is not always possible.

If an adult can endure pain (although, of course, situations are different), then it is much more difficult for a child to endure painful sensations, and it is not easy for parents to watch their child suffer. There are ways to alleviate the baby's condition. Naturally, they will not replace full-fledged treatment, so you can resort to them only in situations where going to the doctor is impossible right now.

These include:

  • take as much warm liquid as possible, which reduces intoxication of the body;
  • eat liquid food (moderately warm, but not hot!), as it injures already damaged gums;
  • If the pain becomes severe, you can use painkillers. For example, Nurofen or Paracetamol - the exact dosage depends on the age of the child, so before use you should carefully read the instructions for the drug;
  • to reduce swelling, you can resort to cold - any frozen product from the freezer compartment of the refrigerator is wrapped in a soft cloth and applied to the cheek;
  • use rinsing solutions that temporarily relieve pain - chamomile decoction or the drug chlorhexidine, which reduces irritation.

How is surgical removal of a dental cyst performed?

How is the operation to remove a dental cyst performed? It includes the following steps:

  • Making a diagnosis using x-rays to determine the size of the capsule and the condition of the roots.
  • Conducting local anesthesia.
  • Cutting and peeling of the gums.
  • Drilling out a bony area in the body of the jaw for better access to the formation.
  • High-quality cleaning of the contents of the capsule and removal of its shell to prevent further illness.
  • Rinsing the cavity with antiseptics.
  • In some cases, if necessary, removal of part of the affected root and retrograde filling of the canals.
  • Filling the cyst location with osteoplastic material (artificial bone).
  • Suturing the mucous membrane.
  • After the procedure, it is mandatory to take a control X-ray to ensure that the operation was carried out properly (all infected tissues were removed).

A tooth is removed if its roots are in a cystic formation or if it is completely destroyed.

Cyst on the gum: treatment in different ways

If the pus pressure becomes too high, the mucous membrane bursts and the pus sac opens. Its contents enter the mouth, and a hole appears at the site of the cyst, through which pus will continue to flow into the oral cavity, since the source of inflammation has not been eliminated. Naturally, this situation is not normal, so it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist, who will definitely be able to prevent such complications.

How to treat a cyst? There are two ways:

  1. Opening the cyst through an incision in the mucous membrane, which will create a strong outflow of pus and significantly reduce inflammation.
  2. Dental treatment.

In the latter case, several options are possible:

  • If the inflammatory process has formed as a result of periodontitis of an untreated tooth, then it is necessary to remove the pulp and seal the canals.
  • If the cause of inflammation lies in poorly sealed canals, then the tooth must be retreated.

Treatment may be as follows:

  1. therapeutic, in which the crown is first removed, then the filling is performed, then the canals are filled again, and a new crown is put on;
  2. surgical. If the canal was not sealed well enough at the upper part of the root, resection is necessary (through a small hole in the gum, the doctor will use a drill to remove the root tip). This procedure saves the patient money, since there is no need to make a crown and re-fill the canals;
  3. a complex of therapeutic and surgical measures.

It is worth saying in a little more detail about resection - the name scares many patients, but there is nothing complicated, much less painful, about the procedure.

Resection consists of several successive stages:

  1. Preparatory procedures. When it comes to a tooth cyst with unfilled canals, a filling is performed several days before the main operation. It's worth noting that this needs to be done in a couple of days, not several weeks or more.
  2. Local anesthesia. This is a virtually painless procedure. Some patients report slight pain only when the injection no longer works.
  3. Providing access to the upper region of the root. The surgeon cuts the gum, exposing the bone. Next, the bone tissue is cut out using a drill, which is also not painful, given the previous anesthesia.
  4. Cutting off the upper part of the root with the cyst and removing tissue from the wound using tweezers.
  5. When the cyst is eliminated, an empty space remains in its place, i.e. cavity. The size of the cyst can be quite large: then synthetic tissue is placed there, which will speed up the filling of the cavity with normal bone.
  6. Suturing the wound using special material. A drainage can be installed for a couple of days to ensure the outflow of the resulting ichor.

A number of patients, upon hearing about the resection prescribed for them, worry that the tooth will not last long, but this is not at all the case. In addition, if the procedure is carried out in compliance with all standards, there will be no complications. It is necessary for the doctor to completely remove pieces of the cyst from the wound, otherwise it may form again (according to statistics, the incidence of such a complication is no more than 3%).

Laser removal of dental cyst

If the tumor is small, then laser removal may be used. This is a simple and safe way. A laser beam is passed through the root canal, sterilizing it, and the cyst gradually reduces in size.

Positive aspects of using laser:

  • not painful and bloodless;
  • fast regeneration;
  • disinfection of the inflamed area and, as a result, reducing the risk of spreading bacteria.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure, as well as the availability of a laser device not in all clinics.

Complications after removal of a dental cyst

After removal of a dental cyst, what unpleasant consequences may be possible? Any surgical intervention using anesthesia, like removal of a cyst, can lead to complications. They arise when the doctor does not fully adhere to the chosen tactics, with incorrect diagnosis at the preparation stage, or with the use of inappropriate equipment. Here at Implantmaster, complications do not arise after cyst removal thanks to the professionalism of doctors, modern equipment and the use of the latest techniques. But every patient should be informed about the likely consequences of the procedure. Body temperature may increase after removal of a dental cyst. Pain in the gum area is possible after removal of a dental cyst. The occurrence of edema and hematomas is inevitable. But their consequences are quickly eliminated by antibacterial drugs and constant cooling compresses. However, there are more serious complications:

  • It is necessary to first take a blood clotting test to prevent rupture of blood vessels when accessing the root.
  • There is a possibility of injury to nerve bundles. Therefore, the tooth may continue to ache even after the cyst is removed. Taking painkillers helps minimize this effect.
  • With poor oral hygiene, suppuration can form again. To prevent this from happening, a course of antimicrobial drugs is prescribed.
  • Incomplete removal of the affected tissue leads to secondary infection. It is necessary to check everything carefully before applying stitches.
  • Perforation of the walls of the maxillary sinuses. Today this almost never happens.

We are confident of an excellent result, even when other clinics do not undertake cyst treatment. Much also depends on the patient. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations in the first days after surgery. Limit consumption of hot, cold and solid foods. Do not use hard brushes or aggressive chemical rinses, and avoid sports activities. You should take vitamins and NSAIDs. Proper treatment of the body will allow you to return to normal as quickly as possible.


The disease manifests itself as a dull pain when eating solid food. A fistula may form on the gum. Patients also complain of:

  • swelling of the face;

  • swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, decreased performance;
  • high sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • increased volume and tenderness of the lymph nodes;
  • toothache.

If a tooth looks healthy, but pain occurs when pressing on it, you should definitely make an appointment with a dentist. The same must be done if the gum is swollen, swollen, or a fistula has formed on its surface.

Where can I remove a dental cyst without extracting a tooth?

If you are concerned about this problem, then we invite you to visit the Implantmaster dental clinic to get rid of a cyst on a tooth by treatment or tooth extraction. For you - qualified specialists, all the necessary ultra-modern equipment and reasonable prices.

The price for removing a dental cyst is determined by the services of an endodontist and a surgeon. Endodontic treatment is required with a microscope, including anesthesia, materials, etc., starts from 6,500 rubles. Removal of the cyst by a surgeon is paid separately—about 10,000 rubles. This cost includes all surgical procedures. Lifetime guarantee for treatment at Implantmaster.



Having noticed inflammation, in no case should you engage in independent treatment or hope that everything will go away over time on its own. Even if the cyst opens, this will only slightly reduce the inflammatory process, but bone tissue destruction will begin in the upper part of the tooth, which will ultimately cause the tooth to be removed, since it will become impossible to cure it. Remember that at the site of the opened cyst there remains a hole through which pus will flow into the mouth: those around you will clearly smell this discharge, and the patient himself will also “enjoy” its taste. Treatment in case of cyst formation should begin with a visit to the dental surgeon, who will first take an image to make the correct diagnosis.

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