Borax with glycerin (sodium tetraborate): instructions and use

Description of the substance

What is borax substance? Many minerals containing sodium tetraborate have been studied. Such deposits include:

  • borax or sodium tetraborate tinkal decahydrate;
  • kerite;
  • Borax sediment is formed during the drying up of salt lakes (Searles, lakes of Turkey);
  • minerals belonging to the borate class, containing calcium, sodium and similar elements other than borax.

Varieties of borax

There are two options for this material. In solid form, borax appears as a powder with small granules of a small fraction with a white color. The flux will not spread during application and can be precisely positioned in the required metal-to-metal junction areas.

Diluted borax has also been used for light metals. In some cases, liquids are very convenient, because you just need to dip a small part into the solution. In addition, the liquid form allows the use of borax even at low heating temperatures.

In some cases, it is advantageous to use a mixture of fluxes with borax included in the composition for the special characteristics of the base metal and special requirements for the connection.

Composition and properties

The chemical nomenclature of soldering borax indicates that it is a crystalline hydrate of the sodium salt of tetraboric acid. If the substance contains 10 water molecules, then it is called sodium tetraborate decahydrate. In simple words, it is a salt that is surrounded by a shell containing 10 or 5 water molecules.

A temperature of 64 degrees causes decahydrates to melt and lose water in the process. Borax is dehydrated at a temperature of 380 degrees Celsius. Tetraborate is characterized by withstand heating up to a temperature of 742 degrees and melting when it increases.

Borax contains sodium chlorine, barium chlorine and, in some cases, boric acid. Flux in the form of a solution has a high ability to dissolve metal oxides, as well as fatty films and anything unnecessary that can prevent the adhesion of materials.

Thanks to the use of borax during soldering, many products are produced without defects.



Orgsintez, Russia

Price from 84 to 414 rubles.

Vinilin is a drug that promotes the restoration and rapid regeneration of damaged skin. The active component of Vinilin is represented by polyvinox, it is characterized by pronounced antimicrobial properties. Prescribed for trophic ulcerations, burns, purulent wound surfaces, mastitis. Taken orally for gastrointestinal ulcers. Available in solution form.


  • Effective for sore throat
  • Low price
  • Quickly stops the inflammatory process.


  • May provoke allergic reactions
  • Not for children
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation period.


Marbiopharm, Russia

Price from 50 to 158 rub.

Aekol is a product with a combined composition, its components are menadione, betakeratene, retinol and vit. E. The drug exhibits an anti-burn effect, eliminates inflammation, and increases the permeability of damaged tissues. Prescribed for the treatment of ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, used in cosmetology to improve hair health. Aekol is produced in the form of a solution.


  • Has an antioxidant effect
  • Can be prescribed for hemorrhoids
  • Acceptable price.


  • Not prescribed for thyrotoxicosis
  • Diarrhea may develop during treatment
  • Cannot be combined with taking estrogen.


Based on appearance, welding drills are divided into 2 types.

  1. Solid. In powder form, flux has the form of solid fine fractions. This shape makes it easy to lay borax on a metal surface before the soldering process, while the substance does not spread. Solid borax is sold in boxes that are sealed, thereby protecting the substance from moisture and the negative influence of the environment. In the powder fraction, borax is white.
  2. Divorced. This type of borax is considered the most suitable for light metal and its alloy. The substance is the same powdered borax, but dissolved in a liquid. This feature of the flux makes it possible to use it at low soldering temperatures. Using diluted borax is quite simple: small metal elements are dipped into it and then soldered. This flux is popular in jewelry, as well as when working with wires and contacts.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Let's start with the pros:

  • The drug is extremely affordable. The cost of a bottle of borax does not exceed $1, which is several times cheaper than other antiseptics and combination products.
  • The drug is non-toxic, well tolerated and does not cause serious side effects.
  • The product can be used in problem categories of patients: children, pregnant women, nursing mothers.
  • The drug is effective, especially in gynecology. Glycerin has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, relieving itching and burning, and boric acid helps restore the acidic protective environment of the vagina, stimulating the growth and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

What is sodium tetraborate used for?

Borax is an antiseptic with bacteriostatic activity. In small quantities it is included in household detergents. Builders use it to destroy and prevent mold, and gardeners need sodium tetraborate to control pests.

Borax with glycerin is widely used for rinsing and douching in the treatment of many diseases: stomatitis, upper respiratory tract diseases, thrush, candidiasis. It is used as an external remedy for bedsores, diaper rash, and cracks. The drug is absorbed through the skin or mucous membrane and enters the digestive tract. It is eliminated from the body within a week through the intestines and kidneys. This medicine has contraindications. Due to increased toxicity, it can be harmful, so it is not used for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergies.

Sodium tetraborate is included in many slime recipes as a thickener. It is he who, by changing the properties of other components, gives the “chewing gum for hands” ductility and elasticity. But it is not recommended to give such slimes to children under 3 years of age, because they may be tempted to try chewing gum on their teeth.

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Scope of application of the drill

Sodium tetraborate has been actively used for the following purposes:

  • as a flux during soldering and melting of metals;
  • in analytical chemistry studies as a standard substance for determining the level of acid in a solution. Borax is also used to establish the characteristics of metal oxides;
  • widespread use in the creation of glazes, enamel, glasses for optical instruments and decoration;
  • the powder is used in pharmaceuticals and paper production;
  • is a natural preservative and means for disinfection and control of parasites;
  • is a component in the chemical industry to create household cleaning products;
  • relevant application in the creation of cosmetic products;
  • borax is used as a base for creating boron;
  • the substance is a component for creating insulating building materials;
  • in light industry, sodium tetraborate is applied to the product before the painting procedure.

Using a drill in everyday life

Borax can be found in most grocery stores. It is a relatively inexpensive product, making it an excellent choice for many household projects.

Use of sodium tetraborate as a medicine

The substance is very effective in controlling pests: cockroaches, ants and other household insects. The mixture is ready by mixing equal parts of powder with sugar. Sugar helps attract beetles and borax exerts its detrimental effect on the insect. It is recommended to keep the substance in hard-to-reach places, away from pets and children. Optimal places: under stoves, refrigerator and sink. Borax also works well against mice. You just have to apply the powder in the areas where the mice are located, and the borax will rid you of the pests. You can also sprinkle the solution on the carpet and vacuum it to eliminate the presence of fleas or treat the mattress to get rid of bedbugs.

Borax will get rid of rust. Mixing 1 cup of powder with 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice makes an effective anti-corrosion agent. The paste-like solution is applied to the rusty items for about 15 minutes. After which the rust can be easily removed by mechanical friction.

Sodium tetraborate is a universal cleaner. Two tablespoons of borax are mixed with 2 cups of water to create an all-purpose cleaner. The solution can be applied in a spray bottle and used to clean kitchen surfaces and bathroom tiles and ceramics. Borax is great for removing very stubborn stains. Borax will help remove stubborn stains from the floor.

Borax will allow you to flush your home plumbing fixtures. Simply place ½ cup of borax into the drain with a few cups of warm water. Borax breaks down dirt that gets stuck in pipes. This will not only remove excess and unclog the drain, but also disinfect the system.

Application in forging and forge welding

Borax is actively used as a flux for forging and forge welding. The powder is a source of boron oxide, with excellent antioxidant properties. Borax can, if necessary, remove small cracks during metal processing, change the shape of a product, or when heated during artistic forging and blacksmithing of metal. The substance is classified as a high temperature flux. The processed workpiece with borax is characterized by more wear-resistant characteristics and durability.

Using borax in soldering.

During the melting of borax at a temperature of 700-900 °C, the surface of the material being processed is cleaned, and all excess inclusions are dissolved in the flux. During the processing of a material by forging, a thick layer of scale is gradually created. In some cases, the metal being processed may completely burn due to overheating of the part. But by using a thin layer of borax, this scenario can be avoided.

In industry

Industrial enterprises find the following uses for this substance:

  • as a raw material for the production of boric acid;
  • as an antiseptic in the production of bulk insulation materials such as “Ecowool”.
  • as a means for determining the concentration of acid solutions;
  • in welding production as a component of flux;
  • in the mechanical engineering industry as a component of antifreeze and various lubricants;
  • in glass production;
  • the fabric is treated with sodium tetraborate for better dyeing;
  • Borax is a component of almost all cosmetic products.

Using borax in the soldering process

In addition to household use, borax is a popular raw material for soldering. High temperature flux is produced as a finely dispersed powder. When heated above 700 degrees Celsius, the flux flows into a liquid state and becomes solder. I’ll tell you about the pros and cons of this flux in the table below.

Pros of borax fluxCons of solder
The elements being connected do not need to be heated to the same temperature.After the borax solder cools, salt-type deposits form on the surface of the seam, which will have to be cleaned off from time to time. This is not very convenient for hard-to-reach places.
The quality of the roller is high even when connecting different materials. For example, metal and non-metal.
The roller can be destroyed if necessary by reheating the borax to the melting point.
The peak heating temperature of 700+ C will not allow copper parts to warp + the characteristics of the weld with this solder are higher than usual.Flux absorbs moisture very well. A closed storage container doesn't even help. Too wet solder reduces the quality of the roller several times.
Capillary soldering itself is considered the best solution for connecting small and medium-sized parts.
The powder mixture makes it possible to achieve a high level of seam strength.

To learn how to use Borax without jambs, you need to maintain clear proportions when applying. For beginners in welding, this can be problematic, so gaining practical experience with such solder is extremely important.

Rules for soldering with technical borax:

  1. The base for applying boron powder must first be cleaned. The welder gets rid of various greasy stains, wax and other debris from the surface of the future seam. For this procedure I use regular sandpaper. It's quite enough.
  2. The soldering iron tip needs to be preheated before touching the solder.
  3. To form a reference seam, I advise you to heat the workpieces to the same temperature.
  4. The tip of the soldering iron should heat both sides of the elements being connected.
  5. Do not skimp on solder to form a quality connection.
  6. When the solder begins to flow, the soldering iron tip is temporarily removed from the joint location.
  7. After applying the bead, the joined elements cannot be moved until they have completely cooled. When working with transistor components, you should use “crocodiles” that will act as heat sinks, thereby reducing the risk of temperature damage to the filling.

If dry joints occur, the roller must be melted and the seam redone. After finishing work with solder, the tip of the soldering iron is cleaned. When working with copper parts, cleaning the edges of the elements being joined is especially important.

What tools and materials are used in the borax soldering process:

  • soldering iron Used to heat solder + sometimes for the connections themselves. Sometimes it is more convenient to heat the elements with a gas burner;
  • stand. To position the soldering iron while it is heating up or is inactive. There are a lot of variations of stands for this instrument on the Internet, so choosing one that is convenient for you will not be any problem;
  • rag or sponge. Consumables needed to clean the soldering iron tip;
  • fine grit sandpaper. Used for stripping joints to which solder will be applied;
  • crocodiles. The clamps play an auxiliary role as radiators;
  • burner. Needed when soldering pipes.

Also, to improve the quality of the seam, I advise you to use boron flux, which will contain fluoride or chloride elements. When soldering pipes, the elements being connected must be heated for at least 25 seconds.

How to make borax with your own hands?

What can replace it?

If you don't have sodium tetraborate at home, you can find a replacement. For ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane, ordinary soda with water helps well. The inflamed mucous membrane is irrigated with soda solution until complete healing.

If purulent discharge is present, salt can be added to the solution - it has the property of drawing pus from the tissues. Proportions: for a cup of warm water, a teaspoon of salt and tetraborate. Do douching and rinse your mouth for stomatitis.

For diaper rash and bedsores, first wash the affected areas with medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, oak), then dry and treat with powder. For stomatitis, use rotokan (alcohol solution of herbs) and propolis tincture.

What is it and what is it for?

Soldering borax is a high-temperature type of powdered flux that is used when joining metal products by soldering. Melting of this substance can occur under the influence of temperatures exceeding 700 degrees Celsius. Soldering borax has its own GOST, according to which it is manufactured and its characteristics are regulated.

The substance in powder form looks very similar to salt, in other words it is called sodium tetraborate. The synthesis of borax occurs naturally, and its extraction is carried out from salt lake deposits.

The use of this substance is quite wide, but most often it is used for soldering copper pipes.

The advantages of using borax include the following:

  • the materials that are planned to be processed may have different temperature conditions;
  • obtaining a high-quality, reliable weld not only between metals, but also between metal and non-metal surfaces;
  • ease of soldering seams if necessary to separate parts;
  • when soldering, the parts do not warp or deform;
  • increased productivity during capillary soldering;
  • obtaining smooth and durable seams even from a craftsman with little experience.

The disadvantages of sodium tetraborate are as follows:

  • release of a large volume of salts, which harden on the metal at high speed;
  • absorption of moisture from the environment;
  • the difficulty of selecting the right amount of borax for an inexperienced welder.

Description and external signs

Borax mineral is an aqueous sodium borate with hydroxyl. It is also popularly known as boric salt. In Asian countries it is called tincal. This substance resembles almost colorless crystals. Origin of the name: from the Arabic word bauraq - translated as “white”. The form of release of borax in pharmacies and hardware stores is a white fine-crystalline powder.

Chemical composition

The components of borax are the sodium salt of boric acid and a strong base (water, sodium). Chemical formula: Na2(B4O5)(OH)4 8H2O

The practical significance of borax is to serve for the extraction of boron.

Molecular weight of the substance: 381.37; Density: 1.7; Specific gravity: 1.69 – 1.8; Maximum birefringence: δ=0.025; IMA classes: borates.

physical characteristics

The color of borax can vary: it can be white with a gray tint, yellowish, less often with a blue or greenish tint. When exposed to light, the crystals are almost colorless. The gloss is matte resinous. The stone looks as if it has been oiled. In terms of hardness, it is a very brittle mineral. Borax is highly soluble in water and forms a slightly alkaline, sweetish solution. Melting point – 60°C; at 320°C the crystals lose water and a white powder is formed.

List of required components

There are several options for preparing sodium tetraborate yourself. For the simple method you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • boric acid;
  • plastic container;
  • wooden stick;
  • napkin.

The second method involves longer production times. It will require:

  • construction borax (this is what a solution of boric acid is called in a pharmacy);
  • glycerol;
  • plastic container. will tell you below how to make sodium tetraborate yourself at home using these components.


  • After use, a deposit of salts forms, which must be removed mechanically;
  • It is necessary to choose storage areas that are free of moisture, since high humidity will cause the flux to deteriorate;
  • To prepare the material for use, you need to spend time and choose the right proportion, which can lead to errors.

Varieties of Borax

There are two main varieties that relate to the appearance of the material. The first option is the solid form. Borax soldering flux is supplied in the form of a powder with fine solid fractions. Thanks to this, it is easy to lay it on the metal surface before soldering in the required quantity and it will not spread at the same time. This variety is supplied in a special box that protects the material hermetically from the penetration of moisture and other foreign factors. Fractions are white.

Soldering borax in powder form

The second type, which is more often used for lighter metals and their alloys, is diluted borax. In this case, you are offered the same material, but dissolved in liquid. Due to this, it can be used at lower soldering temperatures. Using this type is also easier, since small parts are simply dipped into the liquid, after which they can be soldered. This is used both in the jewelry industry and in other places where small items are worked. Contacts, wires and other types of equipment come into good contact with dissolved flux. Despite the fact that the principle of using borax for soldering in liquid form is somewhat different from the standard one, they have almost the same effect.

There are also varieties in the form of mixtures, when other fluxes are also used. This is necessary in cases where it is impossible to achieve the desired results using one substance. Proportions and composition depend on specific goals. Most often it is combined with boric acid.

Composition and physicochemical properties

The composition of borax for soldering includes sodium chloride and barium chloride, in some cases boric acid is added to it. It is not used in its pure form for all procedures, since this would require too high a melting point. Drill soldering powder is a high-temperature flux, so its main property is resistance to high temperatures. It is worth noting that the material perfectly retains its chemical properties even at a lower concentration than what is supplied. Thus, the flux solution has a fairly high level of dissolution of the oxides of all base metals for which it is used.

It can also dissolve fatty films and other unnecessary things that will interfere with the normal soldering of the material. Brown soldering protects against many types of defects that can occur in work.


There are two main grades of the substance, which are defined according to GOST as grade A and grade B:

Soldering of metals is carried out by first removing traces of oxides from their surface. Fluxes are used for this. They should prevent oxidation when heated and encourage good flow of molten solder.

For soldering copper products, borax solder ideally meets all requirements. The substance has been known since the Middle Ages. It was mined in the lakes of India and Tibet, then transported to Europe, where it was used for processing fabrics and leather, and producing glass.

Borax is widely used for working with metals. When manufacturing or repairing metal products, borax soldering is carried out. First of all, the method is used for parts made of copper and brass. A special type of this flux is used when repairing jewelry.

How does the substance work?

Boric acid from Prussians acts as a strong insecticide for intestinal and contact insects.

If the parasite has eaten the bait, the substance acts as follows:

  • Once in the esophagus of an arthropod, it begins to corrode its walls;
  • severely affects the ovaries of females;
  • males lose the ability to reproduce, as it has a negative effect on spermatoginesis;
  • leads to dehydration of the body, which ultimately causes death.

This poison begins to kill only when it accumulates in the insect’s body.

The contact mechanism manifests itself when particles of a substance enter the spiracles of arthropods and onto the chitinous cover. However, in such cases the effect of the poison is less effective.

Death in cockroaches occurs within 8-12 hours after eating boric acid bait.

Side effects

A side effect to the drug can only appear if there is a high sensitivity to the components.

These include:

  • Itching
  • Weakness
  • Possible skin rashes
  • Convulsions
  • Digestive disorders
  • Dermatitis
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Anemia

You should stop using this drug if you experience any side effects and seek immediate medical attention.


  • Mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membrane
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy
  • Hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug component
  • Drug intolerance


Qualitative reaction. To 5 ml of a 4% solution add 0.1 ml of a 0.1% phenolphthalein solution; the solution turns red. When adding 5 ml of glycerin, the 85% solution should become colorless.

  1. Qualitative reaction. To 0.2 g of the substance add 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid, 3 ml of 96% alcohol and mix. When ignited, the mixture should burn with a green-edged flame.
  2. Qualitative reaction. A 4% solution should give a characteristic reaction A to sodium (General Pharmacopoeia Monograph “General reactions to authenticity”).

Disadvantages of flux

When working with borax, a characteristic deposit remains on the surface of the base metal, which must be mechanically cleaned off. Borax is susceptible to moisture and should be stored in a dry place. It is necessary to carefully prepare the flux in advance so as not to spoil the product.

Types of soldering flux

Tools and materials

The soldering technology uses a number of components.

  1. A soldering iron is used to heat joints that are to be soldered. Solder has a lower melting point than the metals that are being joined. Solder melts when heated with a soldering iron.
  2. Borax acts as a flux to prevent oxidation of the metals that are combined.
  3. The solder used to join copper pipes has a necessary acid base that is suitable for pipes but is corrosive to electronic connections.
  4. A stand on which you can hold a hot soldering iron. There are various stands. It is important to always keep the hot soldering iron in place when not in use.
  5. A sponge or rag that is used to clean the tip of an iron.
  6. Fine sandpaper used to clean connections before soldering.
  7. Alligator clips can be used as heat sinks if necessary.
  8. Burner if pipes are soldered.

Tools for soldering
Thus, the use of borax is effective in domestic conditions for cleaning surfaces and parts, and also as an antiseptic. The ingredient is often used for soldering various parts as protection against oxidation and corrosion prevention. Low cost and widespread use have allowed the substance to be used in many areas of industry and installation services.

Features of the soldering process

There are various soldering options. Many of them have a similar operating algorithm.

Submerged Soldering

For a quality connection, the following steps are necessary:

  1. The solder must be applied to a clean surface that acts as a base. It is necessary to remove any oils, paints, waxes and other impurities using a solvent, steel brush, or fine sandpaper.
  2. In order for the solder to connect to the tip of the soldering iron, heat it up for a few seconds, and only then apply the solder. Hold the soldering iron like a handle, near the base of the tool.
  3. Both parts of the workpiece that will be soldered must be hot to form a good bond.
  4. The tip of the soldering iron heats both sides of the workpieces.
  5. The solder will not flow well on the heated base metal. Enough solder should be used to form a strong connection.
  6. Remove the tip from the joint area as soon as the solder begins to flow.
  7. Do not move the solder joint while the solder is cooling. Do not overheat the connection as this may cause damage. Transistors and some other components may be damaged due to the heat of soldering. The alligator clip can be used as a heat sink to protect these components. By absorbing heat, the alligator clip reduces heat, helping prevent damage.
  8. Soldering a connection can only take a few seconds, and even an amateur can perform the operation. If the seam looks bad, reheat it and try again. Bad bonds (also called dry bonds) must be melted and remade. Wipe the tip of the soldering iron to clean it. Unplug the soldering iron when not in use.

Read also: DIY pellet machines

Toxicological properties and characteristics

Warm-blooded animals and humans. Sodium tetraborate penetrates the skin and has a mild cumulative effect. Does not have a local irritant effect upon contact with the conjunctiva of the eye and skin, does not cause a sensitization effect or an embryotoxic effect. [2]

People who work with the substance often suffer from chronic eczema. When working, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system, eyes and skin from exposure to dust. [3]

Sodium tetraborate, as well as boric acid and soluble borates, are quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In the blood, boron is evenly distributed between red blood cells and plasma, but quickly passes into the tissues. Found in soft tissues

10% of the dose (mainly in the brain, liver and adipose tissue). The excretion of boron compounds occurs mainly through the gastrointestinal tract. [3]

Hazard classes. Insecticides based on sodium tetraborate belong to class IV of low-hazard disinfestation agents according to GOST 12.1.007. [2]

Contraindications and precautions

Do not use drugs in case of excessive sensitivity to the components, as well as in case of violation of the integrity of the epidermis.

To increase the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, it is recommended to carry out procedures with the participation of medical personnel. This is necessary to ensure the expected therapeutic effect, otherwise there may be relapses of the disease.

Simultaneous treatment with other antimycotic drugs (for example, clotrimazole or griseofulvin), hormone-containing drugs, as well as agents containing phenol and boric acid should not be carried out.

There is no information about possible interactions with alcohol.

The main thing about borax with glycerin

In appearance, borax with glycerin has a transparent 5–20% solution with a slight specific odor.

Sodium tetraborate contains:

  • the main substance is borax or sodium tetraborate decahydrate (20 g)
  • excipient - glycerol or glycerol (80 g).

Borax with glycerin is available in glass bottles and with a nylon and tightly screwed plastic cap, 30 g each. Borax itself acts as an antiseptic, or rather eliminates various infections, and glycerin removes irritation and helps the borax penetrate skin barriers better. Using glycerin, the solution becomes thick.

Sodium tetraborate: instructions for use

Price: from 8 to 25 rubles.

The drug is used topically.

Recommendations for use for stomatitis: treatment of mucous membranes 2-3 r. throughout the day. Typically, drugs help eliminate pain and active inflammation. The treatment course for stomatitis in adults is usually 3-7 days.

Conducting healing therapy for thrush (vaginal candidiasis) is carried out after preliminary douching with a phytosolution (preferably chamomile decoction). A tampon moistened with a medicinal solution should be inserted deep into the vagina for about half an hour. The frequency of the procedure depends on the nature of the pathological process. Sodium tetraborate in glycerin is usually used once a day (best before bedtime); in the presence of heavy discharge, the frequency of procedures is 2 times. per day (in the morning and evening) for 7 days.

Sodium tetraborate: features of use for stomatitis in children

Sodium tetraborate for stomatitis in children is used according to the same scheme. A gauze swab is first moistened in the solution, and then the surface of the tongue or the affected areas of the oral mucosa are treated. How long treatment with sodium tetraborate solution for stomatitis in children should last should be checked with a doctor.

Use during pregnancy, GW

The drug can be used by pregnant women, but treatment should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. The regimen for using drugs is determined individually.

Not prescribed during the lactation period.

Application of brass and copper powder

Practitioners often use flux that has been stored longer than expected. To solder with brass, the borax must be re-melted. The cooled powder should be placed in a jar with an airtight lid. Neglecting this procedure can ruin the work due to waste accumulated during storage.

At the beginning of soldering, the working area must be heated to a clearly visible red color. Heating should begin first at the edges, and then directly at the soldering site.

Then the heated area should be gradually sprinkled with flux, wait until it spreads in the form of a film along the edges of the part. At this point, the heated brass solder must be dipped into the molten borax so that it is covered with a hot flux film.

As experience shows, the soldering area is red in color, while the borax melt is colored bluish. You cannot keep solder in the flux for a very long time. Oxide residues may form.

Then you should warm up the work area again. The brass will take on an orange glowing appearance. You can proceed directly to soldering. If done correctly, the solder will fill all the gaps.

The soldering area will turn golden. When the process is completed, the hot zone should be sprinkled with borax powder and left to cool. Copper parts in a hot (200 ℃) state can be placed in a mixture containing equal parts acetone and water, or simply in water. It makes sense to immerse the cutters in hot sand.

A correctly made connection has a transparent film with a slight blue tint. There are no solder drops on it. If soldering is performed incorrectly, the seam becomes covered with a black porous crust.

The reason may be overheating of the working area, as a result of which slag is formed, or poor quality of borax-based flux. This is how brass and other copper-containing alloys are soldered.

Copper pipe connection

Copper pipelines are expensive. The investment can be justified with careful installation, which is often carried out by capillary soldering using borax as a flux.

It is worth noting that today, other fluxes are sold that are more convenient to use. One pipe is inserted into the second or fitting so that the gap does not exceed 0.4 mm.

Soldering time is short, 3 minutes. It is important that the parts remain stationary during operation. In order for the borax powder to stick to the surface, the copper is first heated with a torch.

For pipes with a diameter of up to 108 mm, the soldering process is carried out at low temperatures not exceeding 450°. The seam is wide (up to 50 mm), but not very strong. Wide pipes with a diameter greater than 159 mm are soldered at high temperatures. Only professionals can perform the procedure.

In both cases, the solder melt penetrates well into the capillaries of the parts, which contributes to the formation of strong connections. It is recommended to remove any remaining borax.

It must be remembered that soldering is accompanied by the formation of smoke, so you can only work in ventilated areas.

How to make borax at home?

The cost of sodium tetraborate in hardware stores and pharmacies varies from 20 to 100 rubles. If we are talking about a one-time use, then the price is cheap, but if a person constantly needs flux or borax for other tasks, it would be more rational to get it at home. In the table below I will describe 3 popular recipes for making the substance with your own hands.

ComponentsPacking (g)Preparation
1.Baking soda50Pour boric acid into a glass container and add baking soda in small portions. Stir until completely dissolved. Next, we do filtration - we pass the mixture through special paper or a napkin. You should get about 100 grams of sodium tetraborate.
Boric acid70
2.Water200 mlFinely chop the laundry soap using a grater. To start, 1 teaspoon is enough. Pour 200 ml of water into a glass container, add boric acid and gradually add crushed laundry soap. Place the mixture in the microwave for a couple of minutes. We filter and get borax.
Boric acid5
Laundry soap50
3.Powdered borax20This recipe involves obtaining sodium tetraborate in liquid form. Simply mix borax powder with glycerin and leave for a day.

Although borax itself is not a highly toxic substance, constant exposure to human skin can lead to dermatitis. If a person, due to his profession, periodically interacts with this inorganic compound, I strongly recommend using gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

What kind of workwear should a welder have?

This concludes the analysis of the concept of what borax is. I hope that the information provided was of value to you. Share in the comments where exactly you encounter sodium tetraborate in practice. Good luck and good health to you!


In the last century, the effect of the preservative E285 on the human body was not sufficiently studied.
In this regard, the substance was actively used in the food industry, for example, borax was added to butter and margarine, used in the production of pasta and rice, and some semi-finished products. Now this additive is rarely used in the food industry. This is due to the adverse effects of this chemical on human health. In some countries, E285 is used in strictly limited quantities in the production of red caviar.

If you believe most studies, the food additive E131 does not cause harm to the body, since it is completely eliminated from the body.

Owners of a mini-bakery always face a dilemma: it is better to buy a ready-made set of equipment or each device separately. You will find useful tips in this article.

You will find all the detailed information about the preservative sodium sulfite (E221) here.

Stone care

When using borax, you must take precautions: store in a closed container in a dry, dark place, use protective gloves when working and avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Previous article Mineral brookite - properties, deposits and applications Next article Mineral vanadinite - properties, significance of the stone and applications.


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