Efficacy and safety of paracetamol in patients with back pain and osteoarthritis

Effect of the drug

Paracetamol has been considered a popular and sought after pain reliever and antipyretic for half a century. Efficiency is associated with uniform distribution across tissues.

The active ingredients block the action of prostaglandins, which are sources of pain. This eliminates moderate pain. The drug also copes well with fever. This serious symptom can indicate a variety of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Before taking it, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions to prevent side effects. You should strictly follow the dosage, otherwise complications related to the functioning of the heart and kidneys may occur. The risk increases when taken concomitantly with alcoholic beverages.

Signs of poisoning do not appear immediately. Initially, your general well-being may only slightly deteriorate.

In what cases is it effective?

The drug has an effect in various febrile conditions associated with elevated temperature. Particularly effective for colds.

Paracetamol is able to cope with pain of varying intensity. It is often used for headaches and toothaches. Helps women with pain during menstruation.

The drug is allowed to be taken by pregnant women and babies from 3 months. For children there are baby candles and syrup. The product is often given to babies who are starting to cut their teeth.

When is it used?

At the moment, the pharmacological industry produces quite a lot of medicines based on paracetamol. Among them, the most famous are “Panadol” and “Efferalgan”.

Paracetamol has long been known as an antipyretic and analgesic.
This medicine has two beneficial properties at the same time:

  • Antipyretic
  • Painkiller – relieves toothache, migraine, headache, pain arising from burns and injuries

Paracetamol for fever

Paracetamol can be used at a temperature if it has reached 38.5 degrees or higher. This is explained by the fact that elevated temperature has a negative effect on harmful microorganisms, and, therefore, allows you to recover faster.

It should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage. The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of drinking water, which will speed up the absorption of the active ingredient and minimize the negative impact on the liver.

Single dose 400-500 mg. If the temperature reaches 40 degrees, the dose can be doubled.

For children and adults, a single dose is determined based on weight. A child can take the drug 4 times per day. Duration of treatment – ​​up to 3 days.

Instructions for use PARACETAMOL

IV in the form of infusion.

Paracetamol for infusion is used to quickly relieve pain and/or hyperthermic syndrome, when only intravenous administration of the drug is required. The IV duration is 15 minutes.

Patient's body weightDose per administrationVolume for injectionMaximum volume of paracetamol for infusion (10 mg/ml) per administration, which is based on the upper body weight limits of the patient group (ml)***Maximum daily dose
≤ 10 kg*7.5 mg/kg0.75 ml/kg7.5 ml30 mg/kg
> 10 kg to ≤ 33 kg15 mg/kg1.5 ml/kg49.5 ml60 mg/kg not more than 2 g
> 33kg to ≤ 50kg15 mg/kg1.5 ml/kg75 ml60 mg/kg not more than 3 g
> 50 kg with additional risk factors for hepatotoxicity1 g100 ml100 ml3 g
> 50 kg and without additional risk factors for hepatotoxicity1 g100 ml100 ml4 g

* Premature newborns:

there are no data on safety and effectiveness in this category of patients.

**Maximum daily dose.

The maximum daily dose for patients not receiving other drugs containing paracetamol, or the dose should be adjusted accordingly to take into account the use of paracetamol-containing drugs.

***Patients with lower body weight require less paracetamol.

The minimum interval between each administration of the drug should be at least 4 hours.

The minimum interval between each administration of the drug in patients with severe renal failure should be at least 6 hours.

No more than 4 doses can be administered within 24 hours.

In patients with severe renal failure (creatinine clearance <30 ml/min)

It is recommended to increase the minimum interval between each administration to 6 hours.

In adults with hepatocellular insufficiency, chronic alcoholism, chronic malnutrition (low hepatic glutathione reserves),

dehydration, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 3 g.

Patients weighing ≤10 kg:

a ready-made solution for infusion of 10 mg/ml in polymer containers is not suitable for administration to this group of patients, because it does not provide a 15-minute administration.

The volume of solution of 10 mg/ml required for administration should be taken from a polymer container and diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution to one tenth (1 volume of paracetamol solution 10 mg/ml per 9 volumes of diluent) and administered within 15 min. To measure the required volume of solution according to the child’s body weight, 5 or 10 ml syringes should be used. However, the volume should never exceed 7.5 ml per administration.

For correct dosage of the drug, you should use the instructions for use.

As with all infusion solutions that are supplied in polymer containers, it should be remembered that the infusion process must be carefully monitored, especially at the end. Such monitoring at the end of the infusion is required to avoid air embolism.

Features of application

Caution should be used when prescribing and administering paracetamol for infusion to avoid dosing errors due to confusion between milligrams (mg) and milliliters (ml), which may lead to accidental overdose and death. Take care to ensure proper dose. When filling out prescriptions, it is necessary to include both the total dose in mg and the total volume of the prescribed solution. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of dosing.

How to take for headaches

The medicine is quite effective for headaches. But when taking it, it is worth considering some features. The tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach. Before taking the pill, you need to have at least something to eat. If there is no appetite, then you can drink a glass of water.

You need to take the tablet with plain water. It is not recommended to use coffee and tea, as the effect may be reduced to zero. If unbearable pain is felt, then you can take 1000 mg of the drug at a time. You can take the medicine again after at least 4 hours. You can take no more than 4 tablets per day. This regimen does not apply to pregnant women (the dosage should be 2 times less).

Paracetamol is prescribed for migraines, which are characterized by persistent, throbbing pain, usually in one part of the head.

If the headache is associated with stress or a nervous condition, then 1 tablet is enough.

Paracetamol for colds

When a cold appears, you need to provide timely help. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. The first signs of the disease are excessive weakness and fatigue. During ARVI, a runny nose, cough, fever, muscle and joint pain appear.

Paracetamol will reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's condition.

Very often the drug is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in tablet form. If the medicine is to be taken by children, then it is worth considering an important factor - the child must weigh more than 49 kg.

Babies up to one year old can be given the drug in the form of a suspension, after a year - in the form of syrup.

In many cases, adults take 1 tablet 4 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​no more than 3 days.

Paracetamol as a remedy for toothache

The international name of the drug is acetaminophen. For several decades, paracetamol has been used both in the CIS and in other countries.

Some medicines based on paracetamol:

  • "Paracet"
  • "Calpol"
  • "Panadol"
  • "Tylenol"
  • "Efferalgan"
  • "Opradol"
  • "Akamol"
  • "Mexalen"
  • "Volpan"

Various forms of paracetamol packages can be found in pharmacies for free sale.

The forms of release of drugs based on paracetamol are also very diverse: ordinary tablets, capsules, ampoules, elixirs, syrup. The product is available at literally any pharmacy without a prescription. This method of dispensing gives people the erroneous illusion that the medicine is completely safe for health.

How to take for toothache

Often toothache catches a person at the most inopportune moment. Not in all cases it is possible to go to the dentist right away. To eliminate unbearable pain and improve the condition, you can take Paracetamol.

The drug is able to stop the production of prostaglandins, which are the source of pain. The tooth stops hurting, but the inflammatory process continues to spread. If the toothache does not go away, then you should not hesitate to go to the dentist.

You need to take the medicine after meals. Relief is observed after about 15-20 minutes. You can take the pill again no earlier than after 4 hours. You can take 4 tablets per day. Paracetamol can be taken for no more than 3 days.

Does paracetamol relieve acute toothache?

The product can successfully cope with any pain syndrome, including headache or toothache. What sets Paracetamol apart from its competitors is its good absorption: it ends up in the blood, quickly passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine begins to act approximately half an hour after administration. It does not belong to hormonal (steroid) drugs.

Paracetamol was previously thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. But the results of recent research in this area indicate that the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is minimal. At the same time, this does not mean that the drug can be taken for a long time without any control.

It is necessary to be aware that paracetamol is intended only to combat the symptoms of diseases, but has absolutely no effect on the source that caused the pain or fever.

Features of use by pregnant women

Pregnant women often complain of toothache. Most often, the cause is caries, which appears due to the fact that calcium in a woman’s body is directed to a greater extent towards the structure of the bone tissue of the unborn baby. This causes various problems, particularly with teeth.

Paracetamol is allowed to be taken by pregnant women, but precautions should be taken. The active substance can penetrate the placenta. The minimum dose of the medicine can be taken in the 2nd trimester, when the child’s organs are already formed.

Before taking it, you should consult your doctor. You can drink no more than 1 tablet per day. Repeated use may cause harm to the fetus.

Paracetamol for the treatment of nursing mothers and children

Paracetamol can be taken once by a mother while breastfeeding.

If a nursing mother needs to relieve pain, doctors recommend paracetamol. It minimally passes into milk (less than 0.25%) and does not harm the child with a single use.

Breastfeeding women with toothache should take the drug immediately after feeding. Its highest concentration in a woman’s blood is achieved half an hour after administration.

It is advisable to avoid feeding during this time. Feeding a child becomes safe a few hours after taking the drug, when it is eliminated from the body.

If a child over three years old has a toothache, you can give him half a tablet of medicine. After this, you must urgently consult a dentist to eliminate the cause of the pain.

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