Calculating the square root of a number: how to calculate it manually

When solving various problems from a mathematics and physics course, pupils and students are often faced with the need to extract roots of the second, third or nth degree. Of course, in the age of information technology it will not be difficult to solve such a problem using a calculator. However, situations arise when it is impossible to use the electronic assistant.

For example, many exams do not allow you to bring electronics. In addition, you may not have a calculator at hand. In such cases, it is useful to know at least some methods for calculating radicals manually.

What is square root

The definition of the arithmetic square root does not add clarity, but it is worth learning it:

The arithmetic square root of a non-negative number a is a non-negative number whose square is equal to a .

The definition of a square root can also be represented in the form of formulas: √a = x x2 = ax ≥ 0 a ≥ 0

From the definition it follows that a cannot be a negative number. That is, what is under the root is necessarily a positive number.

To understand why it is this way and no other way, let's look at an example.

Let's try to find the root of √-16

Here it is logical to assume that 4, but let's check: 4 * 4 = 16 - does not converge.

If - 4, then -4 * -4 = 16, (minus by minus always gives a plus).

It turns out that not a single number can give a negative result when squared.

The numbers under the root sign must be positive.

Based on the definition, the value of the root must also not be negative .

Here reasonable questions may arise as to why, for example, in the example x2 = 16, x = 4 and x = -4.

Heron's method

What to do when you need to at least approximately know what the extracted root is equal to (if it is impossible to obtain an integer value)? A quick and fairly accurate result is obtained by using Heron's method . Its essence is to use an approximate formula:

√R = √a + (R - a) / 2√a,

where R is the number whose root needs to be calculated, a is the nearest number whose root value is known.

Let's look at how the method works in practice and evaluate how accurate it is. Let's calculate what √111 is equal to. The number closest to 111 whose root is known is 121. Thus, R = 111, a = 121. Substitute the values ​​into the formula:

√111 = √121 + (111 — 121) / 2 ∙ √121 = 11 — 10 / 22 ≈ 10,55.

Now let's check the accuracy of the method:

10,55² = 111,3025.

The error of the method was approximately 0.3. If the accuracy of the method needs to be improved, you can repeat the previously described steps:

√111 = √111,3025 + (111 — 111,3025) / 2 ∙ √111,3025 = 10,55 — 0,3025 / 21,1 ≈ 10,536.

Let's check the accuracy of the calculation:

10,536² = 111,0073.

After re-applying the formula, the error became completely insignificant.

Difference between square root and arithmetic quadratic equation

First of all, to differentiate between these two concepts, remember:

  • x2 = 16 is not equal to x = √16.

These are two expressions that are not identical to each other.

  • x2 = 16 is a quadratic equation.
  • x = √ 16 is the arithmetic square root.

From the expression x2 = 16 it follows that:

  • |x| = √16, this means that x = ±√16 = ±4, x1 = 4, x2 = -4.

If the two vertical sticks next to x confuse you, read our article on the modulus of a number.

At the same time, from the expression x = √16 it follows that x = 4.

If the situation still seems confusing and illogical, just remember that a negative number can only be a solution in a quadratic equation. If the solution is “minus”, there are two options:

  1. Example solved incorrectly
  2. This is a quadratic equation.

If you take the square root of a number, you can be sure that you will get a “positive” result.

Let's look at an example to finally clarify the difference between a square root and a quadratic equation.

Two expressions are given:

  1. x2 = 36
  2. x = √36

The first expression is a quadratic equation.

|x| = √36 x1 = +6 x2 = -6.

The second expression is the arithmetic square root.

√36 = 6 x = 6.

We see that the result of solving the first expression was two numbers - negative and positive. And in the second case - only positive.

Eliminating obviously unnecessary numbers

So, we have 10 numbers - candidates for the root. We got them very quickly, without complex thinking and multiplication in a column. It's time to move on.

Believe it or not, we will now reduce the number of candidate numbers to two - again without any complicated calculations! It is enough to know the special rule. Here it is:

The last digit of the square depends only on the last digit of the original number .

In other words, just look at the last digit of the square and we will immediately understand where the original number ends.

There are only 10 digits that can come in last place. Let's try to find out what they turn into when squared. Take a look at the table:


This table is another step towards calculating the root. As you can see, the numbers in the second line turned out to be symmetrical relative to the five. For example:

22 = 4; 82 = 64 → 4.

As you can see, the last digit is the same in both cases. This means that, for example, the root of 3364 must end in 2 or 8. On the other hand, we remember the restriction from the previous paragraph. We get:

[Caption for the picture]

Red squares indicate that we do not yet know this figure. But the root lies in the range from 50 to 60, on which there are only two numbers ending in 2 and 8:

[Caption for the picture]

That's all! Of all the possible roots, we left only two options! And this is in the most difficult case, because the last digit can be 5 or 0. And then there will be only one candidate for the roots!

Writing irrational numbers using square roots

An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction.

Most often, irrational numbers can be found in the form of roots, logarithms, powers, etc.

Examples of irrational numbers:

√2 = 1,414213…;

π = 3.141592…;

e = 2.718281…. .

To simplify the writing of irrational numbers, mathematicians introduced the concept of square roots. Let's look at a couple of examples to see the square root in action.

The equation is given: x2 = 2.

We immediately run into a problem, since obviously no integer is suitable.

Let's look at the numbers to make sure:

1 * 1 = 1, 2 * 2 = 4, 3 * 3 = 9.

Negative numbers give the same result. This means that the result of the solution cannot be integers.

The solution is as follows: Build a graph of the function y = x2 . We mark the solutions on the graph: -√2; √2.

If you try to extract the square root of 2 using a calculator, the result will be as follows: √2 = 1.414213….

The answer is not written down in this form - you need to leave the square root. x2 = 2. x = √2 x = -√2.

Methods for removing roots - how to quickly remove and remove

Today, you can remove the roots that are left behind by a tree using chemical and mechanical methods.

Chemical method of uprooting - using saltpeter

This method can be considered universal. It is very often used by gardeners when fighting stumps on their site. The essence of the method is that wood residues must be burned, but only before that they must be impregnated with a strong oxidizing agent - saltpeter. You can also use saltpeter to destroy sedum in your summer cottage.

Thanks to this unique product, it is possible to burn the stump, and this can be done not only with the above-ground part, but with the roots. Before carrying out the manipulation, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Drill as large a hole as possible in the wood, using the thickest drill bits possible. Such actions should be carried out at the end of summer or early autumn.
  2. Place saltpeter into the hole made to the top . For these purposes, you can use both potassium and sodium compositions. After this, pour the saltpeter with water. This will allow for better impregnation of the wood.
  3. Cover the top of the hole with previously prepared wooden plugs. You can also use plastic wrap, which is tightly tied around the tree trunk.

Every gardener has encountered such a problem as dandelion on his plot, but this information will help you understand how to get rid of dandelions on your plot.

In the video - removing roots with saltpeter:

Leave the prepared stump in this form until next summer. Over the entire period of time, its root system will feed on saltpeter and dry out. You need to light a fire near the stump. It should burn until the remains of the wood are completely destroyed.

It may also be useful for you to learn about how to deal with bindweed in the garden.

When the top cut of the stump is concentrated at the same level with the ground, then it is worth making additional holes in it. Pour kerosene or gasoline into it.

Set this flammable mixture on fire so that combustion is maintained throughout the entire volume. As soon as the roots have completely burned out, dig up the place where the stump grew and cover it with soil.

How to dig and uproot stumps and roots

This method is characterized by its labor intensity. It can only be done if the roots are shallow and the trunk itself is of medium size. To perform this operation you must:

  1. Make a trench near the stump . Its depth will be 1 m.
  2. Using a bayonet-type shovel and an ax, you need to remove all the side branches of the root system.
  3. Using a crowbar, which must be placed under the stump, it is loosened from one side to the other.
  4. In addition, it is necessary to constantly trim the exposed lower shoots of the root system with a shovel.
  5. Once the root branches have been removed, the remains of the trunk become free and are removed from the recess.

It is also worth learning more about how to get rid of hops on the site, and what means are the most effective.

The video shows digging and uprooting roots:

Even on the site, uprooting can be done using special equipment. When the trunk diameter is less than 30 cm, a cable must be used to remove it. Hook it up by a stump and use a tractor to create traction. Using this method, the tree is cut very high - at least 1 m above ground level. In this case, the cable will be firmly fixed to the lower remnant of the stump.

If the equipment cannot drive up to the stump, then you can use a mini-tractor or winch. But then cutting off larger lateral processes needs to be done. Do this to a depth of 30 cm. And the most successful option would be to dig around the trunk to a level of 0.5 m. Another problem in the garden plot is maple, and what chemicals can be used to get rid of it is indicated here.

How to remove and destroy using stump grinding

To remove a stump, you need to use special devices that can be used to chop up the tree. Most often, forestry cutters are used. With the help of such a cutter it is possible to chop wood to a depth of up to 30 cm in one pass.

The main disadvantage of this method remains the high cost of the device. In addition, it is not advisable to buy cutters and tools for a single stump removal. It may also be useful for you to learn about how to get rid of sow thistle on your site forever, and for this you should follow the link.

The video shows the use of special equipment:

Using salt to get rid of roots

This is another option for chemically removing stumps from your property. The fact is that salt is the simplest catalyst for the process. Moreover, it is worth using table salt.
It is necessary to make a recess in the stump with a depth of 8 cm and a diameter of 10-15 mm. The more such holes there are, the better. Pour salt into the completed holes and sprinkle earth on top. The result of this treatment will be the complete destruction of the remaining wood. But it will be possible to observe this only in a year. A very interesting issue is the fight against woodlice in the garden plot, but how all the work to destroy it is carried out is described in the article at the link.

Uprooting with urea

This method is identical to where saltpeter or salt had to be used. To begin, make holes in the stump with drills. Send urea into the resulting recesses. Pour water over the top, and then wrap the stump with polyethylene. After 1-2 years, it will be possible to remove the remains of the rotted stump, and scatter fertile soil in this place.
To accommodate 1 kg of urea, approximately 30 holes will need to be made. In this case, their diameter should be about 1 cm and depth 30 cm. The consumption of urea to remove a medium-sized stump is carried out by analogy with saltpeter. Here's how to remove nettles from a site, and what chemicals should be used. This information will help you understand.

The advantages of this method include:

  • minimum physical work;
  • the soil is not saturated with nitrates;
  • complete removal of the stump, thanks to which the site can be used for subsequent development, making a flower bed or garden.

This method has its disadvantages:

  • long period of stump destruction;
  • you need to buy additional materials;
  • high consumption of chemicals.

It’s worth following the link and learning about how to get rid of burdock on your property, and what means to do it the fastest.

Removing stumps on your property is not so easy. This is quite a painstaking task, but it can still be done. In addition, each gardener will be able to determine the appropriate option for himself, taking into account the size of the stump and his capabilities. If you have nowhere to rush, then you should use chemical methods. If stump removal is an urgent matter, then you will have to spend money on purchasing special equipment or tools.

Root extraction

Solving examples with square roots is much easier if you memorize as many squares of numbers as possible. To do this, use the table -

and use it to solve puzzles.

Table of squares

Here are some examples of root extraction to help you learn how to use the table:

  • 1. Take the square root: √289

We look for the number 289 in the table, move from it to the left and up to determine the numbers that form the number we need.

Left - 1, up - 7.

Answer: √289 = 17.

  • 2. Take the square root: √3025

We look for the number 3025 in the table. Left - 5, up - 5.

Answer: √3025 = 55.

  • 3. Take the square root: √7396

We look for the number 7396 in the table.

Left - 8, up - 6.

Answer: √7396 = 86.

  • 4. Extract the root: √9025

We look for the number 9025 in the table.

Left - 9, up - 5.

Answer: √9025 = 95.

  • 5. Extract the root √1600

We are looking for the number 1600 in the table.

Left - 4, up - 0.

Answer: √1600 = 40.

Extracting a root is finding its value.

Removing the multiplier from under the root sign

It seems that we have figured out how to add a multiplier to the root. But algebra is such an algebra, so now it would be nice to remove the factor from under the root sign.

An expression is given in the form of the square root of the product.

You can probably easily find the square root of anything by now, so you know what to do.

We extract the root of all available factors.

In this expression, we can only take the square root of 4, so:

Thus, the multiplier is taken out from under the root sign.

Let's look at examples. Try to remove the factors from under the root sign yourself, checking the answers.

  1. √28
    We factor the radical expression 28 = 7*4.

    We take the root of 4. We leave the factor 7 under the root sign.

  2. Answer: according to the rule for extracting the square root of a product, Since the factor taken out must be in front of the radical sign, we swap them.
  3. Remove the factor from under the root sign in the expression: √24
    Answer: We factor the expression under the root into factors 24 = 6 * 4.
  4. Simplify the expression:

    Let us take out the factor from under the root sign in the last two expressions.

    Multiply (-4 * 4) = -16. We write the rest of the expression unchanged.

    We see that in the entire expression there is one common factor - √5. Let's take the common factor out of brackets:

    Next, we calculate everything in brackets:

Working with Variables

Apart from the definition, we know two things about roots. First, roots lower powers but add modules:

Secondly, roots can be multiplied and divided. But not always:

So far we have only trained on specific numbers. And many may wonder: why all this talk about modules and restrictions?

Now we will replace numbers with letters - and the task will become dramatically more complicated. Or it won’t become more complicated - if you carefully study what is written next. :)

3.1. Expanding a module through properties of degrees

Let's start with something simple. We already know how to get rid of the exact degree:

Let's try to apply this formula to two different expressions:

In the first line, we easily expanded the modulus, since we know that the number under the modulus is negative. Then they did the math and got the answer.

But how to expand the module in the second line? After all, the expansion rules will change depending on what value the variable takes. And if there are no additional restrictions on the variable, then the module will remain unopened. Take a look:

Replace the expression with an identically equal one that does not contain the root sign:

From the above examples it is clear:

  • In lines (2) and (4) we can expand the module without knowing anything about the variable;
  • In lines (1) and (3), the module could not be expanded.

Why? Even powers in lines (2) and (4) for any value of the variable will be a positive number or zero. Therefore, the module clearly opens with a “plus” sign.

The odd degree in lines (1) and (3) does not have this property: it can be either a positive number or a negative one. Therefore, the module cannot be opened.

Try it yourself:

Exercise. Replace the expression with an identically equal one that does not contain the root sign:

[show answer]

Even powers are always non-negative, odd powers can take any sign:

However, the modulus of odd degree can also be expanded. If the problem contains additional conditions.

3.2. Accounting for additional restrictions

Often, the problem statement itself contains restrictions on the variable, which help to unambiguously reveal the module. Example:

Simplify the expression:

We work according to the rules that we studied above:

Please note: in line (2) the even powers under the root give three non-negative numbers, so the root can be divided into three isolated factors - the domain of definition will not change; then in line (3) we see the even degree under the modulus and expand it.

Let’s write down the result again and supplement it with the initial conditions:

In the first case, the expression under the module is positive or zero, so the module is uniquely expanded with a plus sign. In the second, it is negative or zero, so the module is expanded with a minus sign:

You may be wondering: why do we write the factor 1 or −1, but not separately consider the factor 0? This is the trick of the module:

Thus, at zero the module can be expanded in any convenient way.

Try it yourself:

Exercise. Simplify the expression:

[show answer]

These were very primitive expressions that boiled down to revealing a module. We practiced an important new skill with them. Now let's use this skill to solve more interesting problems.

Comparison of square roots

We have almost thoroughly examined the arithmetic square root, learned how to multiply, divide and raise it to a power. Now you can easily enter factors under the root sign and take them out from there. All that remains is to learn how to compare roots and become an invincible theorist.

So, to understand how to compare two square roots, you need to remember a couple of rules.


  • √a < √b, then a < b
  • √a = √b, then a = b

Let's look at it with an example.

Compare two expressions: √70 and 8√2

First of all, let's transform the second expression: 8√2 = √64 * √2 = √64*2 = √128.

70 < 128.

This means that √70 < 8√2.

Let's remember

The larger the number under the root sign, the larger the root itself.

Practice comparing roots. Check your results with the answers.

  1. Compare two expressions: √50 and 9√5
    Answer: transform the expression 9√5.

    9√5 = √81 * √5 = √81*5 = √405

    50 < 405

    This means that √50 < 9√5.

  2. Compare two expressions: 6√5 and √18
    Answer: transform the expression 6√5.

    6√5 = √36 * √5 = √36*5= √180

    180 > 18

    This means that 6√5 > √18.

  3. Compare two expressions: 7√12 and √20
    Answer: transform the expression 7√12.

    7√12 = √49 * √12 = √49*12 = √588

    588 >20

    This means that 7√12 > √20.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about comparing arithmetic square roots.

The most important thing is to learn the formulas and consult a table of squares if the root values ​​are too large for easy mental calculation.

Don't be afraid to use supporting materials. Mathematics is simply created in order to surround yourself with hints and hints.

When you feel that you have become sufficiently trained in solving examples with square roots, you can afford to resort to the help of online calculators from time to time. They will help you solve examples faster and be more effective.

There are many such calculators on the Internet, here is one of them.

How to reduce roots in fractions?

If there is a square root in the denominator, then get rid of it. Multiply the numerator and denominator by the square root you want to remove. If the numerator and denominator contain numbers that can and should be reduced. Simplify such expressions as you would any fraction.

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