Dizziness, fever and even suffocation: symptoms of panic attacks and how to deal with them

What is a panic attack

A panic attack is an attack of sudden fear and severe anxiety for no apparent reason.
The origins of panic disorder are not completely clear. However, it is believed that the disease has a genetic predisposition and more often affects the fair sex. Women are more prone to panic attacks and suffer from this disorder 2-3 times more often than men. Panic attacks cannot lead to death, despite the fact that this is the feeling that most often accompanies them. The more often attacks occur, the worse the quality of life becomes. People who have repeatedly experienced panic attacks become increasingly anxious and subconsciously try to avoid places or situations where and when they succumbed to fear. Those who have at least once experienced an attack at night subsequently experience sleep disorders.

Dry mouth - what to do?

To get rid of dry mouth syndrome, you first need to eliminate the cause of the problem: quit smoking, try to be less nervous, change the dose of medications used, or change the drug altogether. In some cases a dentist in Minsk or another doctor may recommend a special drug to improve the functioning of the salivary glands, and before going to bed it is recommended to use a moisturizing mouth rinse.

If you do not deal with dry mouth, this will lead to the active development of caries and inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes, as a result of which you will need urgent dental treatment under anesthesia in order not to lose the tooth at all. You can undergo the treatment procedure without stress and discomfort at the Family Dentistry Center. Thanks to modern technologies, as well as drug sedation, eliminating any oral problem without pain and fear is not only easy, but also inexpensive. High-quality services, high-level specialists, and affordable prices - we value our patients.

What to do in case of a panic attack

The most important thing to do during a panic attack is to switch your attention. Any method is suitable for distraction. If an attack occurs in a public place, you can clench and unclench your fists, rub your earlobes, or shift from foot to foot. If panic takes you by surprise at home, try turning on music and starting to do household chores: washing dishes, dusting. Any activity that involves muscle work and requires attention is suitable.

Since a panic attack is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of stuffiness, it would be a good idea to take a couple of sips of water and concentrate on breathing. It is best to master several techniques that will quickly relieve tension. In case of an attack, start by exhaling - slow it down, and the pulse will also slow down. The ratio of the length of inhalation and exhalation should be 1:2. You can experiment and choose the technique that will help you. A smartphone can also help you take your mind off panic. Games, social networks - all this will shift attention and distract from a panic attack.

Is pneumonia contagious?

The inflammatory process in the pulmonary system most often appears due to the multiplication of the virus and as a complication of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection. In such cases, it is impossible to get sick from pneumonia itself, but it is easy to catch the disease that became the root cause. That is, pneumonia itself is not contagious, and the development of inflammation in the lungs is an independent complication that arose against the background of a weakened immune system and improper self-medication.

Can pneumonia go away on its own without treatment?

Pneumonia or pneumonia is one of the most dangerous and common diseases of the respiratory system. The danger is that specialists do not always have time to make a diagnosis in time. People do not go to the doctor with a cough and fever, but prefer to stay at home for a couple of days until the disease spreads. The condition can worsen to bilateral pneumonia, which carries severe consequences, long-term treatment or chronic diseases.

A hundred years ago, before the discovery of penicillin, pneumonia took the lives of those who fell ill. Science and medicine do not stand still - our lives have changed dramatically in a hundred years. People have antibiotics in every medicine cabinet, and hospitals carry out operations using modern equipment. However, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences, pneumonia is still on the list of the deadliest infectious diseases and should not be underestimated.

Pneumonia will not go away on its own. This disease can lead to death, so seeing a doctor is vital. Treatment for pneumonia should be prescribed by a doctor. It is he who determines whether antibiotics are needed and which ones, and also decides on the severity of the disease.

With pneumonia there is always a high temperature and a strong cough, is this true?

This is a very big and dangerous misconception. Errors in diagnosing the disease are one of the main causes of mortality from pneumonia. According to doctors, up to 30% of cases of pneumonia are not diagnosed or detected too late, since people do not see the need to see a doctor before a high temperature appears. As a result, this leads to a deterioration in the person’s condition and the development of severe complications. Asymptomatic, hidden, but real pneumonia often develops in children and the elderly. The main and most dangerous problem in diagnosing pneumonia in elderly patients is that the disease successfully disguises itself as various chronic diseases. In this case, it passes without the most important marker of the disease for us - without fever. How then do you understand that pneumonia is going away in an adult? - Monitor your body, and promptly consult a doctor if your health worsens.

If you have what signs you should consult a doctor?

  • increased sweating;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea.

By the way, the myth that pneumonia is necessarily accompanied by a severe cough is just a myth. This problem is mostly characteristic not of the older generation, but of children. There are often cases when pneumonia progresses, but there is no cough. If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not make a diagnosis, the child may experience chronic consequences.

Pneumonia in children can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath and chest pain when moving;
  • pain when turning the body
  • inability to take a deep breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • exercise intolerance;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakness;
  • the person looks pale, but with a bright, unhealthy blush.

How is pneumonia transmitted?

The disease can be transmitted in different ways, including:

  • Airborne method. During the disease, droplets form on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, which spread through the air during sneezing and coughing. You can become infected by airborne droplets in any public place: hospital, store, public transport. The pathogenic agent spreads through the air along with particles of mucus, sputum, and saliva.
  • Contact. The infection is also transmitted through contact - shaking hands, hugging, kissing. People become infected when they touch contaminated objects or when they touch their mouth, eyes, or nose with dirty hands.
  • Domestic. The infection can be transmitted through shared towels, dishes and bedding. Therefore, the patient needs to be provided with personal hygiene items, and, if possible, change and wash them more often.
  • However, personal hygiene items must be handled very carefully. It has been proven that the viral microorganism can survive up to 4 hours on any surface. Morbid bacteria are not afraid of frost; even with bleach it can be destroyed only five minutes after direct treatment.

  • Fecal. The virus survives up to two days in fecal matter with normal bowel movements. You can easily acquire the disease from improper toilet cleaning or personal hygiene. To prevent infection, especially from young children, it is important to constantly wash your hands after cleaning the child's potty, change diapers frequently and thoroughly wash the area where bowel movements occur.

How is normal anxiety different from a panic attack?

The mechanism that triggers a panic attack is no different from what causes ordinary anxiety - both are psychophysical reactions to danger. The difference is that a panic attack is a reaction to danger in the absence of danger. However, a false alarm triggers the same cascade of reactions as a normal alarm - the sympathetic system is activated, and adrenaline is released.

A panic attack can occur due to excessive physical activity, fatigue and exhaustion, as well as due to the abuse of stimulants and alcohol. In addition, stress and unresolved conflict situations can trigger an attack. A lack of understanding of one's own experiences and feelings, a tendency to avoid and ignore negative emotions also increase vulnerability to panic disorder.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia develops when bacteria and viruses, as well as foreign agents, enter the lungs and affect part or all of the lung tissue. Pathological agents enter the human body through the respiratory route, and rarely through the blood.

Why does the disease develop quickly in the body of a person with reduced immunity? Bacteria are constantly present in our body, but protective mechanisms do not allow them to multiply, causing pathology. But if the immune system is weakened, harmful microflora increases in population, which leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Viral pneumonia also often develops against the background of the spread of colds of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis). Pneumonia can also be caused by hypothermia, stress, overwork, or smoking abuse. The risk of developing the disease increases in people with chronic diseases and obesity.

How to treat panic attacks and when to see a specialist

It is necessary to contact a specialist if you have recurring panic attacks. Therapy is selected individually and, as a rule, includes psychotherapeutic work and drug therapy. Psychotherapy involves various techniques aimed at recognizing and understanding the causes of problems, teaching ways to deal with the symptoms of the disease, and relaxation methods. Psychotherapy can take place in the form of individual meetings with a psychotherapist or in the form of group sessions with other patients. Drug therapy for panic disorder is carried out with various drugs that help reduce the level of anxiety and fear. Prescription, dosage adjustment and discontinuation of treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Modern neurotechnologies can also help in the treatment of panic attacks. Methods of neurofeedback training have been developed for patients with panic disorder. During the trainings, patients learn to manage their emotional state, they form new neural connections, and their anxiety level decreases. In addition to professional help, lifestyle plays a significant role in the treatment and prevention of panic attacks. Try not to abuse alcohol and caffeine, get more rest, go in for sports, preferably yoga.

Source: https://www.wmj.ru/krasota/telo/golovokruzhenie-zhar-i-dazhe-udushe-simptomy-panicheskikh-atak-i-kak-s-nimi-borotsya-razbiraem-s-vrachom.htm

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Signs of pneumonia in an adult

When the disease appears, a person’s body temperature rises, which can reach 38°, there is general weakness throughout the body, a headache, the patient wants to lie down and relax. After a few days, a strong paroxysmal cough appears and sputum appears.

Pain in the chest, especially at the site of inflammation, as well as the appearance of shortness of breath indicate the seriousness of the situation and clearly indicate pneumonia.

General signs are listed here, but the nature and timing of their manifestation may differ depending on the type of pneumonia. With viral pneumonia, the first symptoms appear quickly and the patient feels a sharp deterioration in health. From the very beginning of the disease, muscle pain, high body temperature, severe headache, and a painful dry cough are observed.

Bacterial pneumonia, on the contrary, develops gradually. The disease begins only 2 weeks after the first symptoms appear. After this, there is a sharp relief, an improvement in the general condition of the patient, then the temperature rises sharply again, a headache occurs, the cough intensifies, and purulent sputum appears.

One of the serious types of the disease is atypical bilateral pneumonia, which extensively affects the lung tissue and develops respiratory failure. In terms of its symptoms, bilateral pneumonia resembles a cold viral infection, and the characteristic wheezing is not yet heard in the lungs. Many begin to treat themselves, which aggravates the condition.

At first, the sick person thinks that his condition has improved, the symptoms of the pathology begin to go away. But then the cough worsens and the second wave of the disease begins.

Symptoms may vary slightly in older people. First of all, a dry cough and shortness of breath appear during minor physical exertion on the body or even at rest. Often the disease occurs without fever in older people.

Pneumonia and bronchitis: what is the difference?

Both diseases affect the human respiratory system, which means they have similar symptoms. It is often difficult to distinguish the two pathologies from each other.

In most cases, it is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature to 38-39° and a feverish state. There is a slight increase in temperature. Accompanied by a strong dry cough. In some cases, sputum may appear greenish or streaked with blood. Wet cough, sputum is light in color.
When listening to the chest, “wet” rales are heard.When listening to the chest, “dry” wheezing is heard.

How is pneumonia diagnosed?

If a child suffers from the disease, you should seek examination from a pediatrician. If you are an adult, make an appointment with a therapist who will refer you to a specialist if necessary. The doctor will conduct an external examination, collect anamnesis, study the medical history and learn about the symptoms of the disease.

You will be sent for laboratory tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Sputum analysis is carried out to determine the inflammatory process in the body, as well as the causative agent of pneumonia and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Among the diagnostic research methods you will be prescribed:

  • Chest X-ray - shadows appear in the images in areas of tissue damage;
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used as additional measures when other methods do not allow an accurate diagnosis.
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