Tooth hurts after pulpitis treatment - Smile Line Dentistry
After treatment of pulpitis, the tooth hurts when pressed. What you need to know about it
Causes of pain After pulpitis, a tooth hurts for several reasons - tissue damage,
Types of human bite
All about the bite: what it is like, why it is important to monitor it and how to treat improperly grown teeth
The bite is the relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws when they are closed. Depending on the character
Do I need to dilute chlorhexidine for rinsing?
How to dilute Chlorhexidine for gargling and mouthwash? Instructions for use of "Chlorhexidine" for children and adults
Chlorhexidine (“Chlorhexidine bigluconate”) is one of the most popular gargles for general
Who is an orthopedic dentist?
Dentist orthopedic dentist: who is he and what does he do?
Author of the article: Kryukov Andrey Vladimirovich Chief physician. Expert doctor Specialization: Orthopedic dentist Total work experience: s
groups of antibiotics
11 fastest and most effective tablets for toothache
Destruction of the tissues that form the crown and root parts of the tooth invariably leads to discomfort, and
Dental pain reliever - Smile Line
11 fastest and most effective tablets for toothache
From this article you will learn: why teeth hurt, what emergency help is needed, what to do
How to help your child cope with the symptoms of ARVI?
September 9, 2022 Colds in children are one of the most exciting topics
gum rinse
Rotocan instructions for use for rinsing teeth
Description of the drug Rotokan Rotokan is available in brown glass bottles and is a liquid
What to do if your tooth hurts at night? Causes of night pain
When aching pain in a tooth appears, a person is simply no longer able to think about anything.
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal neuritis: symptoms, causes and treatment of inflammation
General information The trigeminal nerve consists of sensory and motor fibers. It originates in
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