Dentistry is a service psychologically associated with the presence of a problem or pain. People will not spontaneously go to the dentist to please themselves, as is the case with an advertisement for a beauty salon or a clothing store. Creatives should be aimed at building long-term trust and accompanied by a strong content plan. You can order creatives today using the creative exchange from Partnerkin.


Marketing in dentistry begins with outdoor advertising.

Why is that

The exterior façade is important when it comes to finding a location. In 2-3% of cases this can lead to a new client, but more often it is for orientation. No one wants a potential client to pass by their clinic. There is a layer of people who will choose dentistry close to home. They can be hooked with a sign. Task: make it in neutral colors (black, white, pastel colors).

Red, orange, yellow, any bright color is not about medicine. Never and under no circumstances. Only hospitals and intensive care units. But it’s unlikely that anyone would want their dentistry to be associated with intensive care.

Drinks for dental care

Toronto-based Canadian startup DoseBiome has created a drink that improves oral health and reduces the risk of tooth decay. The drink, called Qii, has a neutral acidity level (pH 7), so there is absolutely no risk of enamel erosion and tooth decay. Qii comes in two flavors: green tea with lemongrass and ginger, and classic oolong. According to the manufacturers, the drink does not contain sugar, does not contain gluten, GMOs and soy, and is able to freshen breath as perfectly as it quenches thirst.

External advertising

Streamers, posters, stands - all these are types of outdoor advertising. They relate to methods of attracting customers, but are already hopelessly outdated. So much so that no one steals billboards anymore. And this suggests that, in general, they are no longer needed.

Promotion of dentistry has practically nothing to do with external advertising. The only thing you can focus on is opening lighting. Then yes, one shield, streamers, balls and standard attributes. The rest is a waste of money. This is a waste of money because the decision to treat teeth is not made spontaneously.

In the CIS there are three reasons for this:

  • There is free money, and it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of everything, including teeth;
  • Severe pain that can no longer be tolerated;
  • Don’t waste money on relatives or children, let them have healthy teeth.

None of the three options is spontaneous. At the same time, there is a stereotype that dentistry is necessarily expensive. And it cannot be destroyed. Even if the clinic prices are lower than the city average. Therefore, external advertising cannot attract a client who will look, forget, and then go looking through his friends to find out which doctor performs fillings.

Stretch marks

Stretching is a pointer. It doesn't make sense to use it for anything else. It is necessary that clients do not get lost while going to the dentist. Therefore, it is recommended to use it at the nearest turn, with brief information about the clinic and a sign.

It doesn't attract the client. It’s strange to imagine a situation where a person has a sharp toothache on the street, and instead of going to the pharmacy, buying analgin, and then at home to see where he should go tomorrow, he breaks down the same day and goes to the nearest clinic.

Other types of outdoor advertising

The same is true with other types of outdoor advertising. There is no emphasis on it. Only pointers and attracting attention. This is for a hot audience. Advertising dental services through external attributes is a road to nowhere. You need to understand and remember this. You cannot attract someone from the street to dentistry.

An apple instead of a dentist consultation

No wonder there is such an English proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. “Whoever eats one apple a day does not need the services of a doctor.” The Japanese from the Matsumoto Apple Association took everything literally and came up with a way to replace an in-person consultation with a dentist using an apple. Now, to check the condition of your oral cavity, you need to buy an apple with a Dentapple sticker, take a photo of your bite on your smartphone and send the photo through an algorithmic mobile application to a dental program.

Internal advertising

Internal dental advertising is a little more complicated. The appearance of the room determines whether the client will be satisfied or not. But not as much as marketers will claim. First of all, the quality of services.

What to focus on:

  • Hall design;
  • Sterility;
  • Information booklets;
  • Stand.

Hall design in neutral, pastel colors. There can be no questions here. No holiday or mourning. Everything is everyday. Otherwise, the client will tense up, and this will create negative feelings. Sterility - don't forget about it. Shoe covers are the base. The top should be perfectly clean.

Booklets - they are needed for those who come with the client. So that they can read and find something for themselves. For example, teeth whitening. Or caries treatment. Filling, removal of nerves. Anything.

Stand - this is for clients and potential clients. The only thing you need to write there is pricing. They already learn about doctors on the official website and from friends. Nobody cares about diplomas. The prices are what worries me. It is necessary for a person to come and understand how much he will have to pay.

CHARISMA: creatives plus effective content marketing

Vladimir Kazakov, marketing expert and owner of the Madwins SMM agency, spoke about the case of promoting the CHARISMA clinic. Instagram was chosen as the main promotion channel.

The creatives retained the corporate color scheme and style; the designer made improvements. Formats used for creatives: posts and stories. It is better to place important information in stories: if it is placed in posts, after new publications it goes down in the feed and can get lost.

Different types of content have been used to increase user trust and engagement, some of them are:

  • selections of films and TV series about doctors;
  • riddles, puzzles;
  • reputational content (photos of doctors with famous people, politicians, etc.);
  • dental advice;
  • information about new products in the world of dentistry.

Results: the dentistry page has become harmonious and structured. We managed to retain the audience and get the involvement of potential clients.

Printed products

Advertising a dental clinic with an emphasis on printed materials is risky. In other niches, flyers pay off when it comes to a one-time purchase based on emotions. In this case, the amount is always limited by the spending limit: from 100 to 5,000 rubles. This is an average range of costs that cannot always be explained logically, and purchases are made on emotions. Printed products work according to different schemes. Let's discuss two common options in more detail.


Flyers are leaflets with an advertising application. A catchy title, a minimum of questions about the price, a maximum of enticing text and design. It turns out something like a catchy banner on social networks from 10 years ago. Without vulgarity and dirt.

Advertising through flyers works according to the following scheme:

  • A man walks down the street;
  • Sees someone handing out leaflets;
  • Receives or does not receive a leaflet;
  • Looks at her;
  • Throws it away or leaves it.

The last action is not important, because there is no goal for the leaflet to be preserved. It is important to convey information and show your offer. A leaflet can be effective when you need to show some kind of promotional offer or conduct PR for a limited edition product.

In that case, it might work. But in dentistry, different principles work. Even if there is now a discount for New Year, Christmas or any other holiday, people do not make decisions spontaneously. Costs in dentistry are higher than when purchased in a store. Usually 3-10 times. Therefore, the spontaneous sale option will no longer work.

Brochures business cards information sheets

Booklets, business cards and information sheets are an informational advertising format. The emphasis is not on the customer having to buy something on that day, but on telling the person something. This is a more attractive format for dentistry. It is important to talk about the doctors who work. This is the only thing that will attract customers. The reputation of a clinic can go downhill if there is no dentist there that clients go to. Not to a company, but to a person. This is the difference.

It makes sense to make business cards with information about the doctor. Information sheets showing how the price is formed. Address the main objections: cost, quality, inability to predict costs. If you act like this, advertising can work.

Setting up analytics correctly

An important thing that must be set up before launching our advertising campaign is analytics.

In this paragraph, we note the most important thing, which correct analytics in this niche cannot do without.

1) This is, of course, call tracking.

In the field of dentistry, you need to understand that the majority of leads come to us from calls. This means that you definitely need to put dynamic numbers on the landing page and add static ones to the business card of the advertising campaign . Without this, the picture will not be complete, because you simply do not see half of the applications if you focus only on metrics and analytics.

2) This is tracking analytics separately for each service area.

Why do we need these extra hemorrhoids?

Because each service has a different cost, and it is important for the advertiser to always be in the black, and not vice versa . Therefore, we cannot receive leads at one cost for general dentistry, where the average bill per client varies from 15 to 50 thousand, and for implantation, where the client spends on average on a service from 50 thousand to a million.

Obviously, in the first case, the lead should be cheaper, and in the second, we can afford to spend a little more on the user, because in the end he will pay us a little more.

To start call tracking and setting goals in analytics, it will be enough, but if we are talking about a more professional approach to business, then you should immediately think about setting up end-to-end analytics in order to see the quality of the lead, income and profitability of everything that is happening. In this way , it will be possible to control the spending of money on advertising from A to Z , but this, as I already said, will be many times more difficult.

On my own behalf, I can say that projects that start immediately with the creation of a product from 0, from the development of a landing page, to the implementation of end-to-end analytics services and the creation of advertising campaigns, have a much greater chance of success and personally appeal to me very much.

What will we have to face when working in such a niche?

  • Of course, with Yandex restrictions on targeting users by cookies. This is as sad as possible, but we managed to get some traffic in this niche from YAN, the main thing is to correctly build the structure of the advertising campaign.
  • With the fact that Yandex will ask you for documentation . This shouldn't be a problem unless you're advertising dentistry in your basement without a license.
  • With the fact that there will be many players at the auction and the cost per click is not cheap, but this is all easily regulated at the level of correct work with bids.
  • With the fact that you will have to analyze not only applications, but also calls , and this whole thing will need to be integrated into a single analytics system so as not to miss anything important.
  • Since without correctly written labels , it will be difficult for you to bring everything into a single picture of what is happening during optimization, my personal advice is to transfer all the data from the YaD and GA to at least Google Data Studio at the start.
  • With the fact that you will have to separate the pages for Yandex and Google , because Google in this niche is more conservative and will only allow a small part of the information on the landing page, unlike Yandex. Therefore, there is no point in advertising on one page for two systems.


It is a mistake to make medical advertising based on a company and brand. People do not go to a clinic, but to a person. This is the difference between the classic approach to advertising and revolving around the employee. It is recommended to attract one or two dentists with their own client base at the start.

It doesn't matter how it's done. Offer the best conditions, freedom, percentage of transactions. You need to get them first. Then the client flow will be stable and not fluctuate depending on the load of competitors. Therefore, the first step to promoting dentistry is to attract a doctor.

A promotion strategy is built around it. It is desirable that a person is known in the city - he has his own “recognizable brand”. Then in every campaign you can focus on him and the fact that he works in dentistry.

This is more difficult, but it will allow us to work through the main objection: unknown quality. Prices will come later, but you need to worry about them when the first clients appear and they have the objection “Why is it so expensive.”

Effective advertising with a small budget

There are two effective channels for advertising dentistry on small budgets: reviews on maps and newspapers. Despite the fact that the popularity of print publications is declining, the target audience of dentists is still there.

Principles of advertising in a newspaper: catchy headline, stamped text, photograph of a doctor. No more is needed. It only hurts. Stamped text is needed for that layer of target audience that reads newspapers. They develop their own disdainful attitude towards everything that does not fit into their standards. In this case, text. The more formulaic the better, but it is important not to slide into a “young, dynamically developing clinic.”

Cards are a risky moment. 2GIS, Yandex.Maps are two platforms where you can place yourself and get clients with the queries “Dentistry in the city N”. Why risk? There are competitors who will notice this and may post some negative reviews. At first it will be difficult to fight off this, and creating your own factory of positive comments is not an option. This is a waste of the budget. Therefore, you first need to test the first option - with a newspaper. If it doesn’t work out there, or it doesn’t work out as well as we would like, then move on to another format.

Prospective indirect advertising

Indirect advertising - storytelling. The only format that lives in the CIS. Stories on social networks or in Zen.

Where to upload storytelling:

  • To social network groups;
  • To city channels;
  • Try the newspaper.

For storytelling, you need to turn to copywriters. To those who work with selling texts. Informational posts will not work. We need an engaging story about how a representative of the target audience went to the dentist, had all his teeth fixed, and now everything is fine with him. Mention of a clinic or doctor - once. No more. Otherwise, it’s obvious advertising.

Features of writing ad text

Now that the requests have been collected, parsed, cleaned and divided into advertising campaigns according to their meaning, you can start writing an ad.

What features will there be when composing creatives for such a topic?

It will help us:

1) Our landing page.

Because the information in the ad text should be directly related to what the user will see when they click on the ad.


Here we can analyze problem requests and identify what worries our users most. For example, if we talk about implants, then this is:

“Is implant installation painful?”

“Is it worth installing an implant”, etc.

3)Competitor analysis

It is important to understand that you will be shown in paid search results with other players in the auction, and your advertising offer in the text will be compared by the user with the offers of competitors.

BUT this in no way means that we should copy everything that is written in their text. Our task is to stand out from the crowd , and not to be part of it (a moment of philosophy).

Where do we start compiling our creatives?

Of course, with the formation of a strategy!

The first thing to remember is that users are divided into interest groups in accordance with our query groups. And obviously each group will care about different things. And therefore, we will provide information in the text that is unique to each!

How to understand what exactly interests the user? Read the requests we have collected

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