Twin Block device - minimizing discomfort during bite correction


Bite pathologies bring enough trouble to all their “owners.” They can not only deprive a person of an attractive smile, but also cause psychological problems.

Very often, such a complication is speech defects, which are perceived by a person as especially painful.

Some suffer less, others more, but, in any case, regardless of the patient’s age (and bite deviations are considered to be a diagnosis), such anomalies require mandatory treatment.

One of the methods to solve the problem is special devices. Twin Block is a modern orthodontic design for bite correction. This will be discussed in this article.


The use of the Twin Block device is indicated in the following cases:

  • incorrect angle of inclination of individual fragments of the jaw row of one of the jaws;
  • inadequate closure of teeth, especially the frontal part, as well as the presence of sagittal spaces between organs;
  • pronounced overlap of one incisor with another;
  • in situations where the bone organs located in the central part of the jaws are in poor or no contact with each other.

Twin block device in orthodontics: reviews

  • Olga, 32 years old. The child had a sagittal gap in the teeth between the upper and lower jaws, the doctor recommended installing a twin block appliance. We managed to cope with the problem within a year, during which time the child felt well and did not experience any discomfort. I advise everyone to be treated at the A-Medic clinic!
  • Svetlana, 55 years old. The grandson was diagnosed with mesial occlusion. Friends advised me to go to the A-Medic clinic. I got acquainted with the doctors and prices in more detail, and decided to go to an appointment with an orthodontist. He conducted an examination, prescribed diagnostics and, based on the results, said to install a twin block. It's only been three months, but the results are already clearly visible.


When it comes to contraindications, experts point to their indirect nature.

So, in essence, the patient’s age group does not exclude the use of this correction method, however, the result will be weak or absent altogether.

The greatest effectiveness of the device was noted in adolescence.

The design should be used with particular caution if the patient suffers from gum disease or other dental diagnoses.

In this case, the affected area of ​​the oral cavity is first treated, and then correction is prescribed.

What is the Nance apparatus and for what purposes is it used.

Let us consider here the manufacturing technology of the Luri apparatus.

At this address see photos of the Mershon apparatus and learn about the indications for its use.

Plates – assistants to the pediatric orthodontist

The plates are used between the ages of 3 and 12 years, due to which anomalies are corrected during the active growth stage of the child’s body. The sooner you start using plates, the shorter the period of orthodontic treatment will be. Since the plates are easy to use, even the youngest patients can handle them. The adaptation period is short, usually no more than 2 - 3 days.

Fixed appliances are used, as a rule, during the period of mixed dentition - this is the age from 5 to 12 years. Such appliances can prevent crowded teeth or eliminate existing crowding. They also help the orthodontist create the necessary space for the child’s tongue, and in combination with myofunctional correction (sessions with a myofunctional therapist in our clinic), avoid bite pathologies associated with dysfunction of the muscles of the maxillofacial area (mouth breathing, inserting the tongue between the teeth and during swallowing, excessive tension in the muscles of the chin, lips, cheeks during swallowing).

Design features

The standard design of the device consists of the following elements:

  • base plates are the basis of the product, and it is they who undertake all the work to eliminate bite deviations. They are manufactured individually, taking into account the anatomical structure of the maxillofacial apparatus and the characteristics of the clinical picture of the pathology;
  • Leveling arcs are metal devices that set the plates in motion. They provide the necessary tension force, the level of which is adjusted as the treatment progresses;
  • screws - perform a fastening function and control the degree of compression of the plates. The specialist manually adjusts their location several times during the course of treatment.

It is also possible to develop and manufacture atypical Twin Block systems, taking into account individual characteristics and the goals set for the device.

How the device works

The principle of equalizing bite deviations is based on mechanical pressure on the necessary zones of the jaw row.
In this case, the pressure must be constant and a certain force load. This is provided by screw elements and leveling arches, and the direction is set by a specialist - an orthodontist.

Over time, teeth begin to change their growth trajectory, gradually taking on the correct position.

Treatment can last for many months with periodic adjustment of the tension of the arcs and correction of the screw mechanism in order to achieve the most precise impact on the desired areas.

You can learn about the operating principle of an orthodontic device from the video.

Stage two: teeth straightening with Victory braces

The patient wore Victory metal braces, chosen as one of the most reliable and inexpensive, for 10 months. During this time, the patient visited the doctor 7 times. The photographs below show several stages of teeth straightening.

At your next visit to the orthodontist:

After a few months:

The result of the second stage is that the incorrect position of the teeth is corrected, the gaps between the teeth are closed, and dental contacts are created.


If we compare the treatment process with this device and analog models, Twin Box is in a more advantageous position - a positive result comes much faster.

The main advantages of the device are highlighted:

  • the ability to use it constantly without removing it while eating;
  • a minimum period of physiological and psychological adaptation, during which the functionality of the tongue, cheeks and lips will remain fully intact;
  • the transition after wearing structures to using non-removable devices is much easier than if they were installed initially;
  • During the correction process, third-party interference in the work of the dentofacial organs is minimal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Twin-block device

The advantages of using the device include:

  • rapid achievement of results (about 8 months);
  • convenience when eating;
  • short adaptation period;
  • the ability to independently remove and install the structure;
  • Manufacturing the device does not take much time.

The disadvantage of the Twin-block device is:

  • the need for constant wearing - frequent removal of the structure from the oral cavity minimizes the result of treatment;
  • age restrictions - the greatest effectiveness of treatment is observed in patients with mixed dentition.

The duration of the active treatment period using the Twin-block device is 1 year. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to use the structure at night for two years.


Twin blocks, depending on their design features, are classified according to class and subclass affiliation according to the Engle system:

  1. Second class 1 subclass therapy is carried out for pronounced incisal overlap and arc narrowing to the desired position.
    For this purpose, the device is mounted so that each time a control inspection is carried out by a specialist, the screw is turned a little.

    So, gradually, the dental arch expands, regulating the positions of incorrectly developing organs.

  2. The second class, subclass 2 , is justified when it is necessary to eliminate the pathology of too short teeth in the lower jaw or excessive crowding of the frontal organs. In such situations, the arc tension is adjusted quite often, usually once every 4-5 days.
  3. Class 3 is acceptable for correcting the pathology of crowding of dental fragments with shortened growth anomalies. The best results are obtained when work is required on a vertical plane.

Design features of the Basharova apparatus and indications for its use.

In this publication we will discuss which devices the Angle arc belongs to.

Follow the link if you are interested in reviews about the Frenkel apparatus.


Any therapeutic manipulations require careful preliminary preparation; the success of further treatment of the disease largely depends on this.

Clinical stage

The initial stage in correcting malocclusions is an initial visit to the dentist, when the oral cavity undergoes a thorough examination.

Based on the results of the examination, a final diagnosis is made and a plan for eliminating a particular problem is developed.

This stage is called clinical. After obtaining an objective picture of the condition of the oral cavity and determining the degree of development of the pathology, anatomical templates are made - impressions .

Working copies are made, on the basis of which wax models of the future structure are cast.

Laboratory stage

At the laboratory stage, according to the developed scheme for the course of therapy and the specifics of the anatomical structure of the oral cavity, the production of a medical device is carried out.

First, a working version is made, and after trying on and adjusting the design, a permanent device is made that will be installed on the patient.

The installation procedure itself requires only one visit and takes no more than 10-15 minutes, including preparatory procedures.

After installing the Twinblock, the doctor gives additional advice and recommendations on caring for the structures and the specifics of the treatment.

The purposes for which the device is used and its design features are discussed in the video.

What is the device?

Clark's Twin Block is a functional design consisting of two base plates. It has a combined effect and is used primarily for the treatment of sagittal malocclusion pathologies. The main active element is the expansion screw on the top of the device.

Modern orthodontics often prefers this particular device due to easier patient adaptation, relative ease of construction, and high efficiency. Due to minimal discomfort, the likelihood of the patient refusing further treatment is reduced, which guarantees the achievement of the desired results.

Recommendations for wearing and care

The positive dynamics from the use of Twin Block depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on the efforts of the patient, and his compliance with the necessary requirements for wearing and caring for the device.

The following recommendations must be strictly adhered to:

  • The product must be used constantly. Do not allow yourself to remove the device even for a short period of time;
  • remove the system only when it is necessary to brush your teeth, or during sports training;
  • if there is some discomfort, increased secretion of salivary fluid, it is important to understand that this is a short-term phenomenon that will disappear spontaneously;
  • In order for positive dynamics to manifest themselves as soon as possible, you should try to stay in a state of closed jaws as much as possible. If you do this regularly, you will subsequently be able to talk in this position;
  • the structure must be cleaned regularly according to the same principle as standard treatment of the oral cavity;
  • store the product in a special container;
  • In order for the result to be permanent, after treatment with Twin Block, it is advisable to undergo a course of therapy using braces;
  • It is advisable to irrigate the oral cavity once a day with a fluoride solution.

Price list for Orthodontic treatment

Name of servicePrice
Consultation with an orthodontist1000 ₽
Diagnostic visit to an orthodontist with drawing up a treatment plan4400 ₽
Production of control diagnostic models2000 ₽
Single jaw orthodontic plate16000 ₽
Double-jaw orthodontic appliance23000 ₽
Orthodontic trainer17200 ₽
Palatal expansion device28000 ₽
Metal bracket system35000 ₽
Sapphire bracket system55000 ₽
Damon Q bracket system65000 ₽
Damon Clear bracket system70000 ₽
Activation of the bracket system (1 jaw)3000 ₽
Removing the bracket system from one jawfrom 4300 ₽
Retainer installation5100 ₽
Diagnostics of treatment using StarSmile aligners
Diagnostics includes: taking impressions of the jaws, photo protocol, image analysis (CT and TRG), treatment planning, building a computer model (Setup model) of the final result. You can learn about correcting your bite with orthodontic aligners in the article “You don’t need braces if aligners help!”
10000 ₽
Treatment with aligners. Correction of “light” defects (5-10 drops) 80000 ₽
Treatment with aligners. Correction of “medium” defects (11-20 caps) 190000 ₽
Treatment with aligners. Correction of “complex” defects (more than 21 caps) 220000 ₽
Re-making the mouthguard7500 ₽

Effect of use

The greatest effect from using the device is achieved with regular use and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.

In this case, it is possible to correct pronounced malocclusions, correct the correct growth of organs, and also achieve complete closure of the jaws.

It is best to use structures when correcting deviations in children’s bite.


If we talk about the cost of such treatment, it is quite difficult to say for sure how much it will cost. This depends on the status of the medical institution, the design features of the device, and the degree of neglect of the pathology.

On average, the price for Twin Block correction will be from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

Of course, this is expensive, but eliminating the troubles that persistent malocclusion can cause will cost much more. And no one canceled the aesthetic side.

Twin block device in orthodontics: price in Moscow

The cost of treatment using twin blocks directly depends on the characteristics of the clinical case (type of occlusion) and the chosen dentistry. Doctors at the A-Medic clinic practice high-quality orthodontic treatment. They are sufficiently qualified and have extensive experience in this field, which guarantees a positive result of therapy. At the same time, the cost of treatment is significantly lower than in other private clinics in Moscow.

You can find out more about the price list on the A-Medic dentistry website. To make an appointment, just call the clinic at the numbers provided or leave a request on the official website (indicating your name and contact number).

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