Methods for correcting the Popov-Godon phenomenon
Is there any cause for concern if you have the Popov-Godon phenomenon?
252 The flawless functioning of the human dental apparatus is possible only with the complete integrity of the jaw rows. Absence
Acyclovir dosage
Acyclovir for stomatitis in children - use and effectiveness
We talk about a cold that has popped up on our lips and immediately remember Acyclovir. It is an immunomodulator related
MTA Pro Root paste (ProRut): composition and instructions for use
ProRut is an excellent material for restoring tooth roots: simple application technique, new formula for
Increase in temperature during teething
What to do if your baby has a fever during teething
There are happy parents and babies who may not even notice how they feel in their mouths.
Choosing a treatment method for pulpitis in temporary dentition
Pulpitis is one of the most common dental diseases, which in most cases is effective
Diagnostic impression
Review of open and closed spoon methods - features, similarities and differences
Taking an impression is the most important stage of many dental procedures: diagnostic, orthodontic (bite correction), orthopedic (crowns,
silicone fingertip
How to choose an electric toothbrush for a child
A newborn's teeth erupt at 4-7 months. From this moment we need to start them
Experience in the clinical use of incisal conduction anesthesia in the treatment of maxillary incisors
This article provides a detailed step-by-step description of anesthesia techniques using the STA (Single
How many teeth does the Achatina snail have?
All about snails: a few words about shells, do snails have teeth, why mucus is needed and much more
Gastropods or simply snails are very interesting animals. They differ in their specific anatomy and physiology.
Review of mechanical orthodontic devices
Screws are widely used in orthopedic surgery as one of the main components of fixation.
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