Aquafresh toothpastes with dispenser, children's and whitening: description and features

How does Aquafresh toothpaste differ from other toothpastes?

At first, the brand produced toothpastes that prevented bleeding gums and caries, but today, under the Aquafresh brand, a wide range of oral care products is produced: several types of toothbrushes, rinses, toothpastes for prevention and treatment, as well as White Trays whitening gel strips , released already in February 2007. There is also Aquafresh toothpaste with a dispenser.

If we talk about toothpastes of this brand, they are all multi-component in their composition, but the base always includes three ingredients: a binary fluoride system, calcium carbonate and calcium glycerophosphate.

Today the company can offer a large selection of products, including several types of toothpastes.

You can immediately watch the video version of the review or read the article with a photo report. And don’t forget to watch the second part of our honest review of this toothpaste, it’s below.

The packaging contains all the information about the toothpaste: manufacturer, composition, volume, certification marks. You can find other honest reviews in our special section.

The packaging of the advertised Aquafresh brand of “Soft-Mint” toothpaste contains the following inscriptions: strong teeth, healthy gums, fresh breath, 24-hour active protection against sugar. An asterisk “*” has been added to the last inscription, which tells us that there must be special conditions for active protection.

And these special conditions are written in very fine print: protection from sugar in food is provided by fluoride when brushing your teeth twice a day. On the one hand, everything seems to be good, but on the other hand, it explicitly says that it contains fluoride, which is harmful to the teeth and the body.

Packaging of Aquafresh soft mint toothpaste

For the price of more than $2, we got a tube volume of 100 ml. The certificates on the box include: EAC - on Eurasian compliance with technical regulations.

What does this certificate say? He tells us that: toothpaste does not contain prohibited substances, harmful or dangerous substances contain no more than a certain percentage of the volume of the product. In other words, the certificate only provides a guarantee that: the product cannot cause fatal or irreparable harm to human health.

Inscriptions on the packaging for greater confidence on the part of the buyer

But each buyer needs to understand the beneficial properties of toothpaste and its effectiveness on their own! Some will go into more detail, others will not. In any case, we will take a detailed look at the Aquafresh soft-mint toothpaste and you can draw your own conclusions. After all, the paste directly interacts with the oral mucosa and some of the substances are absorbed by the body.

You can read more about certification and compliance with technical regulations to obtain them at.

Packaging and tube of Aquafresh toothpaste

Next, an important point is the country of production. In the case of Aquafresh soft mint toothpaste - Slovak Republic. On the one hand, this is Europe, on the other, it is quite difficult to judge the quality of goods produced in this country. In any case, its composition, which we will get to soon, will eloquently tell us about the quality of the paste.

Volume of a tube of Aquafresh toothpaste

More inscriptions for trust on the part of the buyer

Next, the most important point is the composition. And it includes: Aqua, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Aroma, Titanium Dioxide, PEG-6, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Saccharin, Carrageenan, Limonene, Cl 73360, Cl 74260, Cl 74160. Contains sodium fluoride. Mass fraction of fluoride 0.145%.

Certificates of Aquafresh soft-mint toothpaste

Country of production and inscription of sugar protection conditions

Now let's look at each of the components and how they affect human health:

  • Aqua is ordinary water, and the question here is what quality it was used in production;
  • Hydrated Silica - hydrated silicon dioxide - is safe for health in small doses;
  • Sorbitol - sorbitol - safe for health;
  • Glycerin - glycerin - is safe for health, but in cheap toothpastes, as in our case, animal origin can be used;
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Sodium lauryl sulfate - used to form foam, a substance harmful to the body, described in more detail in a separate article;
  • Xanthan Gum - xanthan gum/resin - thickener, safe for human health;
  • Aroma - flavoring, most likely of synthetic origin;
  • Titanium Dioxide - titanium dioxide is a contrast agent with good whitening properties. It is used to give cosmetics a white color and light resistance; if the raw materials are cheap, it is harmful to health;
  • PEG-6 - emulsifier - if the raw material is not purified, then this substance turns into a carcinogen;
  • Sodium Fluoride - sodium fluoride - according to manufacturers, is needed to strengthen enamel, but it can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system, fluorosis or death, the lethal dose for a person weighing 70 kg is 5-10 grams;
  • Sodium Saccharin - sodium saccharin - a cheap artificial sweetener, 300-500 times sweeter than sugar, this substance is banned or restricted for use in many countries, leads to various health problems, the permissible daily dose is 5 mg per 1 kg of human body weight;
  • Carrageenan - a stabilizer - causes inflammatory processes, including the gastrointestinal tract, and other diseases, including atherosclerosis;
  • Limonene - a flavoring and disinfectant component - can cause allergies;
  • Cl 73360 (red), Cl 74260 (green), Cl 74160 (blue) - synthetic dyes - can accumulate in the body, cause allergies and other health problems, have not been fully studied.

Let us separately highlight fluoride, which is contained in Aquafresh soft-mint toothpaste. This substance can displace/replace calcium from bone tissue, which causes fluorosis and brittleness of bones, including teeth. And fluoride destroys enamel, which negatively affects the protection of teeth and their sensitivity.

Composition of Aquafresh soft-mint toothpaste

The expiration date is indicated on the packaging and is 3 years. On the seam of the tube there is a production date: 05.2016.

The shelf life of the paste on the seam of the tube is until 03.2019

A tube of Aquafresh soft mint toothpaste without any sticker. But as we remember, the packaging of the paste is well sealed.

Tube of paste without sticker

Open tube, multi-colored paste and pH strip

Despite the “rainbow” coloring of the toothpaste, the smell is not very “soft”; you can smell a “sharp” mint smell. According to subjective sensations, Aquafresh flawless whitening toothpaste or Aquafresh refreshing mint toothpaste is “softer”. But some people will like such pure mint, if, of course, the composition and results of our tests are not confusing.

Testing toothpaste using pH strips. This is due to the fact that the pH balance in the body directly affects human health, the development of diseases, harmful bacteria and microorganisms. And if you use toothpastes with a poor or average pH, this will put extra stress on the body, which is forced to restore the acid-base balance after each brushing. In addition, an upset balance is an excellent environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Toothpaste applied to pH strip

Apply a little toothpaste to the pH strip and wait 1 minute, according to the instructions. After this, we compare the result on the strip with the control marks on the packaging with the strips.

Let's compare the result with the control marks

The result is an average color value between marks 5 and 6. Mark 5 means the quality of the product is below average, in our case toothpaste, and we categorically do not recommend using such a product.

Packaging and tube Aquafresh soft mint with pH strip

In our store you can buy fluoride-free toothpaste or professional whitening toothpaste.

Team 24NSP.

4.5 Rating 4.50 (4 votes)

Types of pastes

Today the company can offer customers a fairly wide selection of toothpastes.
Aquafresh “Comprehensive Protection” will provide the whole family with comprehensive care. This paste has eight benefits, as well as reinforcement with active minerals, so that you always have fresh breath and strong enamel. The cost of this toothpaste ranges from 133 to 172 rubles.

Aquafresh Complex Protection Extra Freshness toothpaste strengthens enamel, is rich in minerals and has a pleasant taste. The cost of these products is from 148 to 169 rubles.

Aquafresh “Comprehensive Protection Whitening” is a paste that is part of the “Comprehensive Protection” series, but has a slight whitening effect. The cost of this variety is from 148 to 169 rubles.

Aquafresh “Refreshing Mint” and “Soft Mint” are pastes that, when used, saturate the enamel with fluoride, which helps strengthen teeth from the inside. It also has a pleasant mint taste. How much does this Aquafresh toothpaste cost? The average price is 61 rubles.

Aquafresh High Definition is a product whose performance can be seen after just one use, as the incredibly fine Illumipearls particles remove plaque from teeth, polishing and whitening up to three times better. This is a real opportunity to achieve the desired beauty and whiteness of teeth. The average cost of toothpaste is 104 rubles.

How to choose?

There are some important selection criteria that you should pay special attention to before purchasing the right teeth cleaning formula.

Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the substance. To buy a safe toothpaste option, you need to pay attention to the ingredients it contains. All of them are produced with additional elements that can whiten, polish teeth, have a healing effect, or simply help strengthen teeth and gums.

If you don’t have any difficulties with them, then it’s better to select and purchase a hygiene product for preventive purposes and use it daily . As for special medicinal compositions, it should be remembered that when purchasing them, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of dentists.

Special pastes will help reduce the level of sensitivity and will prevent subsequent tooth decay. As a rule, this is achieved, among other things, due to the presence of calcium and strontium salts in the paste.

If you have wounds on the mucous membrane, then preference should be given to products with an antibacterial or antiseptic effect. They are typically used in small courses.

If you have caries on your teeth, then you should purchase a substance specifically designed to remove it. Dental hygiene products for caries include many different useful components. Moreover, the necessary element is calcium.

Care should be taken when choosing a composition for a child. It is recommended to consult a dentist first.

For young children, the best option would be a gel paste that does not contain small abrasive particles that can cause harm.

And also, when choosing a toothpaste for children, it is better to avoid refreshing mint products - they can cause a sharp gag reflex in children. It is worth choosing formulations with fruit flavors.

Children's toothpaste "Aquafresh"

Aquafresh Kids toothpastes help children's teeth grow healthy. Baby teeth look very cute. But it should be remembered that their enamel is 50% thinner than that of adults. The baby's first tooth has erupted, so we begin to teach him to brush. Just like adults, baby teeth are brushed 2 times a day, and then they will be strong and healthy for a long time. Aquafresh Kids toothpastes contain fluoride, which strengthens and protects teeth from sugar, which contributes to the development of caries. These toothpastes have a pleasant minty taste that children like, which also contributes to their high demand.

Aquafresh toothpastes have many advantages: the product quality is impeccable, there are no counterfeits, the composition is enriched with minerals, the paste contains a binary fluoride system that helps protect tooth enamel from acids.

Review Reviews

Many users and dentists have spoken positively about Aquafresh products. It was noted that such toothpastes can clean the oral cavity as effectively as possible and give long-lasting fresh breath.

And also some consumers noted that this toothpaste has an affordable price, it will be affordable for everyone. The products produced by this brand are absolutely safe for humans, they can be used for small children.

According to users, the product foams well and gently polishes the surface of the teeth. And many of its varieties do an excellent job of whitening without harming tooth enamel.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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