Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the neck and upper extremities


Unpleasant sensations can manifest as neck pain or shooting. Cervicago is an acute syndrome that prevents you from turning your head. Neck aching pain - cervicalgia. It happens:

  • Superficial somatic. Occurs when the skin is damaged.
  • Deep somatic. Appears when muscles and vertebrae are damaged.
  • Visceral. Occurs as a sign of an infectious disease or pathology of internal organs.

If neck pain affects neighboring areas, either cervicobrachialgia (cervicobrachial syndrome) or cervicocranialgia (unpleasant sensations spread to the back of the head and then to the entire head) is diagnosed.

Application therapy Lyapko

Lyapko applicators in various modifications (plates, rollers, application belts, application tapes) are an original, powerful device with many health-improving therapeutic capabilities.

Their action is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine - superficial multi-needle acupuncture, as well as on the general physiological mechanisms of life.

Mechanisms of action of the applicator.

The high healing effect of Lyapko applicators is due to a combination of intense reactions:

  • reflex-mechanical;
  • galvano-electric;
  • immunological.

Application therapy has a pronounced analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Improves blood circulation, lymph flow, microcirculation, reduces tissue swelling. Activates tissue mechanisms of immune defense, increases the level of its own opiate peptides and anti-stress hormones in the blood, reduces the level of sensitivity of pain receptors, has a positive psycho-emotional effect and, as a result, stimulates general human adaptation mechanisms. In contact with the skin, the applicator needles stimulate the release of a person’s internal medicines, engaging his “inner doctor” in the work.

It is important to note that local (local) improvement of blood circulation during application therapy occurs without additional stress on the heart, since the work of peripheral circulation increases and the heart rests at this time. This is very important for all categories of patients and, especially, with coronary heart disease, circulatory failure of 1-2 degrees, and elderly people.

For neck pain, many patients experience positive dynamics from Lyapko application therapy. It is combined with all types of medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. The ease of use of Lyapko application devices and their safety make it possible to carry out such procedures at home.

After removing the applicator at the site of its application, all pores are open for 10 minutes, so to improve the healing effect, you can apply ointments and creams that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Most often, discomfort occurs due to muscle spasms or muscle strain. They happen for the following reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • sudden turn of the head;
  • staying in the same position for a long time;
  • muscle overstrain during work.

The discomfort caused by these factors does not require complex treatment. As a rule, they go away on their own within 1-3 weeks.

If there is severe discomfort, numbness, the patient suffers from dizziness, impaired mobility, the causes of the illness may be much more serious. It is imperative to consult a specialist.

Acute pain syndrome is observed when:

  • problems with the spinal column: bruises, soft tissue injuries;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • radiculitis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • curvature of the spine in the cervical region;
  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • neurological diseases;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • oncology.

Depending on the disease and its degree, the pain syndrome may vary. Pathology can be suspected based on a number of accompanying signs.

Dental problems

Dental diseases

With deep caries and its complications - pulpitis, periodontitis - the pain radiates to the jaw in the area of ​​the affected tooth.

Infectious and inflammatory processes of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth - periodontitis, abscess - cause swelling, which, by squeezing the nerve endings, provokes the appearance of painful sensations in the jaw.

With increased tooth sensitivity, eating hot, cold, spicy, sour or sweet foods and drinks, and brushing your teeth cause acute pain that spreads to the jaw.

When third premolars - wisdom teeth - emerge, complications often arise: pericoronitis, inflammation of the periosteum, one of the symptoms of which is severe pain in the jaw.

Dental treatment procedures associated with violation of tissue integrity - implantation, prosthetics, tooth extraction, installation of fillings, professional teeth cleaning and whitening - contribute to the appearance of pain in the jaw.


With bruxism, involuntary grinding of teeth at night significantly increases the load on the masticatory muscles, which leads to their prolonged spasm. In this case, the correct occlusion of the dentition is disrupted with the development of pain in the jaw when chewing.

Temporomandibular joint problems

If pain occurs in the jaw when opening the mouth, this is a symptom of temporomandibular joint pathology.

Pain in the projection of the jaw is often accompanied by pain in the ear, head, and face. The causes of joint dysfunction are injuries, malocclusions, incorrectly installed dentures, arthritis, arthrosis, and hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles.

Tumors of the lower jaw

Pain in the jaw area is characteristic of benign and malignant neoplasms. Benign tumors are characterized by slow growth and lack of invasion into adjacent tissues and organs.

Malignant neoplasia rapidly progresses, pain intensifies with irradiation into the eye, temporal region, ear, jaw.

Pain in the front of the neck

Unpleasant sensations under the chin or along the entire front of the neck may indicate a number of pathologies. The list is impressive:

  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • angina pectoris;
  • cysts and abscesses;
  • inflammation of muscles, ligaments and nerves;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

It is impossible to independently determine which disease this symptom has. The cause of pain can also be pinching of blood vessels or nerves by an intervertebral disc that has become deformed.

Our Innovative Medical Center has developed a set of programs aimed at eliminating diseases without surgery or pills. The team consists of experienced doctors: neurologists, osteopaths, chiropractors, kinesiotherapists, massage therapists.

Pain under the jaw: what causes unpleasant symptoms and how to eliminate them

If you have pain under your jaw, you should not ignore the unpleasant symptoms. They can talk about a number of diseases, some of which pose a serious danger to the body. Pain can also be caused by mechanical stress. When a blow occurs, you should ensure the integrity of the jaw. In any case, you need to visit a doctor. You may need to consult a dentist, surgeon, neurologist, otolaryngologist, or others. To understand which doctor is needed, it is worth analyzing the nature and location of the pain.

Back neck pain

Changes in the spine are the main cause of aching, sharp or nagging pain in the neck area. They occur due to low physical activity and constant work at the computer. Discomfort can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis - changes in the structure of intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs (their protrusion);
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spondylosis - bone growths on the vertebrae;
  • muscle spasms;
  • vertebral fractures as a result of whiplash injuries or osteoporosis.

Pain in the back of the neck is a non-standard symptom of spinal tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, and Reiter's syndrome.

Pain syndrome in the lateral surfaces of the neck

Discomfort in these areas manifests itself as a burning, throbbing pain, sometimes accompanied by tingling. Unpleasant sensations spread to the shoulder or ear on the right or left. Sometimes they are accompanied by the appearance of secondary torticollis due to the constant tilt of the head to the affected side.

This symptom is inherent in the following pathologies:

  • problems with blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • muscle spasm due to a sharp turn of the head, hypothermia or physical exertion;
  • malignant tumors localized in the larynx, thyroid gland, pharynx.

At the initial stage of rheumatoid arthritis, pain can spread to the cervical region, back of the head, and head. When turning the head or bending the neck, it intensifies.


If unpleasant sensations rarely bother you, they may be the result of an uncomfortable sleeping position or awkward head movement. No special treatment is required. To eliminate discomfort, do exercises, light rubbing, take warm baths, it is recommended to use an orthopedic mattress and pillows. But there are situations when you urgently need a consultation with a neurologist or chiropractor.

Warning signs include:

  • stiffness of movements;
  • the duration of painful sensations is more than 1-2 days;
  • the appearance of concomitant pain in the shoulder, arm;
  • frequent headaches, especially in the back of the head, which are accompanied by dizziness;
  • numbness of fingers, hands.

If you have suffered a neck, head or spine injury and are constantly experiencing pain in these areas, we invite you to contact our Innovative Medical Center for help.

Treatment methods

If the lymph node under the jaw is inflamed, how to treat it? The choice of treatment method is influenced by the cause of the pathology and its neglect. In mild cases, if the cause is eliminated, the inflammation will stop and the lymph node will return to its previous size. If complications are detected, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medications, painkillers, antipyretics and antihistamines. It is also necessary to take vitamins to strengthen the body's defenses. Traditional medicine will help speed up the healing process and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The course of therapy takes a week and a half.

If a purulent infection occurs, then there will be a need for surgical intervention, during which the surgeon will open the inflamed lymph node and pump out the pus. Fortunately, this situation is extremely rare.

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

How to relieve neck pain with osteochondrosis

For acute pain, you need to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or use a gel or cream with an anti-inflammatory effect. You need to rub the product wherever you feel pain and numbness. If the pain intensifies when you turn your head, you should limit your movements. Do not make sudden head movements. If you have shoulder pain, do not put any weight on your arm. It is possible to use painkillers with a warming effect.

All these recommendations will help relieve pain for 1-2 days. But to prevent repeated attacks, a complete cure for osteochondrosis is necessary. Our clinic specializes in the treatment of diseases of the spine; we employ real masters of their craft. We offer both the most modern and long-proven treatment methods: Hiwamat and UVT therapy, kinesitherapy, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, osteopathy, manual therapy, taping.

Lymphatic changes as one of the causes of pain under the jaw

When discomfort occurs, it is first necessary to assess the health of the submandibular lymph nodes. It is worth excluding or confirming (if pathology is present) lymphadenitis - inflammation that develops when an infection enters the lymph nodes. The disease in its acute form is accompanied by severe pain, body temperature rises, and weakness appears. Discomfort is especially acute when pressing on a sore spot. If timely treatment is not carried out, the disease enters the chronic stage. With different forms of lymphadenitis, an abscess or phlegmon can develop - a purulent formation.

Lymph nodes can become inflamed, for example, in acute and chronic tonsillitis. In this case, it can hurt from different sides under the jaw. But other symptoms come to the fore: acute pain in the throat (especially when swallowing), purulent plaque on the tonsils, fever - even up to 40˚C.

If the lymph node in the neck hurts, this may also indicate the appearance of a neoplasm. More often these are metastases that penetrate from other organs. The nature of the pain varies. The patient has an elevated body temperature for a long time, weakness appears, and he sharply loses weight.


A neurologist is primarily involved in the treatment of neck pain. At the reception, the specialist listens to the patient’s complaints and conducts an examination. It determines the cause of the problem. Most often it becomes a deviation from the norm in the condition of the spine. These changes are the cause of the development of concomitant diseases of internal organs.

Each segment of the spinal cord is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ. When the vertebrae change position or the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, the transmission of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the internal organs is disrupted.

If the problem is in the cervical region, the ENT organs, vocal cords, thyroid and parathyroid glands, neck muscles or forearms are affected. Those. Problems with the spine and diseases of internal organs are more often diagnosed. Therefore, for aching neck pain, examination by a chiropractor is recommended. If other diseases are detected, additional examination by specialized specialists: cardiologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist.

In our Innovative Medical Center, a patient complaining of discomfort in the cervical spine undergoes a comprehensive diagnosis. The list of procedures includes:

  • blood test: general and biochemical;
  • blood test for thyroid hormone levels;
  • computed tomography of the cervical spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the neck area;
  • Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck, salivary glands, thyroid gland with Doppler ultrasound.

Using MRI, a specialist examines in detail the condition of the intervertebral discs. The method allows you to diagnose diseases in the early stages. The doctor will assess the condition of the blood flow. If there is compression of the spinal cord and its roots, he will see them in the image.

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To maintain good health after treatment, the patient should take the following preventive measures.

Prevention helps avoid relapse

  1. Exercise. Running, walking, swimming are just a couple of examples of sports disciplines that can help improve well-being and maintain proper function of the neck muscles.
  2. Physical exercise. Exercising in the morning, warming up before, during or after work - all this is also extremely beneficial for the neck and head.
  3. Maintaining correct posture. With correct posture, the work of the brain and neck muscles proceeds normally, and the person feels good.
  4. Change your diet. Add fatty fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Remove smoked, salty and spicy foods, as well as chocolate, nuts and coffee.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol have a destructive effect on the body. Getting rid of them significantly improves your health.

These measures, when carried out carefully, help maintain the good condition of the body.

Treatment of cervical pathology

After diagnosis, the doctor develops an individual treatment strategy for each patient. It takes into account the severity of changes in the affected area, concomitant diseases, age and level of physical development. A set of measures is being carried out aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes of the pathology.


The Innovative Medical Center conducts sessions using modern Hivamat 200 Evident devices and equipment for shock wave therapy. With the help of these procedures, swelling and inflammation are relieved, and blood flow in the damaged area is improved. After a course of UVT therapy, the elasticity of ligaments and tendons is restored, and metabolism is accelerated.


This method of manual therapy relieves pain and restores damaged muscles. Special thermally coated bandages are used. They are carefully fixed on the damaged part of the body.

Manual therapy

For pathologies of the cervical spine, it is performed using several techniques. The session begins with a relaxing massage with increasing tempo of kneading. The effect is felt after 1 procedure. After the course, the vertebrae return to their anatomically correct position, and muscle spasms are eliminated. Blood circulation improves, soft tissues are restored.


The procedure is indicated for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The effect on biologically active points of the body allows you to eliminate neck pain and weakness, and increase blood supply in this area.


An auxiliary method of therapy is effective for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. After the procedures, discomfort, swelling, cramps, and fatigue are eliminated. Improves blood flow, the patient’s well-being and emotional state. Either local or general massage is prescribed. Techniques are selected individually for each specific case.


Exercise therapy and classes on special decompression simulators are prescribed to strengthen the muscle corset. During the procedures, the load is removed from the spine and the risk of cartilage abrasion is minimized. A large hall with additional equipment is equipped for classes - rollers, balls. Doctors and experienced instructors supervise the exercises.

How to use the applicator, application zones

In 90% of cases it is necessary to act on the pain zone, and to increase efficiency on additional and auxiliary zones.

The general formulation should always include the core area (spine area).

The main zones are located on the back surface of the torso, head, and neck.

They are named the main ones due to the fact that the areas of skin on both sides of the spine and directly above the spine are closest to the exits of the roots of the cranial and spinal nerves and other structures.

Very important meridians also pass here, which influence all organs and systems of the body in the area in which they pass, control a person’s protective energy, and influence his resistance to diseases.

Thus, multi-needle multi-metal exposure is desirable and most effective on the area of ​​the skin surface above the spine to the right and left of the spinal column and on the back surface of the torso, head and neck. You can apply it to the spine itself.

The choice of the most important area (zone, strip, segment) of the skin on the posterior surface of the body will depend on the main diagnosis, pathology, area of ​​damage to certain organs, and the level of segmental innervation of these organs.

In the methodological recommendations for the use of Lyapko's application therapy, a schematic drawing is always given for each disease indicating the required areas of application.

Auxiliary zones are the anterior surface of the torso, head and neck. Due to the fact that the internal organs and endocrine glands are located directly under the anterior abdominal wall, under the chest, in the neck, face, exposure to them or to individual skin areas (metameres) in these areas using different metal needle applicators helps regulate, normalization, restoration, improvement and activation of the activities of these bodies. The result is achieved faster when using auxiliary zones simultaneously with the main and additional zones.

Accessory zones: zones of the skin of the lower and upper extremities, which are secondary (peripheral) in relation to the (central) structures of the spinal cord and brain. On the inner and outer surfaces of the arms and legs there are zones of “Yin” (female) and “Yang” (male) groups of channels - meridians of organs that have different groups of points that differ in purpose.

Using for applications and influencing various groups of points of certain meridian channels, we have the opportunity to further regulate (change, enhance or decrease) the activity of certain organs and systems (general action). Thus, we intensify the work when applying Lyapko applicators to the main and auxiliary zones and additionally provide a therapeutic effect.

Additional (zones of the skin of the lower and upper extremities) and auxiliary zones (the anterior surface of the torso, head and neck) should also be used in cases where, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to influence the main zone (plaster applied, wound surface). To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to include in the formulation an effect on symmetrical areas of the healthy side.

Thus, the result is achieved faster when using the main zones simultaneously with additional and auxiliary zones, or if this is not possible, then alternately.

Areas of application for neck pain (Fig. 1): main 2, 3; auxiliary 1, 4, 12, 13; additional 20, 22, 28, 31.


The following applicators are recommended. Flat applicators: “Romashka M”, “Chance”, “Needle massage pillow”, “Kvadro”, “Narodny”, “Sputnik plus”, “Insoles plus”, “Speckled”.

Application belts: “Baby”, “Universal M”, “Magic ribbon “Health”. Considering the flexibility and elasticity, small pitch of needles 4.3 of the Magic Tape “Health”, it is very comfortable to use on the neck area.

Application rollers: “Face roller M”, “Universal roller M”, “Big roller M”, “Needle ball”.

In the morning and afternoon, roll the cervical-collar area of ​​the back, head, front surface of the body, and also influence the auxiliary areas on the arms and legs; the sensations should be pleasant. They can also be used to warm up the body before a massage.

In addition to the cervical-collar zone, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to simultaneously or alternately use applicators on additional zones on the anterior surface of the body and auxiliary zones on the limbs.

It is better to complete the session by treating the feet using the Insole Plus applicator, which can also be used on all parts of the body.

The exposure time for flat applicators, belts, tapes is 20-30 minutes; Roll with rollers or a “needle ball” for 10-15 minutes.

The course of treatment is 10–14 days, which can be repeated after a break after 1–2 weeks. Such procedures can be used in courses for a long time.

For neck pain, you can use either a manual back massage or a massage using the Pharaoh massager, which can be used through thin fabric or over the body lubricated with oil or cream. The duration of the massage and its intensity determines the desired effect. Long lasting, up to 15 minutes. and more, massage promotes complete relaxation of muscles and creates a sedative (calming) effect. A short massage, 3–5–7 minutes, has a tonic (stimulating) effect. During the session, you should perform circular movements clockwise or longitudinal movements up and down.

After the massage, we recommend laying on a flat applicator for rest and relaxation.

The “Speck” applicator can be fixed on the pain area. Considering the small area of ​​influence, wearing is long - 1 - 3 hours.

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